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Everything posted by mmosley899

  1. Thanks @klindy I'll work on that. If the wake was rounded did the driver have the boat in trick mode?
  2. @eleeski and @Than_Bogan I thought I got credit for the WTF! Maybe I got too sloppy with my tricking, but my daughter is a great trick caller having worked regionals and nationals as a trick judge and she questioned how I stood up the pass without getting credit for some of the tricks. Very discouraging score!
  3. @Deanoski I have skied those shells on the OB4 System, as has Matt, those are the boots I have used most of the season, just a different color.
  4. @eleeski I thought the trick judging was too strict also. I was happy that I stood up both passes but I was cut 900 points including a WB...a trick I have been getting credit for for thirty years. I think that is the first time I have ever gotten no credit on a WB? WTF...
  5. @webbdawg99 those are the same shells that OB4 has been using since last year, with buckles upgraded. The toe is a different shape from the old style shells. @Nando the buckles are available from m2 inc.
  6. @kainan sorry for the problems, so far the 'experts' have been wrong about the correct adhesive to use. I have started using contact adhesive to deal with those problems. The kind you use on Formica counter tops. The rubber is there to protect the bottom of the boot plate and is required to be in place for correct release operation. @MattP is correct about making sure they do not stay wet, and out of sun when not in use.
  7. Oh yeah, my daughter and grandson will be at Nationals with me!
  8. Sorry @Than_Bogan , you have to make time for it, including friends. I did that for my kids, best thing I ever did in my life! They still like to hang out at the lake with me!
  9. @SkiLady Jazmine will be here on Sept 4 to ski and would like to try it out if you still have it then...
  10. After watching @OB play with the spacing and reading those articles, I moved my ankle spacing to 11.875 from 11.250. Cleaned up my onside turn and allowed me to move forward with the front boot position to help my offside. Much better setup. Worth trying if you are still running your feet close together.
  11. Everybody I know uses a rope release... Mechanical releases are a pain to install, and the operator can be not paying attention. A rope release requires the operator to pay attention to keep from losing the skier. Easy to use.
  12. I'll be there, skiing all three events with OB4 Systems bindings. OB4 Systems will have a booth in the exhibits area, come by, check out the new boots, and discuss your needs with us.
  13. @Than_Bogan I definitely use my toes or the front part of my foot in the turns... Cutting the toes off is a personal comfort thing. The cuff bolts on the first shipment of boots were a terrible choice by the manufacturer, we asked that they go back to a pervious bolt, but it is not removable. I am also not a fan of the basic buckles that the manufacturer uses, so replacement with a more substantial buckle is an option for more discriminating skiers. I look forward to seeing you and other skiers at Nationals in West Palm Beach where we can discuss your needs and interest in the OB4 System.
  14. @webbdawg99 maybe it's time to switch to OB4, our springs last for twenty years...
  15. @Than_Bogan sorry to hear you didn't get to ski! I was hoping ti see you ski at Nationals...
  16. @Stevie Boy the weight is comparable to T-factors or Animals, as is the overall stiffness. You do not need to add inserts, you can use 3M double sided tape or interlock. As for the ski not floating, I never take my foot out of the boot with the liner and leave the shell attached to the ski. That could lead to floating problems since new core material in ski does not provide as much floatation. I always release the boots from the ski and take the boots off after leaving the water. Skis float fine with just the mounting plate or with the liners in the shells.
  17. @arigold22 check out the OB4 system for tricks, and there may even still be a broke college student discount... My daughter used the system all through college and she tricks over 3000 pts...
  18. @ccogan I agree with @Than_Bogan the screw is too far out. I cannot verify that your test is the same as what we have done in our settings during build. I think that we need to develop a standard testing procedure for everyone to do their own testing, that is what this thread is about. I have never used a shore release by standing on the ski and trying to release/pull out the boot as a test of the system. Than's measurement is from the end of the screw to the housing. Mine is currently at .340 on front and .360 on rear. Somewhere between .350 and .375 should work for most skiers. You should just be able to see the first indicator ring out side of the housing as in my photo. There are two other indicator rings that can be viewed through the site window. You can see that the second ring is just visible in the window, and there is also a tiny puch mark indicating the position where we tested the tension.
  19. @MAD11 the flextail spine will prevent using the double plate at this point. But you can use a single front release and rtp, or R style plate. I will look at how else to adapt the double plate. @Than_Bogan we have asked our supplier to use a better quality buckle on future shipments. Also these boots have removable cuff bolts for easy replacement.
  20. Find a better release system.
  21. Limiting the flex of your boots is not the answer, as long as your leg/ankle cannot move past 45 degrees, there is little danger of injury. Double boots require consideration of ankle to ankle distance. Flexibility of the rear foot is a huge issue in performance.
  22. The springs we use are very precision built to specific specifications. Than is researching whether we can use these measurements as a way to determine settings. I use a torque wrench to determine settings for each system built. The setting that each skier uses is dependent on a variety of factors and can be adjusted according to our chart and skier input. I have used the same springs in my releases for years with no deterioration of pressure.
  23. @Jim Neely after a couple of more sets, I made the fin deeper to slow down the washout on my good side turn, 2.480; the dft is at .735. Still need to work on not dropping my shoulder inside on good side turn.
  24. @SailorDave17 most bindings have a standard hole pattern that allows them to attach to most skis... For a releasable binding check out OB4Systems.com
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