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Everything posted by OTF

  1. Love the use of the downhill poles +10 style points
  2. With that many people having access you may as well build a high rise on each lot. I sincerely hope you do well but way too many people for a guy like me
  3. @Clydesdale just cut the ski off behind the rear boot so you’re not tempted to use that portion
  4. We had that specification a boat ago, have a neighbor that footed behind it all the time. He used a long line and usually deep water started. It was never a problem. I ran him at 38 most of the time.
  5. @adamhcaldwell I’ve done the I beam after too much Jim Beam but only on accident and it didn’t end well, you sir are an animal
  6. @Horton, I feel like maybe you designed it.......if so I’m sorry. Sorry you went and did that.
  7. @Horton here’s my best shot at that. You can copy and paste it if you’d like. Hey Moron, that is likely the worst or stupidest idea ever, I can’t decide which. Sincerely, The Intergalactic Leader
  8. @BlueSki The way things are going that thing is going to be the “Next Extreme Sport” to enter the Olympics
  9. @dbski Zakk is one of my playing heroes, way better than most give him credit for. I bought the body and neck for that one. I do have a CNC mill and have been a tool maker for 22yrs so I could make every part I guess. @cruznski Funny you say that, I am just about to start a solid walnut tele. Probably buy a Birdseye maple neck for it from Warmoth.
  10. @lpskier on the Mikro-Just product 1 click = .05
  11. Oooooopppppss too fast, here’s the pics I drink Beam and build guitars, usually in that order
  12. @AdamCord is a lot smarter than I am and he’s a lot better skier too, that I’m sure. I’m not sure how it can be reconciled or that it can. What I am sure of is what I have been doing on my ski and on those around me and it has been working consistently. Do I know why? Nope, just tried it enough times to know that for me, and seemingly those around me it’s been a consistent enough formula to share for others to try. Will it turn out that this works for the mid range skiers and not for the beyond -39,5 skiers, maybe. I’ve only played with this up to -39.5 and I’m confident in what I’ve seen to that level. Do I have perfect form? Nope. I’m guessing most don’t but that would a handy superpower.
  13. Happy New Year Ballers! Thank you all for the support of the Mikro-Just product over the years. I wanted to share with you something I was playing around with last year and for me is consistent. This is my rule of 10. Once you have your front binding in the position that works best for you take note of the water temperature. For every 10 degrees the temp increases move your binding 1 click forward, for every 10 degrees the temp decreases move your binding one click backward. If you’re lake is like ours and temps can swing 15-20 degrees in the spring and fall over a week this will save you a lot of fin adjusting. Fall of 2020 I made zero fin adjustments, just kept moving my binding back and the ski felt the same. Best Wishes for 2021 OTF
  14. @Wayne I decided the same thing for the same reason a few yrs ago and ended up back in my rear boot within a month every time. It changed for me when the heel cups came out. It was still a tough switch but I feel as secure in it after a full season and am taking less of a beating on a ankle and knee. If you find yourself struggling and frustrated try one. If going right to a RTP is too much I’d bet you could use it as an interim while making the full switch.
  15. I’m also going to sneak to Florida, high jack my buddy @The_MS boat and spend the day while he’s at work driving for any of his neighbors who want to ski.
  16. I’m going to redo the 2020 summer pace again........ Work from 7-10am, have a couple bourbons for lunch to loosen up and spend the afternoon on the water like a guy should. Winter = Working Summer = Skiing
  17. Trophy Lake Estates Pine Island, MN
  18. The_MS Are you saying the Elite is going to be a re-release this year?
  19. OTF

    Muy bueno

    When my spray is the biggest on the lake
  20. @The_MS Is going to have a tough time skiing there, that dock is all backwards from his routine. He’ll probably forget which foot goes in front
  21. @ScottScott Girlfriend won’t go, doesn’t seem so much like a problem as an opportunity.........
  22. OTF

    200 on my 200

    200 was hands down the best boat we ever had, would love to go back
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