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Everything posted by ctsmith

  1. Friday afternoon, as hard as it was, I never entered the course, working in the open water with focus on "off" side. Had high hopes for Saturday but ended up skiing on a new (to me) and very challenging lake (1500 ft). Took a set to get settled in and then all focus was getting through the gate and I can't think about two things at once :) so I can't say I was able to move forward with my form. During the Friday afternoon session, focus on the back leg and proud chest seemed to be getting me somewhere. I'm anxious to try it out in the course.
  2. I've been leaning on a door handle all afternoon (pretty good prop actually). Headed home and to the lake. Stack position, stack position, stack position...........
  3. Todd, my boss is looking at me like I am crazy (as I'm doing your procedures at my desk). Appreciate it. I'll report back.
  4. Goodeskier, send me a Nano One and let me try it out for a few months.
  5. Than, I did the same goofing around with the chest towards the treetops and its really does seem to stack me on land. Anxious to try it on the water. Hopefully this afternoon.
  6. ShaneH, I'm with you. I'll focus on the chest and see what happens. Crashman, I feel your pain, except I've yet to feel the magic. Klindy, I've tried that a while back. Maybe I should re-visit.
  7. Thanks guys. I'll try some open water off side drills before my next set in the course. As mentioned before, I feel it.....I get it, on the "on" side. I've yet to feel the off side. When I do, watch out! :) On a side note, how does my spray look? :) The first video posted was on a 68" Strada. The second video was on a 67" Coefficient X SL. I like the spray of the 67" Co X SL better. All kidding aside, I think I need to be on a 67" ski. I'm 5'8" and 185 with 175 in the crosshairs (started the summer at 205). I REALLY like the HO. I'd like to try a 67" Strada but unless its a lot different than the 68" I'll stay on the HO (not that the Strada is bad, but me and HO click).
  8. Disclaimer: Everything I say is probably wrong. Right or wrong, this is how I feel on the ski and what must be overcome. Greg, I appreciate your comments. No doubt I am dropping my hips back on side. What you are saying definitely applies to my on side. The problem with off side is that I can never get them up in the first place. Off side is not just a matter of doing it. It feels like I am being pulled head first out of the turn and no matter how determined or strong, I can't get my shoulders back and hips forward. This is why I am trying to focus on something else. I know that the position is the ultimate objective, but the "thought" of doing it isn't getting me there. Check out the 11-12 second mark in the most recent video.
  9. 68" Strada 2011 model excellent condition. No blemishes with exception of the expected scuffs under the bindings. I would like to trade for 67" Strada. Open to other 67" skis but prefer strada. This ski was purchased as a closeout late 2011 and not skied until 2012. I am a weekend warrior, averaging less than 2 sets per week. In other words, the ski has very little use.
  10. I think what bogboy is saying that all that stuff is heard ad nauseam. Finding what works for you is the quest. For me I think the back leg is the key to the hips and shoulders. On the few occasions that i get my weight on the front i notice a much more stacked position out of the turn.
  11. Not the best video, but here's a few passes from yesterday. https://vimeo.com/68815296
  12. @Horton Back leg straight seems to feel natural and get me in a better position that anything else. I'll give it a shot. @Chef23 I've heard it a million times but until I watched slow motion video it didn't ring home. The light bulb finally came on. If your struggling partner hasn't seen himself on video lately its worth the effort. I am 100% focused on this now and I'll get it worked out!
  13. From a novice perspective, everything follows my eyes. Surely it couldn't be as simple as making sure she turns her head and finds the next ball???
  14. Yesterday was better. Most passes were successful with a little better form. Because of the setting sun and rookie videographer (my 8 year old), only one pass was adequately captured (maybe three, we'll see). I'll try to post it up tonight. I did a slightly better job of getting the front ankle bent/knee forward. But in the apex of the offside turn I still completely straighten my front leg. Aint slow motion video cool! I can be told it 1000 times but it really sinks in when you see it.
  15. Roger that! If Kieth would have been in the boat in the video, on the gate glide he'd be shaking the rope and motioning to bend the ankle. If you start bad it doesn't get any better.
  16. Truer words have not been said!
  17. Appreciate the comments. If no fires pop up in the next few hours I'll get the the lake and give it a go (only get to ski on average 3 sets a week). This time baby girl (8) will be in tow. If I can convince her to run the Ipad it will be interesting!
  18. I'm hoping to ski this afternoon. Will focus on bent front knee and ankle. Of course, Albritton has been telling me that every time I'm fortunate enough to ski with him. Can't drill it through my thick skull. I was hoping you guys had lightning in a bottle. I mean, this is easy, right? 14 year old girls running into 38 off consistently. Surely I can do it.
  19. I guess video can only help but its painful. And yes I need yoga. BAD tight. 5'8" 185 lbs. Excuse the boat path and sound effects. My wife and 11 year old daughter (running IPad) only do this out of love and pity. Speed was suppose to be 28 on first and 30 coming back. https://vimeo.com/68001264
  20. I'm at 15 off 28/30/32 mph. Run 28 most all the time, 30 sometimes, and best is 5 at 32 mph. My on side can not be described as good, but we'll say its not bad. My off side is terrible. I can't seem to get a stacked position out of 1/3/5 (RFF). The problem starts pre-turn and only gets worse. But first I need to get the foundation fixed. I am riding the tail through the entire course. You can see air between the ski and water under the front boot most of the time. Obviously I need to get more weight on the front foot but I seem to struggle continually with it. My only excuse is very tight achilles (tore both of them on a dirt bike huge flat landing). When I am in a good solid skiing stance over my front foot, it is nearly impossible to get my rear foot's heel on the ground. When my rear heel goes to the ground it pulls my balance from the front foot to the rear. You guys know of any tricks to help me focus more on the front foot pressure, or overcome tight ankles/achilles?
  21. To be clear, you are referring to the remoteness of the location and the body guard has nothing to do with me personally. (Right?)
  22. Motion detector technology? Heck, its been turning on security lights for 30 years. Doubt there's a way to apply it, especially floating in the water.
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