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The Tournament Scene?


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I have skied all my life. My Dad's side of the family are huge boaters and we usually spend ~15 days a summer at the lake. That said, I do not live on a private ski lake (although my dad and I joined one last year, but only go ~15 times/year), and nobody in our family has ever skied competitively. This summer I finally surpassed my Dad in the course. Last week at the lake I got a new ski, set a PB, and the summer skiing addiction is going full fledged. I'm at the point where I really want to get into some tournaments, but have no idea where to start.


I live in Columbus, OH, so suggestions as to tournaments/events or anything in the Midwest would be good. I've heard the Buckeye Buoy Tour would be a good place to start, so I'll give that a try.


I'm only running 22 off @ 36 mph, and I'd do almost anything to improve, so if you know of any clinics/coaching opportunities around here God knows I need it.




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  • Baller

The State Championships and Buckeye Buoy Tour Stop #3 (Team Assault) are this coming weekend! Registration closes Monday! Top Cat Challenge was great this weekend, see the results at www.skiowsa.com


Greg Kuenning

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  • Baller


Hi bbrannan127, the Ohio scene is one of the strongest skis scenes it seems like. They do a great job of promoting and getting people involved regardless of buoy count. Highly recommend you check it out.


btw, "not good enough" doesn't apply to skiing! if you can run 2 passes regardless of the line length, go for it.


most guys, myself included, started skiing tournaments: 15off 32mph.


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I would really like to be at the BBT 3 and the State Championships, but first I have to convince my soccer coach to let me miss a pre-season tournament. I'm going to do everything I can to be there.



That's encouraging. I've always felt that to compete in tournaments you need to be able to run 28... Not sure why.

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  • Baller
We had our State Championships this weekend and there were a number of skiers working on below their max speed and everybody was supportive and excited about how they performed. Don't be afraid just jump in and have fun.
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  • Baller
I am entering my first tournament since 1996. I am skiing in the Pennsylvania State Championships in two weeks in Men III slalom and tricks. I am doing it for the experience. I would have entered the Ohio tournament, but it is too far away from home and my ski site this year. It is at Dave's Pond in Edinboro PA. I can't think of a more perfect lake to ski on. The only thing missing is stadium lights..
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Ok, a few questions.


-Do you have to 'qualify' or anything for the State Championships?

-What's the difference between 'Grassroots' and 'Premier' events?

-If you want to start at 34 mph, do you have to start at a full line? I'd rather start at 15 @ 34, then try 15 @ 36, then go shorter from there.

-Can I ski in the Pennsylvania State Championships if I live in Ohio?

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  • Baller

In general you don't need to qualify to ski in the State Championships.


I believe that Grassroots events usually have a fun division for people that may have trouble running full passes and guarantee a certain number of passes.


You can start at any speed and line length you want. Almost nobody but little kids ski long line. Starting at 15/34 is not unusual at all. My max speed is 34 mph and I start at 22/34.


You should be able to ski the PA state championships if you live in Ohio.

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  • Gold Member

Welcome to tournaments!


I don't really have a ton to add beyond what everyone said, just want to echo some key sentiments:

- If you desire to be a "top" tournament skier someday, then START NOW. Doesn't make any difference what your current performance level is. Skiing tournaments will make you a better skier.

- In my first tournament, darn near 20 years ago (yikes!), I ran 30, 32, and a few buoys at 34mph. And then gradually I got better. These days I open at -28 and hope to do some damage at -38.

- Let people know you're new to tournaments. Almost everyone is really eager to help out, but they won't necessarily assume you are new just because they don't recognize you.

- Ask people about where/when they ski. If nothing else, these conversations will be interesting. And eventually they will lead to more opportunities for YOU to ski with top skiers.

- You WILL be nervous. Possibly your first round may blow. Don't worry about it -- everyone's been there. It *might* even take a few tournaments before you get close to your practice scores. Try to be patient and keep entering more tournaments!



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  • Baller_
bbrannan - you'll do just fine, let us know how it goes. Remember to relax and have a good time, and If you want to meet and get to know the other skiers, volunteer to help dock start, or ride safety swimmer in the boat. That way you'll be able to put faces to names and the event organizers will appreciate your help and enthusiasm.
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  • Baller
You'll get hooked. I've been at it for 46 years and still love it. You will never meet better people, anywhere. Richard is right. Volunteer for dock starter or pick-up boat driver. It will help the organizers and you will meet the skiers faster.
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  • Baller
Teams are posted for the "Team Assault" this Friday before the State Championships. We came up with a way to put slalomers, trickers, and jumpers all on a team and score it fairly with handicaps. Then we named all the teams after ski legends. We've got 50 people registered, for 10 teams of 5 skiers. Should be fun! http://skiowsa.com/
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  • Baller

A lot of these tournament sites are too small to hold a pickup boat. At a large site like River Bend in Oklahoma, there is space for a second boat, and it really helps to keep the round moving along if a skier falls on the north side of the course.




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I'd be happy to work! I couldn't get the links to work on the OWSA website to work though for running order/teams...


Also, if I got to the lake around 6 or 6 30, could I get a practice set in? The site says practice Thursday evening but I just want to make sure it's not full or anything.



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  • Baller

I've only been to one joint that had a pick up boat. It was no more fun sitting in there than the walk of shame back up the shore!

I agree w/the others. All of us have had good tourneys and some tourneys where we stunk it up. The cool thing is a tourney is mostly self competitive...everyone else in my experience is cheering for you, the skier. If you set a PB, chances are everyone is patting you on the back. If you stink, chances are everyone understands and is still patting you on the back. Most often the newbies get more cheers and encouragement than anyone else...especially if it is known they are new to the scene.

Go meet some great people. It will likely result in new ski contacts, and contacts that matter outside of skiing. Also agree w/the others that a great way to show you are a good guy/gal is to pitch in and help. Tourneys are a lot of work for those putting on the show.

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  • Baller
Links are fixed and yes, you should be able to get a practice set on Thursday night if you get there around 6:00. I would definitely suggest it since you've never skied on that lake.
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If I am correct you ski at Columbus Aqua. That is the only site in Ohio that needs a Pickup Boat for slalom. So I understand where you are coming from. We'll Make sure you get to know everyone as well. See you later tonight.


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