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Ski Length - Radar Theory


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I have decide my next slalom ski is going to be a Radar Theory. This will be my first "real" slalom ski. I have been using using a combo ski for the past several years and I'm ready to take the next step. My question is what length of ski should I get? I am 6'2" and weight 205 lbs. I measured the combo ski I have been using and it measures 67". According the Radar weight chart I should get the 69" ski but I am a bit concerned about the extra length. I can get up fine on the combo ski so should I stick to a 67" Theory or get the 69"? The Theory is wider than my combo ski so getting up on it should be even easier correct?


What do you guys think? 67" or 69"

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I'm 6'3, 195 and ski on a 67" Theory and it works great. I went off the advice of Ed O & h20dawg, who both recommended the 67. You'll love the Theory; mine is the red/white 2010 version and it has been fantastic for helping me get started in the course at 28 mph. Free skiing on it at 32 mph "rocks", if I may borrow the phrase from some of the original ballers!
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67 should work great. It is an awesome ski. You do not need the 69.... it is a freaking surf board. Up to 30 or 32 mph that ski is super fun.


Call H2oz and tell them I sent you

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Thanks Horton. You guys are confirming what my gut was telling me to get the 67. Any thoughts on what boots to get? The Vectors look pretty awesome. I am not going to be skiiing competitively so the Strada is probably a bit of an overkill for me. Most of my skiing is going to be free skiing on our local lake.
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  • Baller

Just one Devil's Advocate opinion on the binding thing. The Strada boots are a pretty big investment. IMO the Vector's on a Theory would be a pretty awsome combination and not quite as pricey. I actually run D3 Leverage bindings on my Theory (and on my Strada too for that matter) and it's great, I think the Vector's would likely be a step up from that even. I'm struggling right now with the decision of which bindings to upgrade to on my Strada, Vector's or Strada's. Probably go with the Strada's but I really like what I'm hearing and reading about the Vector's. If/when I pony up for new bindings on the Theory they'll probably be Vector's.



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  • Baller
Ed, the Vectors are just fine but the Stradas are better yet and only about thirty bucks more at retail. They can be heat molded, have orthotic insoles and are specific to a right and left foot. Plus, they'll keep your feet warmer in cold water. Jthomas - try 'em both on if you can and, yes, the Stradas will be just dandy for free skiing.
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Not sure I can save you money but if you want to support BOS.... Support H2oz


Call H20z and tell them I sent you


www.h2osmosis.com 866.213.7993


BOS Ski shop soon. Then you can support me more!

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jthomas, you can find closeouts of previous year model skis for smoking deals, though they're probably all gone. As you mentioned, the ski did change in 2011 but you wont be disappointed with the earlier design, as that is the ski everybody raves about. Try H2oz and Performance Ski. As for the Strada boots, expect to pay retail. Check this Theory out on ebay. You're not going to find anything cheaper for sure. Though I'd do as you suggested, spend $100 more and get a 2011.





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  • Baller
Sorry JT, no first hand experience to comment on the redesigned 2011. The Senate(s) and Theory are both now patterned after the Strada....so I can only assume they are improved. I haven't read reviews on either of them yet. My buddy got the new Senate C, but since our ice just went out...its too early for feedback. Not that it is consequential, but I personally find the graphics on the new Theory to be a huge upgrade.
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jthomas, did you buy the 2011 Radar Theory? Have you tried it yet. I bought a 67" Theory w/ Double Vectors and tried it first time yesterday. Seems like more work--hard to turn--harder to ski. Would like to know what you think, if you've tried it.
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  • Baller
The Theory is an awesome ski. I have a 67" I bought because it was a price I liked. I figured I would only be able to ski slow and at maybe 15, 22 off. For me, the ski works well at 34 mph and that's with no wing. When you start getting really short on the line, then the softer flex becomes sort of a hindrance. I really like this ski!
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  • Baller
The 66 Vice is recommended up to 175 lb. but like you were saying it may be too small at the slower speeds. The 66 down at 30 M.P.H. or lower would be a lot of work at his weight and not real conducive to learning the course. Trent Finlayson rides a 66" Vice at about your friends weight and he says he's still learning but he did run a couple of buoys @ 41 off last weekend and that is 36 M.P.H.
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