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Is your season over?


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  • Baller
Pretty much over. The guys I ski with are snowbirds, so they are already planning their escape to FL. I'm taking the docks and boats that are at my parents place out Sunday. We'll take our boat out for a fall color run in a couple weeks, but that'll be about it for the season.
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  • Baller
I think it's getting colder quicker this year but fingers crossed we can still make it to November. I'll ski with a shorty but if I have to put a full wetsuit on, I won't be able to feel my hands or feet by the end of the first pass and that's not any fun to me.
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Getting the boat detailed this week. Winterized on Sunday. My daughter, who helped with engine fogging again this year said "This is a really sad day." Yes, it is. It is a long time until snowboarding starts - typically 3-months. So we have volleyball season, school work, fall and winter home prep, and general life to keep us occupied and entertained until the water changes form and we can ride again.
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  • Baller

No more light after type 18:15 now.

Hence no weekdays skiing.

Last weekend was warm but with up to 30 mph wind and two feet waves in the course.

Temp is dropping fast. We have now 45f in the mornings but still 55 in the water.

We give up at low 40 in the water and low 40 in the air.

Hope for 5-8 more sets.

Maybe going south for a few days.

Season normally starts in early May.


Snow skiing starts in early November for me this year.


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  • Baller
Theoretically the club boat gets pulled at the beginning of October, but if it freezes before that, then the season ends early. I have spent the past three years seriously fantasizing about moving back to Seattle so I can ski year round. I hope to get up to the Flathead (5 hour drive) several times this fall/winter/spring to get some skiing in. This sport has brought out the malcontent in me!
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  • Baller
In southern MI today water is still pretty nice. @TWB skied in just shorts and a heater top, I'm more of a wuss so went with the full wetsuit. Using the hot water shower on board takes that first chill out when you hit the water. Supposed to be in the 80's this weekend so it looks like at least another week before the drysuit comes out. We usually ski until the first week of Nov.
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  • Baller
In south GA - so should be good until a break for the holidays. Just beginning to get my lake back after a couple months of hardly using it due to seaweed. Hopefully good chemistry (herbicides) and grass carp make for an early start in 2014. Easy 4 hour drive to Orlando should help get it going early too.
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  • Baller
NE Ohio -- With kids back in school, we tend to have the lake to ourselves, but with colder temps, it is tough to find people to ski and drysuit is exhausting. Even after my opening pass, I feel like I need and oxygen tank when I drop in the water.
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  • Baller
@Mattp I'm with you guys. My lake hasn't cooled down as fast but the slalom ski lake got chilly quick. I was seriously considering pulling out the heater top last weekend but hoping to tough it out just a bit longer. My boat and the clubs boat both have heaters so that helps too.
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  • Baller

@skidawg Weird hip problem early in the season. Tried to rehab too much too early. MRI after Nationals (failure due to pain and lack of any practice) showed crushed cartilage in the hip socket. Friday I lose the crutches I hope (I might be in trouble as the crutches are a pain so I walk with my crutches - resting comfortably on my shoulder). Still I am feeling better so I hope to ski at Imperial - but no practice.


I hope you are healing well.



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