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3 Ballers will receive one month of the “Mapple Training System” for free!


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Andy @Mapple has offered to let 3 Ballers receive the “Mapple Training System” free for one month. Who will those 3 Ballers be?


If you want free coaching from Andy, you have to convince me that you are serious this winter*.


Please post below why I should pick you for one free month of “Mapple Training System”.

The three winners will be expected to share the experience with all of us.


More information http://www.mapplesports.com/mts.html


*or summer if you are in the southern hemisphere.


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@scotchipman You are going to have to write something more convincing than "Pick Me".


@richarddoane is looking like a better choice all the time.

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  • Baller
Why you should pick me..... 1. Planning a trip to mapples in April. 2. Saving to buy a mapple. 3. Stuck in the high 90's for bouy count and want triple digits really bad. 4. Skiing in Texas December and end of February. 5. It sucks in Colorado with the lake frozen right now.
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  • Baller_

I feel like this is counterintuitive but... Top 10 reasons

1. FL lake front owner with acces to 5 boats. Two with ZO

2. Proud new owner of a Camaro wetsuit..water just won't feel cold...ever!!, And won't feel impeded.

3. Minimal 3 sets per week all winter.

4. In tournys getting 5@38 last season and 4.5@38 (should've run it) this season has to STOP! Must run it.

5. Need to be at the bottom of the rankings list.............in MM

6. 32.4567887 minutes away from Mapple's site door to door.

8. I have an iPad tracker to record runs.

9. Already use iPhone for ski recording.

10. Because I can't think of anything ski related that would be cooler then this. Period.




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I'd like a chance...

skiing for many yrs, some would say incorrectly. For the past 3 yrs I have worked my way up the line and speed from 32 mph 15 to 34 mph 28'. Can run maybe 2 at 32' 34mph on a good day. Technique is getting better, muscle memory getting better. But there in lies the problem. When you start to get to these line lengths, you need the technique, the strength and the ability to recognize the right and wrongs.. A coach + program like the Mapple training system is offering would indeed help me get to this summers goal of running 32' and some # at 35'. I have access via membership to a private tournament site in nor cal, and ability to ski 1-2 days a week all winter. A Z box MC or Zero off MC to train with and ski partners that can all run 35 and 38. I record sets with ski -doc and have spent countless hrs watching the best of the best at tournaments here in Cali. trying to figure it all out. I'm committed to improving my skiing and would like to participate in some summer tourneys in '14. But need the bouy count to improve some. 48' water doesn't scare me. Lets do this.... @Horton I'll even wear my BOS shirt:)- thanks to Matt

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  • Baller_
@OB you obviously have made to much progress in the past year to need such services and as for me working...yes but self employed so I make my own schedule. Oh, and I don't have to put myself 30,000 feet in the air for hours to get to my lake. Just sayn.
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  • Baller

Lord knows I live to experiment, so I'd love to give this a try!


- I'm a natural born guinea pig/crash test dummy

- I've been training on "programs" my whole life

- When I'm on a program, I stick to it precisely

- I'm analytical and keep a daily log so I have a baseline against which to track progress

- I live on a tournament lake in Orlando (controlled environment)

- Being in Orlando, I can visit Andy personally if necessary

- I can ski daily, and I ski regardless of the weather

- I have a gym membership for any physical requirements of the program

- with nearly 400 sets this year so far, I'm very aware of what's happening with my skiing

- I like to write, and it would be nice to have something useful to write on BOS for a change =)



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  • Baller

@Horton, you need to do this for me to help me survive and keep skiing.


I broke my neck on an OTF two years ago, and had a metal plate in my neck, until the plate failed two months ago and had to be removed. I started skiing again last Monday, and need to make sure I do not fall again like that. Doc does not want me to fall again like that.


Only way to achieve this is to fix my 2 and 4. Andy can do it.

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  • Baller

Being an Aussie we are about to hit summer so I will have plenty of opportunity to ski and report findings. I also own and run a software development company so I can provide more than one perspective on the tools provided. It would also be valuable for AM to have feedback from a user outside of the US.


