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Everything posted by mmosley899

  1. @OB nobody hates you or Goode, but there are other quality products out there too. Glad you are liking the new ski!
  2. @JWebSki which boots do you want to use? It is easy to use most any boot on the OB4 System. OB4 offers 3 different boots... You can use the USD boots that FM offers on the OB4, I have used them on my system before...
  3. Check out the OB4 System... At OB4systems.com... much better system...
  4. @OB when you going to get on some real bindings and quit ejecting yourself every other pass?
  5. Sorry guys, I can say he same thing about my new V-Type. Nothing special about what Goode is doing... The V-Type is a keeper without even trying the Goode.
  6. I skied my first sets on a new V Type this week. The passes all felt comfortable and predictable, since I am coming off an S2 I expected that. The ski definitely achieves better angle and I will have to be ready for that, still and tall helps. I have my boots(OB4) back a little, as that also worked for me on the S2, 29.125. I generally run my fin with less depth as I like the ski to wash around a little easier in the finish, 2.470. I ended up with the length at 6.860 to loose some tip pressure on the off side. A good first try... More sets to come.
  7. @gginco use 3M tape to attach the spring housing.
  8. @Greg Banish Typically I run my boots 1/2-1/4" back from rubber boot settings. As Than said check your spacing from ankle to ankle. I am using the same boots you have and I cut 3/4" off the toe so I could move the rear boot closer to the front foot. There is plenty of room in the toe of the shell so your liner will still not stick out. The rear boot is already marked wear to cut. The stiffness of the system is similar to many other water ski bindings and all skis are designed around having those binding attached. It may take a few more rides to get used to the system after you get everything properly set up. Let me know if you need anything.
  9. @ALPJr those boots are one of three styles of boots we have offered to customers...
  10. @ALPJr I have not actually mounted a V Max boot on the OB4 System, but it should work. @savaiusini said he would send me a pair to test. And yes it will mount on the V type.
  11. @Sherwood I might be able to help with plates, but I do not have the demensions for the Fogman hole pattern. However I have mounted Fogman boots to the OB4 release system for a few skiers. It would feel similar when skiing and release more reliably in certain falls.
  12. @ToddL yes they would and expensive! But his boots will work on my release system.
  13. @JWebSki you can use almost any type hard shell or soft fit boot on the OB4 System. Most trickers are using some type of hard shell boot. My daughter, @MattP, and I use an OB4 hard shell boot for tricks.
  14. Just because the pros use it, does not make it the best for every skier. Reflex is just what was available until now, and most skiers hate to change boots that they are accustom to. The kids that have made the switch to OB4 love it for tricks. My daughter grew up tricking using the OB4 style release, and now tricks 3500-4000 points.
  15. @JWebSki take a look at the OB4Systems.com website. I have used this release system for tricks for years.
  16. @dropski using a hard shell boot for tricks is definitely the way to go. I have a couple of demo OB4 Systems to sell if you want to give one a try.
  17. @Jaxe I agree with @AdamCord all hard shells are re-purposes skate boots and will take some effort to modify for the best comfort and fit, and performance, according to your own personal preference.
  18. @FrankS my daughter and I both trick with the OB4 System release, hands, toes, and flips...
  19. Always glad to hear about the achievements of junior skiers! And I am a firm believer in a safe release system for young skiers, my kids grew up skiing on the OB4 style system. OB4 Systems has a special offer for juniors that want to join Team OB4 and compete in slalom and tricks. If you have a junior skier, inquire at OB4systems.com.
  20. @desmonipoux and @jdk99 , love to hear those stories! Even more glad to hear that you are able to ski with confidence and the assurance that the OB4 System works!
  21. @Cumby85 properly setup hard shell boots must flex forward and backwards for jumping, not be too rigid. Mine do. @ozski comfort is one huge advantage. Increased lateral control is another. Safe releases in a rough landing also lead to better performances...
  22. Me jumping a few years back, my son from last summer...
  23. @Jody_Seal the McCormick boys were not known for taking care of their equipment, maintenance is required. Equipment failure is most often operator error. I have jumped for the past twenty years with the ARC, now OB4 system and never had a pre release. Both my kids grew up jumping with the system. I have jumped 140' on 5 foot and 165' on 5.5 foot ramp with this system. Rubber never pre releases and causes all kinds of injuries because it does not release in a safe manner during crashes. My jump bindings flex forward better than rubber. Those giant planks can create quite a bit of leverage around your knees and ankles. My binding system has saved both my knees and ankles numerous times. While I am not jumping world record distances, neither are most of the jumpers out there. But knee and ankle injuries happen more to that amateur group of skiers while learning to jump and trying to progress. @ozski No binding system is perfect, injuries happen. Each skier has to determine what works best for himself. Any jumpers that are interested in trying the OB4 system can do so safely. Mis-information is rampant when people are not actually using the product. Do snow ski slopes allow non releasable bindings on snow skis?
  24. @ lakeaustinskier Thank you for your comments and for trying out the OB4 System. Changing boots and boots setups is always challenging...
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