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Everything posted by Brady

  1. I guess they way I would answer that @skibrain: Any baller who does not prefer a Mac probably ski's on a Maharaja or an EP Stilleto! and most definitely uses a double-handled rope!!! :)
  2. @PT Mike. If my buddy did that on my boat, i would accidentally put by boat in gear full throttle every time he stepped on my platform. That would be nasty to clean off.
  3. So, my wife had her iphone stolen last weekend when we were out of town, so I stopped by the Apple store in downtown Salt Lake City today to get her a new phone. I was waiting for what seemed like an eternity, so I naturally jumped on to BoS to see what was going on. I enjoyed it so much, I started making BoS the default home page on all of the computers in the store until the manager walked up behind me and asked me what I was doing. I felt lean locked, so I just went for the rest of the ride and told him about the site and that I was just messing around with the other computers because it was such an informative site for people who buy Macs. Expecting him to get upset, what he said next made me smile. He said he was a huge skier and he had never found a good forum site that stayed on topic (I kept my mouth shut here) and that discussed the technical aspects of slalom skiing. He said he couldn't change the computers, but he also wouldn't change them back, so the downtown Mac store had about 20 computers on BoS for several hours today! I took a shot of some. I think if we all help out and promote the site by changing the Mac store computers home pages when replacing iphones would help to increase awareness of Horton and of BoS.
  4. @shilpa173, just out of curiosity, how is @SkiJay 's post off topic? I thought it was about as on topic as you could be. hmmm?
  5. @Than_Bogan. In regards to your comment, "most starred folks aren't a whole lot more reliable than anybody else," can I give you a take from a newbie, pond scum, with no stars? Being new to this site--fully addicted with no life, mind you--I really like the stars. I realize I have none, but thankfully I don't determine my worth based on how many stars I have on a website no one has heard about outside of the skiing community. Fact is, I love reading the advice from others, and in my honest and humble opinion, I like separating the potential crap and mis-advice from the great wisdom bestowed on us from fellow ballers such as yourself. It is like a filter, the more stars, the more I should probably pay attention to what was said, cause, like you said, to get three stars, you probably have no life and you live on this site....and if those two items exist, you are probably going to give great advice!!! I know hanging with @scotchipman, the guy is a walking encyclopedia in regards to all things skiing. I try to soak up every thing that comes out of that guys mouth. Not to mention, he is a cool as hell dude. I also know when I see a post from guys like @SkiJay--who suffers from lackofstaritis, like me, I value his opinion, cause I see him here all the time, and I know his stars are a matter of time. If you want to be really good at something, hang out with the people who are the best and listen to what they say. That's kind of what I think @Horton was trying to accomplish. That or he just found a new shiny web tool to play with. Now I just realize I disagreed with a 3-star legend who has been growing a goatee longer than I have been married--18 years--so please please please don't hate on me for that. I promise to give you likes and awesomes for the next 4 months! :)
  6. @razorskier1, could u post some video please? Great post btw! I had to give u my weekly awesome button!!!
  7. @ski4xtc. Since you went to the same high school as me and since you are fast becoming a legend, will you please autograph both of mine before you send them to me? I would also like you to post a video of you singing the Olympus High song while skiing at 32 off. "Here at Olympus where the Titans grow, you're going to find yourself on winners row....." Damn, I am late in turn three. I have to quit singing that God-awful song now!! :)
  8. @Morg. "does a recreational skier with aspirations of getting more ski time & being able get into a course now & then, really need to have this level of equipment?" In my humble opinion, the answer is no! I am an relatively new to short-line skiing but before skiing I was a professional Golf Long Driver. I was ranked in the top 20 in the Country and my friends and I used to get a chuckle at newbies having the latest equipment not knowing at all how to use it. Golf is similar to skiing in that in that golf, if you are at a higher level, you can tell subtle differences between shafts, kick points, torque, flex, etc, and you could even tell the difference if a club was frequency matched or not. With that said, you could give me the cheapest club made at Kmart and I could still hit is 300 plus yards. The reason is technique! The differences in equipment only help at the top levels and if your technique is sound. Therefore, if you are new to short-line skiing, like I am, I would concentrate on learning the proper technique and skills so that as you develop, you will progress the right way and leave the bad habits behind. I think at the beginner skill level, you will not even notice the nuances between this system and that, or this ski or that. My two cents. As a final thought, hitting a golf ball 390 yards in front of a large crowd and a tv crew in Mesquite Nevada or catching a touchdown pass in front of 60,000 fans pales in comparison to having a good set with my buddy on the lake with no one to see except for me!! Skiing is by far the best addiction I have ever had and I am looking forward to being able to be one of the guys talking about my 35 off set!!!
  9. @ski4xtc. I would like two please. I don't have a PayPal account. Any other options such as cod etc. or I could just send u a check
  10. @scotchipman. Why don't you post your quirks about boat cleanliness after getting out of the lake? Ya know, like your 3 separate wipe downs and your trailer cleaning system. Or your wiping down the bottom of the engine compartment. Is it any wonder why you have the cleanest Malibu in the western united states!!! Feel free to use my 197 any time you would like.. Please use your quirks on my boat too. :)
  11. @webdawg99. Too late. Removing it has probably already caused suspicion. I would rather have mr Goode come on and have a discussion about it. Isn't that what this site is for, to discuss all aspects of skiing and equipment? I think the entire situation was handled the wrong way. I may not be a good skier but I am damn good in business and pr for my company and if my product was being questioned or talked about I would be in the forefront of the discussion either defending or taking notes on how to improve my product.
