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Everything posted by gregy

  1. Nice videos. Was that a passenger filming or a trakker?
  2. I imagine the new owner is not going to give it up easily. I'd research it thoroughly and maybe talk to a lawyer. You know what they say about "possession being 9/10 of the law". It would suck if you were out the tax money and no boat.
  3. It's an MCX. It is dbw, I was thinking there might be a problem there. Eric, yes its still there, I was laughing when I wrote the title too. I was thinking fuel pump, but think we eliminated that by check pressure. I forgot he put new fuel filters also.
  4. I'd say get to a specialist ASAP. Orthopedist maybe. If it is a nerve problem the stretching my be aggregating it more. I had a shoulder problem last year that was effecting my left side neck, trapps, down to my forearm. Hurt so bad I couldn't sleep. Shots and therapy fixed it took a while though.
  5. @Jody Seal or anyone else. My ski partners 08 Mastercraft, Prostar 197 with Indmar engine is missing, it has just under 400hrs. Misses randomly but seems worst when turning around the islands. He replaced cap and rotor, spark plugs and didn't help. Local dealer said maybe water in the gas so he pumped it all out, no change. We put a fuel gage on fuel rail and fuel pressure was very steady. The check engine has not come on at all during this. Problem started happening sudden. Ran fine on day and then the next it started acting up.
  6. I've humbled a few trash talkers over the years. Take them to a course and see what happens. Free skiing great, I use it in the spring to get back in shape and work on technique, but add a course and its a different game.
  7. @skoot1123 the island dimensions you have there are much larger than the site we ski on and yes it is shallow and the island has eroded some over the years so the shallow extends out a ways from the island. The channel ranges for about 4 ft to 6 ft deep. The lake was originally a flood control dam that was modified into 2 separate lakes so there were some design constraints to deal with. The island is a jungle and I'd be a little scared of what critters might be living there. The larger Jump/slalom lake has lots of setup on either end and large areas for turn around, no island. The small lake with the island has plenty of room to come straight into on the no island end (but a very tight turn around). The other end you really need to go around the island otherwise the setup is to short. I'm no expert and they're people out there that have put a ton of time and thought into lake designs. My opinion: I like setting down on each end and being able to comfortable ski straight into the course. My ski partner likes to spin around without setting down. So I guess Ideally you could have an offset turn around area (island or not) and room to set down and come straight in.
  8. My bother put one of my boats on a sand bar. Bent shaft, major prop damage, bent strut, bent rudder. He had some speed with a boat load of people. So it could have been a much worse day.
  9. We have a turn island at one end of a shorter lake. It has a really short set up and the island helps. Set ups are plenty long on other lakes so not needed. I'd say no island be long setups with room to spin if needed.
  10. I got the bent, radius ends, 13" from us gear. My left elbow constantly early this summer. Since I got.the bent handle pain has gone away. I haven't misses a handle grab thanks to the radius ends.
  11. Thanks to @horton 's review I bought a curved USgear with the radius ends. After a couple of passes I didn't notice it. It really grips well. The curve helped the elbow pain. I had been using a Masterline Drew Ross handle before that, It was nice. The last Straightline handle i had sank like it had lead in it. Not sure what the difference is.
  12. @ScarletArrow I ski 2 times a week behind a 08 MC 197 TT. I do most of my skiing at 15off, 22off, and trying 28off. 22off is the worst. 22off 32mph is painfull. 22off 34mph its a little better. 28 off its not to bad. The boat handles well. Tracks pretty good. Workmanship seems nice. My point has always been that these boats are some of the most expensive of all ski boats. I just can't believe that's the best they can do and they've stuck with it this long. Definitely due for an update. I hope MC is listening.
  13. gregy

    Boat under 19K

    @escmanaze This boat could be had for a little over 19K. I have there ph # if anyone wants it. They're ready to deal. 2003 Malibu response with Monsoon, PP, low hours. Really good condition http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=18842
  14. I've been using shaving cream, it washes out right away. I used some binding lube a friend had in is boat a few weeks ago, don't know what kind it was but throughout the set I could fell my feet moving around in the boots. Went back to shaving cream the next set.
  15. I've been using shaving cream, it washes out right away. I used some binding lube a friend had in is boat a few weeks ago, don't know what kind it was but throughout the set I could fell my feet moving around in the boots. Went back to shaving cream the next set.
  16. gregy

    Boat under 19K

    @6balls, Transom Mount Flush Kit. Just a habit, I look around on Craigslist for deals. Anyway that's one of the best deals on a that year range Response I've seen. Might be worth looking into if someone is looking.
  17. gregy

    Boat under 19K

    This looks like a good deal. 02 Response OB. $14K http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/boa/3218885113.html
  18. Thought we might have something set up wrong on the 94 MC 205 but sounds like its the servo vs DBW. The PP / servo took a little getting used to compared to the ZO / DBW. I overshot the speed into gates the first few times.
  19. @Jody seal I was on the MC promo team in the 80s and 90s I know how you feel. At times I felt I had to constantly watch my boat at tournaments. I'm assuming the promo programs are still the same. With all respect, to those how don't understand how the promo programs work: These boats are owned by individuals. These boats may be used at functions outside tournaments to represent the boat Manufacturer. The individual must sell the boats themselves (or with help from the dealership) in order to get the next years boat. The Promo member gets some compensation but in no way are they making money off this when they're time and effort is considered. There were several years I had to add money above the previous years selling price to get the next years. These boats need to be kept in pristine condition so they sell easy as possible for a good price in order for the promo programs to continue. Very much like the judge situations, these promo boat owners are volunteers and folks attending the tournaments should be thankful for both. Most are but a few bad apples can cause problems, damage etc.
  20. Look on ski-it-again there is a guy there selling them.
  21. @shaneh, yes Bauman's is the name of the place, they got me going for a lot less than the dealer wanted. Dealer of coarse told me the parts couldn't be straightened. When I talked to Bauman's they said it was no problem. @rayn, maybe I should start a new thread, but I still have the SS prop on my 99 Response LX. You have any suggestions on upgrade, I looked a while back on the malibu crew website but seem like more people there worried about wake boarding performance.
  22. I usually wear an xl but I like my t-shirts loose.
  23. There's a place in Houston that can straighten shafts. I had them straighten the prop shafts twice on different boats. They straightened the strut once. Put it back in and worked fine. If he ran it that long definitely could have damaged other things, transmission, fiberglass around strut etc. They tried to straighten the rudder but didn't work. These guys work on props the size of houses so they know what they're doing. I had some small cracks around the strut mount the time I put one of my boats on a sand bar. I took a chance and put it back together without address the cracks and it worked fine.
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