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Where are Radar skis made


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  • Baller


We make Strada and Vice at Radar Lake in Woodinville, WA. The Senates and Theory are made in our own factory in mainland China. This is a production facility that Herb set up from scratch. We have a full-time guy living there that monitors all production. Daily ski flexes are recorded at the start of production runs. In addition, our R&D team spends over 6 months there watching skis be made. We are very confident in the quality of the skis. We then receive those blank skis here in Issaquah, WA. They are each finish filed, cleaned, finally inspected and finned by us before they're put in a box and sent to a dealer. Every ski is touched and given the thorough once-over by either Eddie or Ryan Hughes, our director of ski mounting.

I'd be happy to discuss further if you have any more questions. sully@squareoneco.com



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My all time fav ski is a Radar that was made in China. I ran more 38s on that black MPD than any ski since. Nothing wrong with Kung Pao Skis.
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  • Baller
I bought a 67" Senate C last year from Trophy Lakes last summer. I believe this ski was made overseas. The quality looks good and the performance is there. I just mainly run 15 off through 32 off and get in the boat "dry" so to speak. Every pass feels easy and wide, just stay off the front at 32 off and she rides fine. So, that being said, I believe the fact the ski is made in China is really a non-issue.
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