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Everything posted by kmenard

  1. btw...buying a ski for the wife is a tricky thing...You weigh over 120lbs right? (INCORRECT!)
  2. yes, the one that is higher is flush with the ski. I sent a pic to the store and they said they would send me up a new one and take this one back.
  3. never mind on the block, I am going to be exchanging the ski.
  4. The ski came in...it is much nicer looking than the picture. Can't wait to ski it! One thing I noticed though is there is no instructions for setting it up or adjusting it. What is a good starting point on these? The other issue is that the fin mount is not flush in the front and has a pretty sharp edge. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8250/8555056630_dafc9e03b4_z.jpg Should I just tighten that down? Like I said though...good looking ski (terrible pic) and boy is it light compared to my 20 year old HO! http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8106/8555057112_f25932be28_z.jpg
  5. Thank you Brady, I am very lucky indeed!
  6. A lot of the car mans are going boost to be able to make power and emissions. Wave runners are doing it too, it would surprise me if boat mans don't follow suit. Btw...when I had my boat in AZ, it was amazing the difference between say Canyon lake and Powell. It was like someone disconnecting spark plugs.
  7. my entire boat is bling. :) http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4136/4875639947_90c5f54e3d_z.jpg
  8. I am going from the dark ages (HO extreme) to a Senate C...should be an interesting transition :)
  9. Ya, I believe it or not, I was the one that asked about it and had them put it up on the site. I am going to keep checking the used market...she doesn't ski enough yet to be spending that much.
  10. Ordered the C...not bad, $539 shipped to the door with Vector front and ARTP. Now to start looking for a ski for the wife :)
  11. Given my current abilities and split between course and free ride, wouldn't the non-C version be better for me?
  12. I am kind of thinking the Senate over the -C
  13. Noticed a closeout on the Senate with Vector bindings (double boot for $50 more) $449 with free shipping. The Senate-C is avail for $100 more. I have hit the course exactly once in my life (I am 39 now...oof, tough to type that out loud) Most of my skiing is now done at a local lake where I fight with wakeboarders for clean water. I noticed another lake near me has a ski club, so I might try to hit some balls this year, but again, it probably wouldn't be my primary focus. My current ski is a 90's HO VTC. Thoughts? Thank you!
  14. How are you finding the battery life on the gopro3? I got all of 25 minutes on a battery my first time using it!
  15. such a neat place...I wish they still had the gondola's working!
  16. While I can't imagine dropping 80k for it...that Tige is a gorgeous boat.
  17. This was my initial thought as well, but I think the view would wind up just being a grimace face
  18. wow...that is a lot of faith put in the suction cup! No tether of anything?
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