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Everything posted by B_S

  1. @aupatking I agree. I skied on one of those vintage Mapple-Siege Obriens for many years. Looks just like a painted version of that!
  2. B_S

    Show us your tug

    @Glock yes, we have a course tucked in on the southern end of the lake, past a no wake zone and nestled in a valley. When did you work at SSS, and was it the Service Dep't? Some of the folks here worked there when they were younger.
  3. B_S

    Show us your tug

    @RAWSki I think it will just be hanging out in the showroom all winter. My wife drives by there often since she does home care, and she waives at it when she passes by! I'm thinking of just hanging out on it with a cooler and one of those little water bottle fan thingies. I'm sure Jeff and Patti won't mind! The boat will spend the rest of its days on Lake Shannon, beginning just as soon as the lake level comes back up! The kids at ski club are going to have a sweet, new ride this summer!
  4. B_S

    Show us your tug

    Yes @thager, it was well past time to upgrade my 1992 black and yellow Ski Nautique. I wasn't planning on buying brand spanky new, but saw this one at the Christmas party, and between the color scheme and new DI Engine, I just couldn't resist!
  5. B_S

    Show us your tug

    Gonna be a looooong winter.
  6. First, that was a very cool video! In regards to cold water-fast water, I've always thought of cold water as fast becuase yes, the denser, more buoyant water makes the ski ride higher on the water, just like a faster boat speed makes the ski ride higher up on the water. That's why 60 degree water can make it feel like you're skiing at 36mph instead of 34mph, and 90 degree water can make it feel like you're skiing at 32mph instead of 34mph.
  7. Cayman2, I'm sure he meant fastest tube as perceived fast, right? How does Horton put it when talking about "fast" tubes, er skis? When you're an expert, short line tuber, you gotta make sure you get a tube that holds angle well!
  8. Same here in MI. Cold and windy every morning, water never has warmed up to a decent temp. Today's high didn't break 70, and supposed to be 43 tonight! I had to take a day trip up to the UP yesterday, and saw a number of sugar mapples turning color already. Poor kids were practicing for the ski show last night freezing their tushies off!
  9. So Parrish punked all of the major sports networks, nice!
  10. I have a '92 since I bought it new in fall of '91. Switching from 3 blade to 4 blade prop made a huge difference in the 22 off bump.
  11. Yep, find a good sports related PT, and explain that you are a slalom skier (and what that entails if they're not familiar). They can then set you up with a program based on your particular needs and goals.
  12. Love this! 2 of my favorite all time skiers, together at last, together at last!
  13. B_S


    Scary stuff. I had hardware in my back due to scoliosis from '83 until end of '11, when I had to have it dug out becuase my body decided it didn't like it in there any more and made my life particularly miserable. Lucky for me my fusion zone is T3-T11, so no neck or lumbar issues related to that. With that being said, you do have to have a "screw loose" to participate in this sport like we do!
  14. This brings back memories of when I was about 15, and tried 15 off for the 1st time (open water) after learning to slalom earlier in the summer. The driver, who is also the guy who taught us all how to ski, was a bit of a jokester and decides to pull me at about 40mph or so after telling me that 15 off will feel a lot faster. It felt a lot faster all right, especially during the OTF when I did about 15 cartwheels across the water and peeled my shorty all the way up to my crotch. I just thought everybody was laughing at my epic yard sale when they came around to get me, until they finally let me in on the "joke". Glad I was made of a better rubber compound back then!
  15. After getting up, pull down shorts, blow water out of each nostril, and do 2-3 quick hops on my ski (only first time getting up though, if I fall and start again, I do the first 2 but leave out the hops). My wife and kids think I'm wierd...
  16. Shouldn't a camo ski vest kinda look like a lake, maybe with some largesh orange dots??
  17. Pink RV anitifreeze sucked from a bucket straight from the main water intake, which I disconnect from the trans cooler. Since I have an older boat with carb, do like AB describes and fog engine at same time. Pull each plug and spray a little fogging oil into each cyclinder and crank engine. I would never dream of using green antifreeze to winterize a boat. That stuff is way too toxic, whereas the pink stuff is pretty inert. Same reason I would never use dish soap as binding lube, need to protect our lakes!
  18. Just like the voice of my wife and kids, they're super easy to ignore while I'm perusing the forurm;)
  19. I have a '92 Ski Nautique, and switched from the factory 3 blade to a CNC machined 4 blade a number of years ago in order to smooth the bump at longer longs. Worked like a charm.
  20. True @Texas6, but when you understand the sport, it is truly a beautiful thing to watch Nate ski.
  21. Looking at his 39.5 off pass, it's crazy how far outside the buoy line he is (and seems to actually be waiting for the ball)!
  22. About 120' from my bed. It takes me longer to lower the boat from the hoist than it does to get out of bed and walk down there...
  23. Me doing my best Superman impersonation about 30 years ago when I was still in my teens.
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