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Posts posted by fu_man

  1. The fact that 2 ski line tricks are worth less than 1 ski line tricks is BS. Getting your foot over the line is one thing. Getting it over the line with a ski attached is another. (Especially in those days. Those old skis are heavy.)


    Sorry, but I dig this stuff way more than flips.

  2. I will be near Cooperstown next week for my son's baseball tournament and I was looking to ski while there. I looked at the website for Pangea Puddle, but the website does not look like it has been updated in some time and it was not processing email on the contact form. I left a message for George Vosburg's cell but have not heard back yet.


    Any other suggestions/sites?


    Thanks in advance.

  3. I have an 03 Outback. Great boat. That being said I cannot really comment on the 02 as I know the boat was updated in 03. I did notice that the 02 was the only Outback that was not USAWS tournament approved but I have no idea why its not on the list. The carb'd Assault on mine has been plenty to pull long line footers.
  4. Clearly I am not going to argue with @twhisper however, I think this photo serves as proof as to why there is confusion about this. This image is Lucky Lowe and his legs look pretty straight. Apologies for the grainy image. It is a screen shot from youtube probably from a VHS tape.




  5. I go out of my way to avoid the blue loctite. (Auto spell wants to change that to lactate!) It was on a previous ski of mine. That stuff along with scale build up over time makes it hard to remove the screws. I was worried about stripping the screw or fouling the insert. Now I use rubber washers to prevent screws from loosening.
  6. Surf boats on a 220' wide lake? Won't that trash the shoreline rapidly? 210 units sharing 2 little ski pits and 2 days a week is no wake? Only allowing 10 minute sets? This just does not sound appealing regardless of what kind of recreation you may want to pursue on the lakes. There are about 200 lake/channel front homes on our lake but it is 375+ acres.
  7. The side profile, the bow profile, and the color/lines where the underside of the bow meet the side on the Nautique strangely reminds me of a futuristic version of a Glastron tri-hull.
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