  12. @Ed. Thanks, I will call u. I am looking how to add 55 gates and how to put magnets on the gates for use with my stargazer.
  13. @usaski1. I have to say you are my new hero!!!!! I just watched a bunch of your vids and I say to hell with your disability.....you rock!!!!! My brother is a quad so i have a special affinity for people with spinal cord injuries. What you are doing when half of your body mass has to be controlled by the other half is incredible. It is like skiing on a 75 pound ski!!! It goes to show that the baller disease is not a respecter of persons. U can catch it if u are a paraplegic or an overweight ex football player!!!! I promise I will meet u just to shake your hand one day!!!!! So in summary, you are now what tastes like 15 off to me!!!! Especially since I haven't hit it yet
  14. @Shane, I completely understand. I thought--obviously incorrectly--that he was on a 65. The pressure he is putting on that, like you said, is amazing!!! @Wish, OUCH!!! Glad you are doing better.
  15. @ShaneH, maybe this crash will give them some concern. If the ski was perfect, there would be no need for R&D. I think the Nano is an incredible ski, but if you look at the video, look how close he is to dipping on every ball. A crash like this could easily be a career ender. The question I would love to ask is if he would have been on the same ski --one inch longer--would he have dipped?
  16. It is easy to do what I am told when what I am being told what to do looks like her!!! @Horton, let me know if you need additional votes...i will find multiple devices. Now, as a return favor, could you please help me with my skiing?
  17. @Horton, no I didn't, but I do know that Nick is about as incredible of skier as I have ever seen, and I also know that his ski seems a tad short. Some of the best designs need tweaking. Is he on the 66 or the 65? I think Nick is over 6 feet and if he is on the 65, how much would it affect his skiing to jump to the 66? Just a thought is all.
  18. I bought an insta slalom earlier this year and I will agree with the above posts. Since I bought it, they don't answer any questions and while I have gotten good at putting it up and taking it down, I think the ez-slalom is higher quality, easier to use, and comes with something lacking in our society...namely, customer service. If I could sell mine, i would buy one from Ed. Which brings me to a another point, I have for sale a gently-used incredible slalom course. I just don't use it any more and it is taking up space in my garage. Hurry, this will go fast! :)
  19. I think the nano he is on is too short. even on the 39 pass, on every turn his tip seems so close to dipping. If the ski was 1 or 2 inches longer, would it a) have prevented it from dipping and b) have changed the dynamics of the ski or how he is skiing? I agree with the other posts in that this is the worst crash I have ever seen. I hope he is okay!!
  20. I don't know about the rest of the Country, but this is what Utah looked like today. 56 degree water. 65 degree air. Skiing with Scot Chipman.....How can it get any better than this!!!!! So, we still have a couple of months of skiing here. I am looking forward to going snow skiing in December and then coming down to the lake the same day for a set!
  21. @AB @Brent. I saw nothing but beautifulness in God's wonderful creation. Do you have any more nature photos? :)
  22. @Chuck_Dickey, that property has me salivating. If I could talk my wife into it, I would be there in a second!!!!!! I too can do my job anywhere in the country, (although moving to Texas would kill my Delta Diamond status) WHO CARES!!!!! I should start a thread about how to convince your wife to move to Texas. I would so gladly give up my 9,500 square feet in Utah and move into a double wide!!!! Please stop posting such Ski Porn....my heart can't keep taking it!!! :)
  23. @Chef23, I am a big dude!! I was the football version of Horton in college. I walked around strutting my stuff, wearing my short shorts, painting my face..u know, the usual stuff. I will say that with being big, i am extremely strong and I have no problem now double booting my 6 deep water starts. By spring I will be to 225 and then I will be pretty happy. This addiction is terrible!!! Big or small, once it strikes, u are done for!!!! I will get my video of my big arse up next week, and then please have at it!!! U guys are awesome! I love how helpful u all are even to those who are not pulling 35 off. I also like how u are all a bunch of sarcastic buggers as well!!
  24. Thank you all for your comments. I will try to do what each of you suggested. I know I need more time skiing the course and not free skiing. It is literally a night and day difference between the two. @MattP, I will post some video next week.(Please be kind! lol) @Chef23, I am on a 69 inch senate C. I am 6 foot 7 and 250lbs.
  25. Being new to course skiing, I am struggling in a few areas. I have yet to make a full pass. My personal best happened this week with 4 balls at 15 off @ 34. Here is my problem. I have always free skied at 36mph and have always been at 15 off. When I attempt the course at the full length, I get so much slack, I go down and likewise, when I slow down to 32 or 30, I literally feel like I am sinking in the water. Maybe this is due to the fact that I am so big, or maybe my technique sucks!! (well, I know that is the case). Chipman has given me great tips and has been so helpful--I know I am turning old school--pushing hard on the back foot and leaning back-- and I know my timing is off. By the 4th ball, I am so out of control I am surprised I haven't ended up in the ER-I just am stressed that I am having to get my first pass at full speed and at 15 off instead of going slower at full line. I do know I NEVER want to free ski again. I never ever again need to hear how big and massive my spray is....I just want to run the balls and I have to make my fist pass before the end of the year!
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