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Nationals Photos Up?


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  • Baller
I am very impressed with the jump photos, great angle and what-not. Tricks leave something to be desired, you can tell the photographer/picture selector (different people actually), don't really know tricks as far as what's about to come or what would be a good picture to select. The prices are not impressive, these aren't wedding pictures.... I understand having to make ends meet, but it's almost more of a shot in the foot in my opinion.
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  • Gold Member

Hm, what's with so many sites these days going backward with non-unique URLs, such that there is no way to send people a link directly to the material you want them to see?


If I wanted to direct someone to my pictures, I'd have to send 3 or 4 steps for them to execute manually. Holy 1995 technology, Batman!


(Please somebody tell me I'm missing something obvious.)


Pretty decent pictures, though, considering the subject. :)

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  • Baller
I've run into the same problem, sending a link prompts a needed password, so to get people there I've had to direct to the main site and give step by step instructions. The company are great people, a joy to meet with at Nationals, but I think expectations need to be set a little lower, as I think they were under a certain impression as to how many people will purchase the photos and at what type of pricing structure.
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