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Congrats to Than Bogan on his Goode Video!


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  • Gold Member

@Chef23 I assume you mean "Ya know, I should really grow a goatee like Than's."


Anyhow, I won't carry this crazy beard into the tournament season next year, but I'm still a bit entertained by it, and my youngest still wants to braid it, so it's gonna get even a little more ridiculous before it sees its merciful end.


Best thing about the ridiculous beard midlife crisis: One day, you just shave it off.

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  • Gold Member

@ripa38 I am flattered that you think I have the production skill to make something like that! But anyhow, for better or for worse, it is serious. The only "fake" thing about it is that it took me two tries to run the -38. But in the past, I've run on the order of 1 per 400 attempts, so that day was truthfully quite awesome.


And @Horton's implication (I think) is correct as well -- there's no way this would have happened without BallOfSpray. Without that "credential," nobody, least of all the folks at Goode, would have been interested in hearing what I had to say about a ski.

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  • Baller
I don't know @Than well enough to comment on the goatee, other than to say it was a little more "trimmed" when we talked at regionals...great skiing my friend (on the video and yes, at regionals...), and great site you have there now that I finally skied it this summer. "Hello" to all my friends at Cochituate!
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  • Gold Member

And that was a month ago...


Best line about it came from the founder of my company, who only knows me a little and hadn't seen me in a couple of months (but is never shy to say what is on his mind):


"That is the most fake-looking actual beard I have ever seen."

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