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2014 Skiers of the year


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Matt and I have started thinking about the 2014 Skiers of the year. Ok that is not true. Matt has started thinking about it and is bugging me to think about.


If you were the front page editor for that story, who is your skier of the year and why?

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  • Baller
My vote is Regina. At least a pass better than her competition. After watching her ski at Cottonwood I don't think I have ever seen anyone more intense. Always gives 100% plus yet is nice to everyone. No attitude!!! I say this even after she pulled my #6 ball @-32. If she says I missed it then I did.
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  • Baller
Regina did not lose a single competition she skied in this year (and only her first one in 2012), including two events against the guys. And she set a pending world record that if approved will move it up by a half buoy.
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  • Baller
Somehow, we need @TFIN and @MarcusBrown in the mix simply because of their compassion for the growth and development of the sport. Trent has become a regular contributor of articles in our magazines and has offered some great insights to our technique. He is as happy to be the dock starter at our local tournaments as he is coaching or shredding 41 off. Marcus just loves this sport beyond imagine and is always wanting to engage all of us in some form of digital conversation either through webcasts or video shorts. Great guys for our sport, and I suspect they will be significant contributors in 2014! Plus, they both participate on BOS; that makes them stand out right there!
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Skier of the Year: Regina in a slam dunk.


Skier of the other sex of the Year: Nate. Goddam that kid is good.


Most Influential Skier of the Year: Marcus Brown. The Mastercraft he helped design looks like a game changer (even though it's too damn wide :) ), AND he's getting the video series going, AND he's been working on expanding the base of the sport with things like the Freeride. As in the other categories, it doesn't really seem like anybody else is close.


Ski Reviewer of the Year: Horton. Man, every category is a landslide win here.

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  • Baller
You narrow minded people. Think 3 even & overall as well. I will keep my opinions to my self for now. I have done the research and have the statistics split by event on who I think the top skiers of the year are. I am waiting on the Oct. rankings and Worlds to finalize my thoughts. Horton and I put a lot of time and energy into deciding who the winners are every year. Keep your opinions flowing!
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In all honesty, I think it would be sorta strange for BallOfSpray to consider excellence in trick and jump, except maybe as a tie-breaker. This site is pretty heavily skewed to slalom. If it helps anyone, you could put slalom in the name to make things clearer. "Slalom Skier of the Year."
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For slalom and jump I think a few skiers deserve to be skiers of the year. Nate and CP. Regina and Karina. Ryan and Freddy. I feel its fair to say, when you see these names, you associate them with greatness in the last few years of our sport. In 2014 specifically, Nate, Ryan and Regina. I believe the fact that Freddy was out with an injury for a while, and not training much, that's what allowed Ryan to take the last few wins. BUT, nothing against Ryan, HELLVA good skier and deserves to be on top.
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  • Baller

Are we viewing this "Skier of the Year" in the same format one would view MVP in other sports? They are certainly different discussions. MVP could easily be stated as Nate for the male division and Regina for female solely based on wins.

However what about the skier that has worked hard enough to improve what they have done and seen more significant improvement that brought them closer to the above mentioned skiers.

Someone mentioned Erica Lange - where was she at the start of the season vs setting the trick record? Trent Findlayson - changing teams and progressing to tying the Canadian record.

Just because someone holds up the cup at the end of a tournament doesn't necessary mean they are the skier of the year to me!


But that's a personal thought too I guess.

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  • Baller

@MattP I don't really have a top choice and it would be far above me and my ability to pick any one skier! I guess that was the point I was trying to make.

Heck if I really had to pick an MVP though I would choose @Horton and I have never met the dude. But based on what he gives the general waterskier here access too just on this site alone shows a committment far and beyond what a lot of others give back to the sport!

As a moderator of the site I give special mention to you as well.

"Skier of the Year" or "Player of the Year" if compared to other sports can be the best hitter, the best 3 point shooter, most goals, or people can be chosen for this for coming back and having great seasons after suffering injuries. Either support the title in my mind!

So there that's the best I can give you! :)



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