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Posts posted by fu_man

  1. I went surfing earlier this week. (The proper way. At a beach, not behind a boat.) It was awesome! I ski RFF and ended up the same way on the surf board. Didn't put much thought into it, that's just the way it happened. Apparently this is "goofy-footed" in the surf world. It worked pretty well for me. The direction of the wave meant I was on my toes rather than on my heels which felt pretty automatic.


    In skiing the front foot dominates. In surfing apparently this is not necessarily the case. I could be wrong about this; I'm a complete noob at surfing. For those of you that surf, do you ski and surf with the same foot forward?

  2. Contacts never fit me right. Slight astigmatism but barely. Regular contacts didn't fit right, astigmatism contacts didn't fit right. I would get water in my eye and it seemed like it would weigh down the contact and pull away from my eye or droop down. So I couldn't see clearly with them or without them.


    Ultimately I went the LASIK route and couldn't be happier. Worth every penny if you can swing it.

  3. As I pulled up the web page today I was thinking that the forums have been a little slow and boring lately. This stuff is really cool! This coming from a guy who used to only slalom. Trick skiing is fun.


    A few years ago Horton would not have allowed this trick skiing smut on his website. Now he is promoting it.

  4. @andjules Jeez. That course in Hungary.....That is insanely narrow! How many skiers take an occasional OTF and end up 10-15 ft outside the buoy line? The kind where you are sure you are going OTF then for a moment think you might be OK, only to finally come to the realization that you are definitely going OTF. Happens to me at least once a year.
  5. Not sure where you are on your lake. If your shore is on an open part of the lake where large sheets of ice will move, I would remove it. I am tucked in a small dead end channel where the ice won't move in large sheets/chunks so I leave the lift in. My pier sits on pallets so I remove it. If you are new to your lake, ask your neighbors what they think.
  6. They run small. Even Wileys. I have small feet. Size 9. I needed a Wiley Large to get the loop over my arch. The Radar medium loop didn't cover past the ball area of my foot. I think the issue is the Radar RTP has about 1/4 inch foam pad on the base of the plate. If you get just a plate without the foam you will have more room for your foot. You might alternatively rip/scrape the pad off your plate and replace with sandpaper-type stair tread grip.
  7. I can't say whether the flips are harder or not (maybe these pros just make them look easier), but I agree the old school pass looks more impressive. It's too bad the point values are weighted towards flips. If the point values were different or there were less flips allowed it might encourage people to put some old school tricks back in. Probably an argument for a different thread.
  8. No ZO on my boat, but I don't miss it. I don't ski tournaments and we are usually tricking on my boat anyway. I ski the course on my buddy's lake on his boat.


    I think you did answer your own question.

  9. Here is the question: "What do I get for financing 30K? Is it worth it to me?"


    If I remember correctly you just upgraded to ZO this year to last correct? Your boat skis great. Are you just itching for something new? Do you want a new, clean interior?


    It is nice to have the new, clean interior. On the other hand, sometimes I'm jealous of the guys with the old worn work-horse boat who don't have to be anal about the vinyl etc.


    I have a boat. Same as yours. The Outback is underrated. It works for me and what I need. It is paid in full. For me, finance 30k to upgrade? No thanks.

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