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The Election Got It Wrong!


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  • Baller

Sitting at home watching the voting patterns of the great states of this the United States, a couple of thoughts came to mind. First, I was wishing Maine would have been red, and Georgia would have been blue. I also wish Ohio would have been red, and texas blue. I wish Washington would have been red and Arizona blue. Why do you ask? Because then America would have been a perfect slalom course!!!


Don't these damn politicians realize that all they should focus on is getting more people in America skiing? Building more lakes with Slalom in mind would do more to unite the Country than all the rhetoric they can spew out.


If I were president, I would do the following and the Country would be better off 4 years from now.

Laws of Doug Brady

1. Every citizen shall ski 3 sets per week. This will help their pschye as well as rid the Country of the obesity.....err....fat-ass problem.

2. Every citizen shall do a monthly service project at the lake of their choice. Teach to serve others.

3. Every citizen shall get a damn job! No explanation needed

4. While the Country wants a new boat every year, sometimes you just don't have the money, so live within your damn means and quit spending the money of others.

5. If a boat from another Country messes with our water, they will not be allowed to boat

6. Finally, every citizen shall drink 2 beers a day.


That's it folks. Skiing can solve the worlds problems!

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I am going to allow this until someone starts taking real politics. I have VERY strong feelings about the election but this is not the place for it.
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  • Baller
@Horton, I would like to appoint you to a cabinet as well. If you pass the rigorous screening process Congress will put you through, I would like you to be my Secretary of Cut Your Damn Hair. @6balls, your appointment is the Ambassador of The Yearly Get Together. Work for you?
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  • Baller
@brady, I appreciate the honor, but the annual party is at @razorskier1's joint...so he should have the formal position. I am happy to be admin support to the ambassador and continue to invite complete strangers to his place granted they are cool, help maintain the joint, bring something to the table, have a big liver, and are passionate about skiing. Yeehaw.
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  • Baller

@Horton, then why aren't you answering my prayers????? All I am asking for nightly is for my wife to let me move to Texas, to lose 30 pounds, and to ski like Sir Mapple. Seriously, get on it please...Oh wait, I also ask for no hangovers and for my wife to look like a different supermodel each day also.

Simple things...

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  • Baller_
Lots of ways to get more lakes. All Hwy overpass digs should be regulated to form ski lake dimensions when digging dirt for overpasses. Flood control lakes should all be 2400X300. We have lots of flood control going in along the Red River of the north. There is a ski club up in Winnipeg that is based on one of these lakes.
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  • Baller
I will try to get earth moving equipment for all the lakes that will be built. We just need to get someone in there that will cut all the red tape for getting approval/permits to build the lakes. Unless there was just free reign to build a lake wherever it best suited the community....that would rock!
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