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Everything posted by Bill22

  1. Yes and No. When I am at the lake it's always about having fun, even if I ski terrible. When I am off the water, I over analyze what I could be doing different to get around more buoys. But I think that's part of the addiction and I am okay with it.
  2. D) depends on the ski so, can’t say.
  3. I think the CG fin is a game changer but is it significant enough to influence your ski size selection? For this question assume you were on the bubble between sizes and it’s the same ski in two different sizes. A) yes, with a CG fin I can make a smaller ski more stable. B ) yes, I can make a lager ski turn easier. C) no, the CG fin will not influence on what size ski I choose. Disclaimers: 1) yes, yes, demo first is always the answer. 2) yes, I know the “experts” say always size up.
  4. @gt2003 yeah, I was just giving you a hard time about the link stuff. That’s a nice looking boat. I really like my old Malibu. Good luck.
  5. can someone post a link...
  6. The wild aspect of Moomba definitely makes it fun. I guess next year I'll call Will before I pick and ask if he is skiing the night event. B)
  7. @JeffSurdej I am not complaining, that’s just the way it played out in the end. Kudos for putting this together. I didn’t know you had to manually enter the scores. Feedback, 1) I noticed the scoring doesn't award prize points for getting on the podium (in slalom 1 buoy = 2 points). Sometimes in slalom the gap form first to sixth could only be two buoys. Something to consider is to give bonus points to the top skiers (maybe, 40 points for first, 20 for second, 15 for third). I guess the same could be applied for jump & trick. 2) Consider next year dropping the night slalom. My 2 cents.
  8. @Tom351 I am right there with you. This AM I had 500 pints over 3rd place and now I am 11th. The night jump was a game changer.
  9. Pigozzi is out. :-( I’ll be dropping next round. Who still has all six slalom skier in?
  10. Yep, that current came out of nowhere.
  11. If the tournament was over now only one guy would win anything. Hey @Horton I hope Tgas runs over a duck or other large bird!
  12. Is Whitney not jumping? Disregard, her points just magically appeared in fantasy ski.
  13. @aupatking I hate to say it bud, but you’re done. Edit: somehow you are 8 and I am 41???
  14. I went to the one at Corey's place last year, we had 2 ft of extra water in the lake but we still had a really fun day. @brooks Thanks!
  15. 1. Slow the boat down 1mph until August. I want to learn 28off so I can feel the swing of the boat. Hoping this will build confidence & muscle memory. 2. Try to switch my grip (right palm down/ RFF). If it doesn't work after 10 sets, go back to my normal upside down grip.
  16. Bill: “Hello my name is Bill and I am a Ski-it-Again-aholic. I am having withdrawals b/c there hasn’t been a slalom ski posted in eight days.” All: “Hello Bill”
  17. They would sell a lot more tops if each top came with a lifesize poster of the Stokes advertisement.
  18. @Horton about the audio. It seems like the sound is bouncing around your office. Try hanging some blankets on the wall to absorb the sound. If the floor is tile or other hard surface get a rug. Or buy a few squares of pro quality studio foam. (I am not a full time sound guy but I play one on Sunday AM) @ToddL I made an assumption DFC "purpose/target is topics for those who already follow/understand tournament skiing".
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