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Everything posted by Brady

  1. @XR6Hurricane, just an fyi, most of us on this site are old farts and we have kids.....er.....hoodlums that have piercings and tattoos and pants that are 10 sizes too large. BUT, just so you know, most of those kids I know are pretty damn nice kids. I remember rebelling against my parents, listening to Led Zeppelin and Rush far too loudly. My parents couldn't get me to cut my mullet to save their lives (@Horton still is in this phase), and beer.....well, I will just leave that one alone! We also cut the sides of our Levi's up the hem cause we were cool as hell! BUT, I think most of us were pretty good kids and now are tax-paying adults. So, please be careful to judge the younger generation too harshly, because for the most part, they are trying to get through life the best they know how. And, for most of them Wakeboarding is all they know. I commend them for being on the water, enjoying what it has to offer, and I have had very few negative experiences with wake boarders, and with the youth of today---they are pretty "groovy" and "far out man" Jet Skiers are an entirely other subject however!!! :)
  2. @Horton, is there anyone on this site that will (for money of course) set my new ski and bindings?
  3. @jipster43. You did absolutely nothing wrong by posting this video. regardless of the dad, that girl is incredible!!!! It does make you want to cry looking at the talent. Hopefully she will get it figured out even though her dad is a d bag. Great video of a great little girl!!!!
  4. @Horton. Maybe if u implemented the star system you could take a star away from him for a week?
  5. @scotchipman, I agree with @jayski. Then when you get your new boat, take the ZO with you. But, with that being said, the 08 stills runs perfectly, so maybe you should just keep yours for a few more years. Cleanest 08 I have ever seen!!!
  6. I coach my little boys basketball team and our assistant coach knows the family in question--quite well. While i am so proud of what the little girl is doing, according to my assistant coach, her dad is a narsasistic ass! His girl wants desperately to play soccer, and, as you can imagine, she is incredible at it, but the dad insists she play football. The problem I see is that no matter how good this little girl is, by the time the boys catch up, she won't stand a chance, and she is missing out on honing her soccer skills, because her dad is forcing her to play football. I am sad for that little girl!!!
  7. @Horton. Thanks. The reason I was asking, is that I am in the process of buying a new ski. And I was wondering if this could be the one to change my mind from the ski I have my sites on.
  8. thanks @addkerr. I obviously went to their website, but they have no pictures of the 6.0 and no details about it. That is why I was asking. I will email them. Thanks for the help.
  9. @addkerr. Is there a website for the AM skis?
  10. @Razorskier1. I feel your pain!!! Here is what part of my backyard looks like as we speak. I have 9 inches on the ground and we are expecting much more. If only I loved snow skiing like I love the balls! We can both mourn together for the next 4 months.
  11. Hey guys, seeing as how winter is fully upon us....at least in Utah, and seeing as how if I can stand the pain, I can resume activities, I went ahead and ordered the Insanity dvd collection from the Internet. Upon its arrival, I plan on spending the next 60 days killing myself off so that I can look and feel how I should on the balls. In my humble opinion, to me the real definition of Insanity is staying fat and not being able to fully do what my passion truly is! So, I am asking for those of you who would like, to join in with me and kick some ass this winter fitness wise. I am planning on posting before and after pics, and I think this would be something fun to do thru the dismal winter months. I don't even care if you all do a different program. Let's see the before and afters and make it so when spring comes, we knock the buoys and our wives out!!!
  12. @chef23. I agree. Worst header I have ever seen!
  13. Priorities. I love skiing and BoS more than I love socializing. And as I get older, I am finding myself torn between other things as well. :). How bout them apples!!!
  14. @ShaneH. There is definitely one more commandment that should matter to you. Thou shalt bring a damn ladder to get thine scantily-clad-drunk-bikini-wearing women out of thine boat.
  15. @Skoot1123, uh, hello, i am the president and I say build them everywhere!!!!!
  16. One of the cooler videos I have seen. On 4, you can actually see the ski flex.....pretty damn cool
  17. You are barefooting behind a Yamaha RS-1. (Saw this cool video)
  18. Brady


    @wilecoyote. Another less expensive option is the mirror that has 3 sections. cost is 39 bucks with the mount. It is available at Marine Products in Utah, but I'm sure other BoS guys that own a marine-product store can get it for you too.
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