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Everything posted by aupatking

  1. I don’t 100% disagree but I don’t think your body is in the physical condition to really do anything consistently on the first set to the second set. I’d say I’m a totally different skier day 1 to day 2. I will be Givego-ing my next set though
  2. My skiing is garbage right now. I’m trying to fix it before I ingrain garbage in. Tail riding like crazy. Haven’t figured it out just yet. At least I’m skiing, I guess Like @rico I tried a 2 set session. Regretted it the next day.
  3. @jimskiI’ve been stalking this thread every time I see it has a new post hoping to see the one you just posted! Glad to hear you’re up and running again
  4. May make sense for my fishing boat but really can’t see a whole lot of advantage at the current price for our inboards. Just the thought of adding $10,000 to the $60k repower I need to do on my fishing boat makes me dizzy
  5. Had a pretty long discussion about these last January.
  6. I’m just ready for some warm weather. I got mine setup just in time for one more round of freezing weather question: where are you guys measuring from to get you fb DFT? On the Radar plate, the bottom of the heel of the boot is dead even with the back edge of the plate. Is that where Radar suggests we measure from? I haven’t seen any guidance put out on it
  7. The Senate is a GREAT ski. My main ski partner will not get off his Senate and we’ve put him on 3 different Vapors. He skis into 38 off at 34mph and won’t ride anything but the Senate.
  8. My first thought is, what binding are you currently using? Being on the Triumph, my first guess would be the rubber HO Animal. That’s still a great boot. If you are talking about changing both your boot and ski, maybe try that Radar Vector on your old ski. You know how that ski feels, so you’ll get a real feeling of what the boot does differently. The other route to go is get a ski and use your old boot. Again, you know the feel of one, but you’ll be able to learn the other. all 3 skis recommended are great. I have a Vector boot on my ski I use to teach everyone and I love it. I think the Aluminum plate is a stronger build
  9. Well, you could always spend your time looking for another boat
  10. I have recently taken the VP role in my county’s Auburn Alumni Club. The first thing I thought of was to reach out to the Auburn Waterski Club, to see if they would have any interest in a ski day or three at our lake. We are only about 30 minutes north of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, which are pretty popular destinations for Spring Breakers. It looks like they may have several members come down, so I wanted to open the invite for a fun day on the lake, should anyone be in the area. It will not be a tournament, just a “skiing for fun” event but it should be a great time. My lake owner was once on Auburn’s ski team so he is totally behind the idea. I always hate to toe the line on advertising, but he has several really cool little cabins onsite that he AirBnBs, so you could stay onsite. Really, if you ever wanted on any date to come down, I’m ALWAYS up for pulling a Baller, or anyone else interested. The lake and cabins/cottages are just outside of the beautiful town of Fairhope AL, on Mobile Bay, and his place is Weeks Bay Plantation. It’s owned by Tynes Stringfellow, who has been in tournament skiing for decades. Some of the old timers will probably know the name.
  11. @SlalomSteve I want that all blue metal flake. I’m just one lottery ticket away
  12. Dealer sent me this current build. My wife says I don’t need it. Almost exactly what I’d build
  13. Hey @Jody_Seal, the potentiometer issue would effect the computer, so if it will not run unplugged from the head unit, would that disqualify the potentiometer as a possibility? Does seem like hotwiring it to run independent would be the way to eliminate half the possibilities. edit: if it’s an open bow, just forget fixing it and sell it to me.
  14. I replace my rotor and cap, probably twice a year. It starts doing the same “turning over but not firing” and I used to chase fuel or electrical system. Now I go to cap and rotor first and it solves my problem. I will say, it usually runs, just real crappy at 30, a little better but still crappy at 32, and mostly good at 34 just prior to not wanting to start.
  15. A lot of good stuff here but the way I understood what Freddie once told me is you can lean all you want but you really want the ski to be flatter at centerline. Sailboats are the same and it’s why you see them with a ton of people hanging off the side (rail meat), they are fastest when flat. Any roll angle at that point is just load against the boat, not speed
  16. I pulled Freddie through -39 right after he won worlds @MISkier you still pulling Cale? I enjoyed skiing behind you when I was in your neighborhood. I’m hoping to get back there. I love that lake (Tivoli)
  17. For a novice I’d ride as observer and help find centerline and when there, make them develop a reference point on/in the boat. Kind of like those “Bull’s Eye Boat Sights”. Coming from a 196 that if you feel like your in the center, you’re in the center 😎, my first wide boat was my 2014 Prostar. If I felt like my right foot could just about hit the boat guide, I was on centerline. From there, pick the furthest reference point down the lake you can find and focus on it, correcting towards it in rhythm with your skier
  18. White and pink extreme changed me. T3 (Mapple/Lapoint) did everything right @mike_mappleI still need the numbers from your dad’s notebook on the Proto T3 I’ve got current Ski D3 NRG R2. I sold it to a guy and then bought it back. I’ll never sell it again
  19. I’d hard wire around the kill switch first, just to verify it’s not the easy stuff. As said above, I don’t know that you’d get codes for that, but it will definitely cut power to them
  20. Chad Scott and @Luzztold me the same thing, don’t be afraid to correct early. The Waterski podcast with Becky Lathrop is a good one to listen to. I never thought about LFF vs RFF skiers hitting you differently based on that, but She said she knows to correct earlier on 2,4,6 side for LFF and vice versa for RFF. That has made keeping centerline easier. Outside of that, I’m not qualified to respond, but skiers into -38 tell me I’m a good driver
  21. Honestly, I just go to Walmart or dollar general and get a roll of clear plastic kitchen drawer liner. It works fantastic and like @Gloersensaid, seems to help keep screws fairly tight. Possibly reduces vibration on the screws, I guess. No ski rash and, it’s cheap
  22. I can take or leave them. I’d just say make sure you have room for the long line skiers. We stopped using our turn islands because it’s just too narrow around them, and dangerous for anyone running longer than -28. If you’ve got the room, use them but have them offset and plenty room for the skier to not feel they are “whipped out” before getting near the 55’s. I think that feeling can be worse on the shorter lakes with islands.
  23. No one new gets through 41, except maybe Charlie Jamie Bull gets within a buoy of the world record HO Works 01 is the ski to talk about Poland does crazy stuff, maybe 240, maybe breaks his own overall record no new women get through 39 Freddie stays Freddie, a lot of 41’s I piss off a bunch of people with this post (and many more to come)
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