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Everything posted by cragginshred

  1. And there's No hurricane season! We just have to watch out for rattlesnakes in the boat house
  2. Mammoth is up to 20' and the resorts near me are closed to keep avalanche's to a minimal.
  3. Awesome I will plan to visit there sometime!
  4. Flooding in the Cali foothills too. If wee can keep all the water from flowing to LA much of the Nor Cal lakes should be filling. Many are releasing water due capacity issues. Stoked about all the water tho!
  5. My wife gave me a 'Go' card to go to Ski paradise so I started doing some research on pricing and logistics. Sounds like flying into Houston with lay over then on to Acupolco is the way to go. Need info on getting my ski there. Just got the 2017Radar Vapor pro and really love it so trying a different ski even with my boots on a new site would not be the best idea. Who has been? Thoughts on the skiing there and how did you get your ski there? Thanks, Don
  6. Masterline handle sinks......................did they start making one that floats??
  7. I can make -22 back to back off the dock always and make generally run 2 -28's in the same set. I have not tried -32 yet and do have a -30 loop in my 'progressor line' rope. I really would like to be done with the -22 loop but with -28 being my hardest line length currently with a lot of improvement needed there I am not sure that is the best idea What made you opt to forgo the -22 loop?
  8. Comparing this drop in from my 1st set a slightly better job in progressively building load off the glide with much less 'Cow bell'! @bishop8950 recognize the site? Thanks again for the McCullogh hook up! 2017 Radar Vapor pro here by the way -really gets the tips back down when on the tail like I like to do! https://youtu.be/RwiWHNiqheQ
  9. @Bruce_Butterfield you are exactly right. I need more width as you will see here. This is the too much cow bell off the glide you will see me 'spike the load' resulting in a way different 1 ball than the following vid https://youtu.be/QnHOV248_1o
  10. Video issue loading....when I drop video file here it says 'File not allowed' on Mac and PC platforms - I cannot get a response about this. Focus point as gist of thread:.... speed as a result of not dropping in to gate with progressive lean resulting in skiing toward one ball as opposed to a decelerated outbound pre turn. Hence the question; 'How do you get a consistent gate especially at your shorter line lengths'? @bishop8950 perfect answer! Can you expand on 'feeding your ski out off the second wake' especially when this does not seem to come natural? @Ral -28/33. mph (winter speed)
  11. Is you tube the only way to post video here? Really degrades the video..
  12. @ral although I run it more and more often my hardest line length is -28, but for the sake of argument this should apply to anyone trying to consistently ski into the next loop -the skier tends to get on the 'cow bell' too hard coming through the gates. @Horton thanks! We started saying this last summer. One of the lake owners said 'less cowbell' following a crash and it just kinda stuck!
  13. I can get so caught up in various micro managing of the turn other aspects of the pass but yesterday I watched 2 different sets on video and the glaring difference was set 1 I progressively dropped into my lean through the gates resulting in a slow 1 ball and running my hardest pass with good decelerated in the pre turn and subsequent controlled speed. Set 2 I abruptly got in my lean and went flying into 1 ball then stood on the tail............ made the opener and 1/5 tries at shorter line after that. How do you keep from hauling arse into 1 ball CONSISTENTLY? Also at your harder pass line lengths do you find you go too hard and fast into 1 or tend to?
  14. Instagram rocks due to no political drama, killer pics and videos!
  15. Follow link to see -22 and -28 passes below the comments of the 1st vid -easy to impress non skiers ha ha !! https://www.facebook.com/don.anderson.54772
  16. @jimbrake thanks you are right about being rushed off the 1/3/5 this also seems to hinder the ski from finishing it's turn. I see a bit of lean back (brake) versus out with hips in the pull out too.....What is the key to fixing this? Isn't the pull out a good place to start working on it? I notice Regina, Terry and many others really so an exaggerated hip drop so to speak on their pull out then they stand straight up in the glide. Badal does that then seems to do a front knee flex just as he drops into the gate.
  17. See link below which has -22 and -28 sorry so shaky Wakeye issues despite buying extra $100 stabilizer part
  18. Thanks for all the comments! @ToddL -spot on. As I said in the OP I think I was jamming the ski (resulting in a slight loss of balance inward -Offside) due to still getting used to the 2017 Vapor pro AND the faster water and being at my shortest line length. @Deep11 kudos for watching my video from pervious posts to have a good idea of what it looked like and good advice!! I actually have footage from last Sunday but my Wakeye is still super shaky despite buying that extra stabilizer part for $100. I may still post it later this weekend!
  19. @wtrskior good to know they cleaned it up. In the 90's when climbing was first developed in the Railey sector friends went. They got huts on the beach for something like 6$ a night. They said Bangkok air quality made them cough for days with headaches as well. Site looks rad with excellent currency exchange!
  20. I like keeping it simple! I generally only think about 2 things to focus on going into a set. Shoulders level seems easier that head level. I have thought about the shnitz Hat trick to get feedback as to where my heads at, otherwise I am not too sure if its level or not. Shoulders open down course seems more straight forward and easier to monitor for me.
  21. Is that why the air looks gray? Ray lay bay (sp)? is a uber killer climbing destination and about 4 hours away from Bangkok where I hear the air is about as polluted as anywhere in the planet.
  22. At my shortest line length I tend to as Brooks calls it 'tipping' or tip my torso to the inside at the last minute while apexing on the offside turn. Apart from the obvious of 'stand tall going into the turn' advice and 'back shoulder pressure all the way out to the ball', what do you suggest? Last Sunday I was in colder faster water but still managed to get a PB the second set with 3 passes in a row at -28... a PB, despite the tipping. This was on my Radar Vapor Pro which really gets that tip down off the apex! ******Factor 1 seemed to be new faster water instead of the muddy lake I am used to, and likely pushing the ski too hard in the apex. More time on this lake to get the rhythm of the water seems to be a likely key. Thanks, Don
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