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Everything posted by mbabiash

  1. Vapor is a way better ski all around. I skied the arc 68 for 6 sets or so and the vapor only one set. It needs some tweaking but over all Vapor is way faster cross course turns better. Maybe a hair less stable but not enough to matter.
  2. First set last night on Rossi new numbers and it felt pretty good. Offside turn was too much for me. I'm going to try boots forward 1/8 today and then I'll try rini numbers. I ran right up to my PB on the first set and I had some big mistakes at 2 ball every pass but still ran the pass. If I can clean up the offside, I think I will love it.
  3. I saw that Detrick is on a ReV 6. Picked up a couple buoys on it too. He's knocking on the 43 off door. I've only met him once at the junior US Open several years ago but what an extremely nice guy!
  4. I will tell you that I had two girls in the front of my 200. They weren't small girls but total weight prob 300 lbs. I have never seen so much water come over the bow in my life. I was scared the nose was going in. Long story short 200 OB is worthless with people in the bow. I love my boat and luckily I live on a private lake and nobody gets in the front but I just thought I'd share my story.
  5. To be clear. I think the terminology is misleading on Goodes description. They say to decrease front fin depth. How we usually talk about this is decreasing fin length. Not overall depth.
  6. @303Skier I have a 68 and I couldn't get the offside to work at 6.865 .740. I kept adding tip til I got to 6.875 and it started working well. Then tried the deep shorter setup and it turned hard but was much slower. So I went back to stock 6.865 but moved dft to ..710 and both sides are great now. Very fast now. 29 3/4 Stock depth. Oh yeah 9 degrees instead of 9.5. Matt
  7. @swaterkd so what are your numbers now.
  8. On the 68. 2.475 6.865 .710 9 degrees 29 3/4 This is stock except dft. It came with .740. Offside was slow to come around so I added length. The ski was very good. So badals settings went back to stock length but moved fin back. Offside is perfect now and on side is not as aggressive much faster too Only 9 degrees instead of 9.5 too.
  9. I'm no where near the skier that most of you guys are but. I have skied all the skis goode has come out with from nano 1 to ReV 6. I really feel like the ReV 6 is a faster version of the nano 1. Turns as good as the nano 1 and keeps going even if your late and fast. It's really worth a try.
  10. I got new numbers from Badal. I liked the ski before. Now I love it. Thanks Greg
  11. @Lake3 Do you have contact info for badal?
  12. I wondered why no one was talking about the ReV 6 too. That's why I posted. I am one of those who ordered a flextail and wasn't told about the nano 1ft coming out. However. After trying the flextail for 30 days it just wasn't working consistently for me. One phone call and they swapped it out for the nano 1ft at no charge. Not even extra shopping. Unfortunately I didn't care for that ski either. Sold that one and bought the ReV 6. I love this ski. Turns like a nano one and has cross course speed like the flextail. I did demo the ARC for several days out in California. It was easy to ride but it just didn't perform like the ReV 6. For what it's worth.
  13. Any one have a 68 ReV 6 that wants to share their numbers? Mine is working very well. Just wondering if there are different numbers I haven't tried yet. Best ski I've been on.
  14. My Velcro on the back of the hand has always lifted up but that small extra Velcro tab holds well. Kind of bothers me to look at but the fit is great. They've never hurt my hands. Grip is fantastic. My backup pair comes Thursday. First pair is holding up great.
  15. Chet noticed this same thing on my ski. He added a little depth and it cured it. He said that the ski was hunting and wanting to roll over to quickly. Just a thought.
  16. Great to hear! I don't mind waiting. I just haven't heard back from him on the status of my order. Thanks for the info @MS and @thager
  17. @ms Any word on what's going on with your neighbor and Mikro-just. I found a used one that I can buy but I'd need my 80$ back. I'd love to support him and buy a new one but........ Thanks Matt
  18. I'm having trouble getting in contact with him. I ordered a Mikro-just few weeks back and he got back with me to tell me they were out of stock but that it would ship in a few days. I've emailed him several times with no response. Anyone know a different way to contact him?
  19. I know we are still off topic but Toto Wolff at Mercedes just said Alonzo could replace Rosberg if they can't negotiate his contract. @Horton How will it feel to have Alonzo and hamilton as teammates. I'm with you. Hamilton is a complete D Bag.
  20. I had video coaching from CP last season and I plan on doing more this year. Unless it's changed, I sent 3 or more passes to Chris last year each lesson. He's a great coach. My gate is so much better now and I'm skiing much better as a result of his coaching.
  21. Sorry it's a hyperlite my son has a liquid force one that's basically the same that came from perfski Wish they weren't wakeboard brands but........ About 40 $ though.
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