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Intense slalom crash


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  • Baller
The girl at Razor1's place got smashed. Her husband was driving, I was spotting, and I've never seen worse. I actually yelled out "OH NOOOOO, BAD CRASH BAD CRASH" Sure lucky she was ok. It was similar to the video but she had overloaded, built a bunch of speed and the unload pulled her more upright just before the tip went under so was her head was higher up when the ski stopped, she went straight over the front and just got slammed.
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  • Baller
That's brutal! Crashing at the landing never scared me about jumping, it was splatting into the ramp like this that scares me enough not to try it. He also had no coverage on his face as he went in the water backwards. He must have had a LOT of water crammed up his nostrils.
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I am not sure how this happenned, but from talking to the college skiiers at SMRR it seems like there are guys who like to take 100+ foot cuts when they barely know how to ski (like they first saw a 3 event boat 2 months ago). Was that the case there?


Also - I would probably take that crash over a tip stop out the front on a slalom any day. The last one I had was at 34 -15 and it was just BRUTAL! I even bruised a rib where my hand hit me after bouncing off the water, mild concussion, and I wasn't even going that fast, I am scared what will happen next out the front while trying to learn 36 -28 :(

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  • Baller

Beatrice was actually well enough to attend the award ceremonies on site and then the final night party at Lake Maggiore after they x-rayed her. Broken bone in her shoulder, so it'll be several weeks before she gets back out on the water again. She was still happy that her brother Matteo skied to a silver medal position - and that she has new claim-to-fame. She actually wanted me to get the video out sooner than I did.


She's certainly a trooper and I look forward to seeing her compete again in the near future.



Tony Lightfoot


P.S. I make no apologies for adversely affecting Mr. Horton's hearing.

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  • Baller

....not to mention ESPN's "Around the Horn" and "SportsNation", Big Ten Network's "The Big Ten Pulse", TruTV's "Not fit for Work" and "Smoking Gun TV", Right This Minute, and a large number of local TV stations around the US that receive footage from NBC-Universal's affiliate network feed.

Yup, it went viral and then some....


Tony Lightfoot

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  • Baller
What the hell?! I watched this video over and over last night, trying to see if there was anything she could have done to see it coming or reduce the severity of the fall. Then today, I went out and had the exact same freakin' fall at the same line length. Damn it happened fast! I hit the water so hard on the first impact it broke my Bomber safety glasses in half and unzipped my vest! My driver told me he didn't believe me when I gave him the OK sign. My whole body is seizing up nicely right now as I sit here wondering if watching this gross video so many times had anything to do with it.
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First of all, anyone that knows Horton in person knows that when he gets excited his squeal gets pretty high pitched.


@estrom As a jumper and Horton at least as a former jumper can attest, the majority of jumpers will go thru most if not all of their career without ever taking a fall like that. I've been jumping since I was 9 (minus a 4 year hiatus from skiing) and I had a fall this year where I actually hit the water first then bounced onto shore. Completely freak accident and it doesn't even cross my mind that it will ever happen again. AND I totally get how lucky I was not to get hurt. Jumping doesn't have to be unsafe. It's all about getting good coaching and approaching it the right way

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something isn't right there then ^... just like what @mshaw200 said, jumping doesn't have to be unsafe if your smart about it, i totally agree with that, obviously if you want to go far your going to crash at somepoint, i had my first good jump crash in like 4 years this year, because i took a cut over my ability haha (wanted to get that 120), its all about pushing it in moderation
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