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Everything posted by BlueSki

  1. Because Horton has a long to do list and won’t be posting his review anytime soon, I can share my experience. I’m six sets in on the C85 and may have mentioned in the new ski thread, the C85 rocks. I love my C75 and won’t sell it - back up ski - but I feel like I have a new offside with the C85. I started with stock settings - good - then boots a micro-just forward - better. Next was shorter/deeper, more angle, but could be better. Tried long/shallow like I ran my C75… awesome. This ski has a tip down attitude that just keeps the ski moving. I also feel like it is almost harder for me to get stuck on the tail, and if I do get back on the tail, I can come off of it pretty easily. Definitely worth the upgrade and the potential hit to marital bliss I took by placing the order on Mother’s Day, (No, the Mrs. was not upset.)
  2. It has been a few years. Last time FedEx was very pricey, but USPS was about $30.
  3. I’m only four sets in and loving it. So far, my offside turns are money and turns overall are smoother. Coming from the 2019 C75.
  4. @keithh2oskier there were three flex options, but the shape was consistent. Standard/Record/Insanity for use with shorter lines as flex changes.
  5. @Cooper_Trelawney that is cool to hear that you see that on your water. I paid $50 for these epoxy-filledjumpers so I could teach new skiers without having to use crappy combos. I also used to have my kids stand in front of my bindings for a faster ride than the near idle speed they were going on their own at age 4. That definitely helped hook them on the sport.
  6. I have a pair of the same MasterCraft jumpers, although mine have quite a bit of wear and some epoxy. I would never let anyone take them over the ramp given their condition, but generally speaking, how old is too old for jumpers?
  7. I wonder how many of the boats listed on SIA are actually still available. The list is thin already.
  8. The C85 is better. One post and now @Ed_Johnson gets a new ski. Enjoy the new stick, Ed.
  9. @AdamCord, my wife has always been cooler than me. I can also add kinder, more likable, and better looking.
  10. BlueSki

    floor removal

    If you have the engine cover out, the step box unscrewed and out, and the rear seat back panel out you should not have an issue, it may just be tight.
  11. Buying a C85 on Mother’s Day for yourself will confirm how cool your wife is. Buying a C85 for your wife will confirm how cool you are.
  12. @Than_Bogan Manon has dealt with back issues in the past. Hopefully that is not the case now.
  13. +1 for getting past the creepy feet. Now the question becomes, who is going to be the smart aleck that immediately reposts it?
  14. I followed @Clydesdale’s three sets a day routine of the Tyler twist all month, elbows feel great. Works like a charm. Thanks for posting it @BraceMaker.
  15. @wish for some reason the word, “impaled” comes to mind with that pic.
  16. Bengals playoff wins with Ochocinco: Zero Now, back to Denali talk. I’ll start. Given that the fin in the release is a question mark and the pics of the red and black ski did not show a fin, who is betting on a fin change vs. it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?
  17. Reflex appears to have discontinued the white cuff. They have also added a new carbon U brace to the black boot. Does anyone have insights into why the white cuff is gone, as well as any details on the now black only boot, with and without the U brace? I know that some said that they could not feel a difference between white and black, but I certainly saw a ton of white cuffs on the start dock. https://reflexwaterskiusa.com/product/reflex-slalom-binding
  18. @moski I think that you are right, there is likely to be a normalization of many supply/demand imbalances as the economy reopens and supply chains clear, and eventually the next cyclical recession creates a buyers’ market, whenever that may be. There is a good chance that many sellers at that time are disproportionately represented by 2020/2021 buyers... that is unless they find some buoys and get hooked like the rest of us.
  19. @AdamCord for those of us that have contacted you or Caldwell already, are you doing this like the C75 release with a deposit or are you changing things up this time?
  20. That looks awesome. Love it.
  21. @MichaelWiebe good call on the color. I don’t think there is someone on BoS named Redski.
  22. Question: are you letting your left hip fall behind slightly and right shoulder rotate down course a bit going into 1/3/5? Going to 2/4/6 you don’t have the same appearance, you seem more still. No offense, but I’m treating this like a test for me, so I am less concerned about your offside and more concerned with whether or not I am noticing the right thing.
  23. @horton just spitballing here, but how about posting a video of a 32 or a 35 where you try to be light on the line and which you probably already have, and then a video - even if from a few sets later - of trying to take a more intense leverage into centerline? You are a bit farther into your season than most of us and it sounds like you are about to change your focus.
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