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Everything posted by ALPJr

  1. The rail idea is interesting. I agree with Bracemaker. I think it could help grow the sport, make it more accessible to the masses. For coaching, judging and fun factors you could simply design the tug with seats and a floor above the water in front of the pylon. Think bowling alley, several rails side by side traveling in the same direction. Multiple skiers, coaches observers along for the rides. Disney, Six Flags, etc. Use for tourneys too. The keys may be cost to build, maintenance and corrosion. Would possibly be good for boat sales as more people get interested in the sport. Would be a major change for the current tourney scene and change is often hard for some to get through.
  2. ALPJr

    92 Pro Star

    Other very good things - All glass construction. Almost no wake at 15 off from 26 to 34 mph. Excellent for tricks and for kneeboard. Good for wakeboard. Handles like a Porshe. Easy to trailer, wheighs 2450lbs. Very fuel efficient.
  3. Is there a baller working up to -38 looking for a great boat at a reasonable price? http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=19767
  4. A little lighter than a normal July 4th weekend. Worked yesterday. Skiing this morning. Visiting fam and friends out of state tomorrow.
  5. Any baller thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I found a good deal on a new 68 with double Talons. Any baller thoughts on the Talons?
  7. Nice skiing and nice video. The ski seems to be working well for you.
  8. I'm 6'2 170 and coming off a 68 Phantom with dbl animals. The BOS review and other research is leading me to a Prophecy. Any baller thoughts on Prophecy size and bindings options would be appreciated... I'm thinking about new animals, t- factors, apex, or strada boots. Don't have any knowledge of Connelly bindings. Thanks
  9. @scotchipman‌ that 92 has a stock 351 Ford. Could be a typo, or that the seller doesn't know the boat to well. Appearance looks a little rough - worn carpet, faded dash, missing interior hand rail on passenger side, duct tape holding trailer light lenses on, rust. Seeing those things I would also be concerned about overall care and maintenance as well as what type of use it has had (tower). Adds like this make me think I'm asking a very reasonable price.
  10. Great job @ Horton ! Forget not getting pb's, my ski buddy is 71 and he has been getting them consistantly for many years .
  11. My friends and I started driving for each other when we were 12, 13 with a 13' Boston Whaler and a 20hp Johnson on a pair of Cypress Gardens Bronco Combos. Later my daughter and son have pulled me at around 14, 15 years old.
  12. I'm thinking the same thing. I thought my price was very reasonable for our 92 MC. It's super clean, runs and skis great. I had a guy offer me 6k. I told him if he could find a nice one for that price to buy it. My ski buddy's told me to raise the asking price to 10k to ward off the low ballers. I think they just like skiing behind this boat better than theirs : ) http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=19767
  13. Love my ARS handle and knot-less rope from In Tow. Going to order a new rope, and a ARS handle with the safety bar for my birthday. Long live In Tow !
  14. Congratulations to you and your family! Enjoy every moment. Our youngest son graduated from high school yesterday - they grow up very fast - time goes by in the blink of an eye.
  15. Oh. I just noticed a typo. RPM's were reduced by 100.
  16. I'll always enjoy Saturday morning sessions on the pond with my slalom bro's, and the kids have moved on to other sports for now. Just thinking that there could be cool events centered around skiing with other events mixed in. Slalom then ramble up a trail - swim back to dock- slalom again... @MarcusBrown‌ might have some ideas.
  17. Back in the mid 90's some NJ and NY skiers held Iron Man tournaments. 1 round slalom, followed by a 20+- mile bike ride to another lake for round 2 of slalom. Was super fun. Why not more of this type of tourneys? When our oldest son was really into wakeboarding In the late 90's early 2000's we were only able to find one USA Waterski tourney, held every other year that included slalom and wakeboard ( and trick, jump, barefoot and mixed doubles) How about slalom round 1, followed by wake round 1, followed by a cross fitness course for all. I'm rambling now... Just seems that this type of thing may attract more people into towed water sports.
  18. @jhughes‌ very nice boat. I think they were great skiing, driving and the nicest looking pure ski boat too.
  19. I'm on my 4 th pair of Accurate World Cups. Had three pairs of 3/4's now have the full. Very nice fit and grip for me.
  20. What @Jordan said - our 92 MC
  21. @Glock We have a 92 PS 190. It is a very nice boat and we have it posted on SIA. Same boat as the 93/94 with a 351 and Powerslot. We are it CT if you are interested.
  22. A few years ago Eric at OJ recommended an OJ XMP 454 for our 92 PS 190. It made an already very nice wake a touch softer, lowered the rpm about 150 at slalom speeds, holds beginner speeds 18 to 22 mph like a Mack truck, and saves fuel. Thanks again Eric !
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