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Everything posted by Brady

  1. @OB. I am brudda, I am. Why do you think I am on here so much. Asking one for every ten I read.
  2. Being newer to skiing the balls vs free skiing, I am having a difficult time understanding all the differences between Perfect Pass, Star Gazer, Zero Off, and now all the differences coming in Zero Off, such as the B+, C, etc.. Can you guys explain all the differences between these and why they keep changing them? It seems like it shouldn't make that much of difference. Wayne Grimditch and the all the guys in the 80's and 90's didn't use them, and doesn't having them make it more difficult to ski? Finally, I hear that the way people ski the course has changed since the introduction of the speed controls. I would love to understand what has changed and understand what skiers have to do different and what I need to learn to adjust to the systems. Thanks
  3. @Ed_Johnson, can you post some pictures of the house and of the lake? And also of the man-eating alligators?
  4. Have an appointment today for an arthogram for my knee and hip where they inject dye and then do an MRI. I found a brace that stabilized the knee and yeah, i went out and skied this morning. Pain was tremendous in the knee, but it stayed in place. Swollen like a pumpkin...planning on telling the doc i tripped in the shower. Glad to get one last set in, now hurry up and fix the damn thing so I can play some more. Side note, @OB, "Honey, my doctor appointment is at 8am and it lasts for several hours, so I will be home around 2pm" It worked brother!!!!!
  5. @tfiess. don't mess with @Horton. He is literally the Commander in Chief when it comes to BoS, and he nuked me man!! Hi John!!!!! Hope the family is well. How is the hair?
  6. Thanks @gregy. I can't believe you can get a family week rate of 750 including lodging!!! Uh, I will be taking the wife and kiddos there this spring!!! @aswinter05, I would pay a lot of money to see 75 off. :) And, banana pudding definitely sounds like 15 off!!!
  7. @Horton. Any time frame if and when you will try this out?
  8. @thager, thanks, i like putting videos together. if you send me some footage, i would be glad to mess with it and make you one. Our course goes right through those big bushes--sometimes getting up on that side, you go right into them if you are not looking up! On that end at this time of year, it is literally about 18 inches deep at the end where you start, makes for some muddy skis til you get to the 55's.
  9. I threw this video together for Scot Chipman, and it made me think that I would love to see all of your videos posted, especially since the season is winding down. Give me some things to watch as I am sitting around looking at snow. Enjoy!
  10. Gordon Rathburn's drill are also on YouTube. Start with this link and then follow from there.
  11. @phil2360, are you wanting to stay loyal to HO? All three of the boots you are mentioning are HO. If It is, I would go with the Apex if you are planning on skiing the course. The animal scares me. Seen several friends ankles and knees get destroyed-probably because they cinched the boots down and didn't have a proper release mechanism in place. The attack seems similar to the Animal. I am going to second what has been mentioned above. The Strada boots rock! It is a weird feeling at first to put them on without putting a full tension on the laces, because you think you are going to come out of them, but to the contrary, with the way the boots form to your feet, I feel every bit secure with them, and they feel perfect. I, am on the older ones, and have the new ones coming in, so for me, they are the way to go. Hope that helps
  12. Now I am starting to get worried about how I am going to set up my Strata boots! I too, have the 13-14's and from this thread I am starting to get panicked as to where I should place them. The front of the back boot plate is more than one inch as well as the back of the front plate. I probably could cut them down, but with the nature of the closed-toe design, my feet are going to be naturally separated. Add the plates and my feet are going to be quite apart.
  13. Now @Horton, in my defense, I did state that the video was "incredibly insanely boring." AND, I was trying to help YOU out because your ballers were revolting!! Finally, it did take @tfriess 's mind away from the site maintenance issues. So, you should be giving me points and not taking them away. This was all done , to help you Mr. Horton not want to, "make a wake boarding site." :)
  14. @tfriess. Watch an incredibly insanely boring video on oscillating physics, or something like that and I am sure as soon as you understand it, the site will be up and running again.
  15. @Horton. @MattP. In my line of work, upgrading servers is a good thing. Means you are growing!! Great job and thanks.
  16. @mr_pretzel. I think the suggestions from @GregHind and @Ryno talking about the outboard motors are excellent suggestions! I have never owned and outboard, but it is true, the wakes are small and you really can trim them down quite a bit to keep your nose up. That is really the key to being safe on the ocean. Keeping your nose up. A dry boat is a boat that floats. I don't imagine you will get caught in ocean swells, but the dancing of the waves can get pretty aggressive and the more you can keep your nose up in any boat, and especially a small ski boat, the better off and safer you will be.
  17. @MarcusBrown is the freakin bomb! The angle he gets on that video I posted of him is not possible for a mortal man! I would love to measure the pressure he is putting on his ski at the second wake....boggles my mind!
  18. @BraceMaker. People truly underestimate the healing power of ice. To this day, I get in an ice bath on a daily basis. It is a great anti inflammatory!! Sorry about the injury, but glad you have that attitude. Pain sucks. I tell it to go to hell and it does!
  19. @Rivvy, other than this site, I love going to Seth Stisher's videos on YouTube. Man, he has some great advice and several tips to incorporate in your practice runs. Also, I like fluidmotionsports.com and also the Terry Winters training videos. But this site has been more instrumental for me. The experience, wisdom and advice given here, along with all the videos and encouragement has been invaluable to me. I am thinking, the longer I grow my hair, the better I will ski.
  20. @Drago. Cortizone and ice my friend. It does a body good. Oh, and Perocet and vikadin and beer! :)
  21. @MattP. I don't know how I missed that review. Thanks. Are any of you ballers skiing on these skis?
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