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Everything posted by B_S

  1. Well therein lies the problem @Bruce_Butterfield. I don't step foot in that abomination.
  2. Am I the only one who has a hard time finding 15W40?
  3. B_S


    Here's another choice.
  4. I love it when my kids argue about something even though they essentially agree on the point they are arguing about. Reminds me of my parents when I was a teen.
  5. Like a 100 year old door hinge in coastal New England. That also describes how my body feels the 1st week.
  6. A new back would be nice, but I don't think think it's gonna happen...
  7. @DW here is the difference between ethanol from sugar cane and ethanol from corn:
  8. For the premium I paid for mine, I'm always going to run 93 to ensure maximum performance!
  9. You can run on 87, because the computer will adjust to it, but you will get higher performance out of this engine running premium fuel. This is stated right in the manual. This not the same thing as putting premium in an engine which is made for 87, which is what Gloerson is talking about.
  10. I had a dream last night that the ice melted off the lake over the weekend and the water warmed up so quickly that I skied and didn't even need a wetsuit. Does that count?
  11. If the water weren't so darn hard here in MI, it would be a perfect day to ski, 65 degrees, calm, and not a cloud!
  12. Big Dawg, Nate Dawg, GOAT (just call him Andy), GUT
  13. Rooster Tail, BOS, Shredder, Nauti, Master, or Bu depending on flavor preference
  14. @Wish in other words, the angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the mean of the lean, correct?
  15. Was it only 600 hours? I can't tell from the original post if that is total hours, or what they put on it in the 2 years after purchase.
  16. Haha, since I received a disagree from @Ralph Lee, I had to find a picture of that mid 80s beauty!
  17. From the 80s, the original O'brien TRC was really nice. Black with gold pinstripe and the red TRC lettering.
  18. B_S

    5.3 or 5.7

    The 5.3 will have more than enough power for you.
  19. B_S

    5.3 or 5.7

    Isn't a Promo Boat a way for the manufacturer to promote the brand? Wouldn't the manufacturer want to ensure that these boats had the latest and greatest in order to represent the brand to its fullest?
  20. B_S

    5.3 or 5.7

    I've had my 200 with the 5.3 for a full season, and it's an incredible machine. I don't know why people would be concerned with DI engines. They've been making them in large volumes for over a decade, and believe that about half of all automotive engines now come with them.
  21. Those hoses and easy to remove plugs are awesome and make me feel a little guilty, so I ran 5 gallons of rv antifreeze through just to make me feel like I was really doing something after draining...
  22. B_S

    Show us your tug

    @Wayne we have a few Pauls on the lake, but I typically ski with my wife and kids, and drive for ski club.
  23. I get lat cramps a lot during ski season, especially if I'm squished into an airplane seat. Also get a lot of lower back cramps and spasms.
  24. @Than_Bogan, that's what I'm there for!
  25. My wife and I always go out together. Before we moved, it was my wife, two of our friends who were both moms, and myself doing morning runs before work. Actually I probably skied 1/3 what they did due to work and my back issues. Now, it's typically my wife saying get up and let's go! I guess I'm lucky in that regard, because it is usually more fun and relaxed skiing with women. Nice and chill, no tantrums or putting, plus the look alot better in ski attire!
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