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Everything posted by wski1831

  1. Does anyone know if you do the refresher early if it moves your renewal date sooner?
  2. Thanks for the replies @Mastercrafter@RAWSki and @ScottScott. I emailed MCpartsdepot the number they gave me for the filter is 155199. I'm surprised there isn't some kind of element. I did also see the recommendation to change it yearly. Anyone else doing this?
  3. Somewhat off topic, but I have a 17 Mastercraft. Is the fuel filter in the tank? Is it easy to replace? thanks
  4. I have a 17 mastercraft. I've had good luck with Interstate. That being said I replaced my battery last year before it went bad.
  5. Nothing like a good game of pig on a trick ski
  6. I had an older Master Craft (1991) with the same issue. The dealer at the time said it had to be pressed in, so I had them do it. Hinsight I would try it myself or replace the whole thing. It sat at the dealer for several weeks. I'd suggest contacting the dealer and ask them to send you a new one. This is what I saw on Master Craft Parts.com.Raw Water Pump Assembly. Part #MV8V-1072. For All Open Cooled Engines Except 7.4L. Ilmore seems very proprietary, but if there's a number you might find a kit, or at least cheaper. Good luck.
  7. This is what we use. Its a 3" pvc pipe with 21/2" steel weight.Anchor System.pdf
  8. Apparently I need to proofread better. Manufactures don’t want exposure to CO.
  9. Just weighed the counter weight cable and all is almost #10 pounds. @Horton yes our water level varies 1-2’. @lpskier they don’t look oversized. Essentially if they float almost enough they have no wrinkles. @Gloerson I like the addition of a sub float. It looks like we need to lighten the weights and add sun floats.
  10. It’s my understanding the reason they wit Doug the showered was to keep people off the swim board with the boat idling
  11. We just reinstalled our Wally buoys. We use an 8 pound counter weight (I think might be 7) they seem to float at maybe 1/4 of buoy visible. We’re going to try a little more air before cutting or drilling the counterweights. Anyone else using counterweights with Wally’s.
  12. Doug skied with me on Wednesday. According to Doug was cold but warmer than lakeside
  13. I tried to have an O’Neill dry suit repaired at O’Neill yesterday. They only repair suits less than a year old. I miss the local company.
  14. Skied today air high 70’s water was 69. Supposed to cool off and lots of wind this weekend
  15. Western regionals are not confirmed for 2023. 2024 will be wet set
  16. Pat Kennelly’s water ski world. https://www.google.com/search?q=pat+kennellys+water+ski+world&client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ALiCzsbatBv1PmAIhnSW2-PMVrxVIWS2Jg%3A1662572010604&ei=6tUYY6PAJODfkPIPo6Gl8A0&oq=pat+kennellys+water+ski+world&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBwghEKABEAoyBwghEKABEAoyBwghEKABEAoyBQghEKsCMgUIIRCrAjoHCAAQRxCwAzoHCAAQsQMQQzoFCAAQkQI6BQgAEIAEOgYIABAeEAc6CAgAEB4QCBAHOgcIABAeEKIEOgUIABCGAzoFCAAQogQ6CAgAEB4QCBANOgQIHhAKSgQIQRgAUOVeWOrsAWCl8wFoA3ABeACAAeIFiAHHeZIBCzMtNC4xMy4xMC4zmAEAoAEByAEIuAEDwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#
  17. I thought there was some kind of fix for the fuel gauge. Like a different sender? I’m filling with 5 gallon cans. Tough to fill and not overfill.
  18. There is Kelly lake in Watsonville but you have to live on the lake. The closest is Berkeley aquatic park. Show up at 4 on Wednesday for ski league. Foster city lagoon is another salt water option. You will need to get a permit for that one.
  19. wski1831

    Old boat

    I have several friends with 2000 mastercrafts. They all have the wing rudder and “sponson kit” on them and all ski and drive well. If you want zero off you will need a new motor. It’s hard to say if it’s worth it or not, given the current price of boats.
  20. Never seen it or used it but Wally Skier has a sinkable course that might work. Or possibly an adaption of the sinking mechanism adapted to an anchored course. Regardless of what you put in I would definitely have subfloats on everything. Good luck!
  21. Had a friend with a 17. The shaft came out of the coupler. Seemed extreme to me but master craft replaced the whole transmission under warranty
  22. Keep it simple. Assess problem. If they’re face down it’s a hurry. For almost anything else an extra minute or two won’t change their prognosis. Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.
  23. Thanks for the feedback!! I have a 17 MasterCraft may be in the same boat.
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