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Everything posted by skibumm

  1. http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=218&ad=30555220&cat=147&lpid=62&search=&ad_cid=2
  2. http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=218&ad=30255616&cat=147&lpid=&search=mastercraft&ad_cid=4
  3. That wake looks very similar to my 94 Centurion falcon at those speeds (I have more rooster tail) and one of the main reasons I have kept that boat for 20 years. My kids have all grown up skiing behind it and have appreciated the wakes at the slower speeds.
  4. Ill sell you my KD7000 junior cheap. Double boot my daughter skied into 28 off on that ski a few years ago
  5. I have an older KD 7000 junior I would sell someone double boot $175.00 perfect condition
  6. @scotchipman‌ I have not been on course 3 since before lake powell first part of June.
  7. Scott that is horrible. I was just thinking about course one and how much water was there. Apparently none at all. Course 4 will be our only one here soon. I was out Friday and it is shallow.
  8. Great app have been using it on my iphone 5. I set the speed 5 mph below the speed the lowest skier skis. I have some video that is not as clear as others and I have yet to figure out why.
  9. Congrats. Start saving now. Weddings are costly. Ask me how I know. You will however have ski buddy for life
  10. @matthewbrown Yes that is correct.
  11. @Lieutenant Dan I used a gopro mount that I purchased from best buy for $12.00. It is the misc parts. The only issue is you have to modify it to connect two mounts together. I used a flat mount for the phone part and a helmet mount for the top of the PVC cap. I am using an iphone 5 with it with some velcro on the case of the phone to attach it to the mount. I sued it at lake powell on both the pylon and my tower and it worked great.
  12. Here is the one I use and I have it set up for an Iphone with Wakeye app. I went with the different setup as the top of my pylon is smaller and it fits in perfectly and is solid as can be. I can also move it to the tower too and works good there as well.
  13. I use the grid daily. I train a ton of cardio running, biking, and swimming and the grid is the best there is for rolling out before and esspecially after a hard effort. I am sure I would be always in pain with out it. Now I am going out to see if it fits over my ski in the bag as that is a great idea
  14. I would most likely adjsut mine if I knew how to use calipers on a ski but have been too lazy to learn oh and buy a set of calipers too. I also do not know what the adjustment does. When I get a new ski I will lay with it until it feels good on boht sides and keep it that way for the rest of it's life.
  15. I have only been to one tournament and that was the Utah State Barefoot Championships. I went to that reluctanly and hoping to not make a fool out of myself. I won my division (It was the entry division if I remember) so had a blast. I am afraid of a slalom tournament because running 28 off at 34mph (PB) at age 49 is pretty crappy in comparison. But if I ever do go it is to have fun and enjoy myself I would hope. I'm very competetive so I would most likely injure myself trying to do something I am not capable of.
  16. Thanks Jody. I thought I was going nuts as mine is Centurion with LH rotation and was just going to go check mine to make sure that I was not imagining that. I have not done anything to my rudder and I had always thought that you needed that force or natural tendancy of the boat to turn when you let go of the wheel for it to track better. Is that not the case do I want a more neutral feel on the wheel? Just looking to understand why I would grind my rudder even though I have heard it for years I have never understood it so I left well enough alone.
  17. I have heard good things about the lifetime products boards for durablity and stability. They also say they paddle easy too. Check out the reveiws on amazon. We are thinking that they are the right type for us as well for Powell. We have taken boards down the past two years and the foam ones were too fragile and the really nice ones scared us to put on the beach so they were kind of a pain.
  18. Brady great goal and stick with it I expect to see a lean mean fighting machine this summer. I have never battled weight but am noticing that as I push 50 (less than a year) I am having a harder time staying in shape. Three years ago I was down to 172lbs and I am 6'1" right now in the mid 180s and I certainly feel the difference in my training. I hope to be lose 10 lbs by the frist week in May when I am doing the Saint George Ironman again. So far lots of hours in the gym and 2 lbs gained not the direction I was hoping for. A little diet change and I should be good as I have not been tracking my caloric intake up until now and notice that i need more of a caloric deficit to lose wieght. If you need anything reach out.
  19. Pushing 4500 hours on my boat 94 centurion and it runs as well as it it did the day I bought it. I have replaced a thermostate once and the impeller maybe 5 times. Regular OCD maintenence. I would not even hesitate on a 1000 hr boat if I were in the market for a new one.
  20. I am an H2O junkie. I get jazzed for summer during the winter and Jazzed for winter during the summer.
  21. Scott not sure if you know or not but this is Greg Anderson. Bri had it on her shin of all places. She had been having some moles taken off and this on bugged her when she shaved her legs and the Dr. though nothing of it because it was really small. Thurns out it was really deep. They sent it out to Huntsman and they sent it to New York because they had never seen anything like it. The Path in New York is world renowned for melanoma. They operated and took a big chunk out of her leg and 5 lymph nodes. All the nodes came back negative which meant no chemo. She goes in every two months for 5 years to have a complete body scan and they have documentend every little part on her body for future reference.
  22. I will comment on this if it has not yet hit close to home. I have a 22 year old daughter that was diagnosed with malignant melanoma a year ago. She has not had that much sun exposure either and it is a starteling reality when it hits a loved one. She is cancer free now but we are all much more conscious of exposure. She uses an umbrella a lot and sunscreen everyday as do we all. I invested in a comercial spray tan system for her and my other 3 daughters that still want to look tan in the summer so they could fit in. Funny thing is now all her friends are very sun consciouls and the spray tan system gets a regular work out.
  23. Not a grandpa yet but have a 22 year old daughter so could be close to it. My three daughters were all skiing in trainer skis on the boom by 3 and they all slalomed by 7. My oldest was slaloming at age 6 and running the small course by 8. I ahd a lot more free time then so she skied at least twice a week. the others did not get that amount of time in the water so they were a bit behind but they all ski the course now. Luckily they cannot go as deep as I can but while they are improving I seem to be de-improving (I know not a word but i liked it) so it si going to be any year now.
  24. As a tri geek I spend a lot of time swiming laps and love my waterproof ipod for that so I thought I would give it a go skiing. I was suprised by the amount of comunication there was skiing between the driver and the skier that I have never noticed before. I got so tired of taking an ear bud out so I could hear that I have never used it again.
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