I'm also gifted with a very average amount of natural ability and talent so I need to work hard at things to make progress. Currently working on -32 / -35


I will also write him a cracker of a testimonial.

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  • Baller

Application from Peter in Sweden:


1. Andy might benefit from a reference in Sweden and not only NA.


2. Based on my current limited skills I would most likely benefit (improve) very strongly by professional coaching. A great improvement would be a selling point for the product!


3. If I shall ever make my goal to shorten the rope I need fast progress

(Being 55 and only been skiing for 3 seasons)


4. There are hardly no other coaching available in Sweden so this opportunity would be super great!


5. For this competition there are no international shipping costs =0)))


6. If I win I would be very grateful and an ambassador for the product, forum and the sport


Have a nice day




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I would be the perfect experiment for Andy because I am a notorious buoy chaser in my training I almost never run all six buoys without shortening the rope directly after and I never go backwards. I've always wondered if a more a programmed approach to my training would improve my skiing but I've never had the discipline to slow down. I'm fully dedicated this winter but only in the Gym due to Utah winter but I'd love to have the chance to have Andy's service in may.
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  • Baller
Would very much like the opportunity to work with Andy Mapple and staff to experience the MTS. Living outside Orlando, I am in close proximity to the Mapple Taining center as well as having access to my ski course and Swiss Ski School when winds do not cooperate on my lake. Having skied with Andy in the past and skiing on Mapple designed skis for years, I recognize his insight, knowledge and passion for the sport is unparalleled. Possibly getting burned out by using the improper training technique of going out and trying to ski my PB every time. His insight and training tips could renew my enthusiasm and take performance to a new level. In addition, it would be rewarding to share the experience with others. Thank you for your consideration. MWN
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  • Baller

My reasons:

I'm looking for that extra input to get me through 32 consistently and further into 35 off.

I'm dedicated - winter workout program is P90X - but I can tailor an adjust as needed. I do two rounds of the workout program, I back it up.

Perseverance - I'm not afraid to take two steps backward to get 5 steps forward.

Details - I will document like I'm writing a manual.

Journey - amazing results take work, it's a journey -

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  • Baller_

I’ll throw my name into the hat.


Here’s why:


In the 2004-2006 timeframe, I was running about 50% of my -39s in practice and ran it multiple times in tournaments, including twice in Big Dawgs. My last tournament 39 was in 2007. I haven’t run it in practice in about 3 or 4 years. I blame the decline on 3 primary things: I have been struggling to find a ski that works as well as the 2 I was using during that time (both broke down over time and got soft), fighting ZO, and just plain getting old.


So if I am going to improve, I need to do something different.


At the end of last season, I got a ski that I feel does everything its suppose to and I can finally focus on what I am doing instead of fighting and trying to make a ski work. By coincidence it’s a Mapple 6.1.


I have used many training strategies over the years and understand the importance of discipline and tracking progress. I still keep notes on every set. I will provide objective and honest assessment of the training system – what works, what doesn’t, what can be improved, and my individual quirks that may or may not affect others.


So my goal will be to get back to where I was 8-10 years ago. That is both measureable and not unrealistic.


Here’s why not:


My normal ski season is from mid March to mid Oct. I spend the first several weeks just doing back to backs, so it is usually mid-late April before I shorten to 38. So any training system will be of limited value until around May.


At the ripe age of 51, I may very well be past the knee in the curve where physiological declines will override improvements in technique and equipment. I still work hard at conditioning, but it gets tougher every year and I don’t feel as strong as I used to.


My kids get priority on water time. That’s a problem I didn’t have 10 years ago, but a good problem to have today. I still get a set about 5 times a week during the season, but focusing and getting more out of that time becomes critical.


If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
All I will say is that I have never been a beggar and I won't start now!! The only thing I have to offer is I sort of suck at skiing and need all the help I can get. If reviews of the MTS warrant giving it a try; I will purchase it. I have no problem blowing good money after bad in this sport chasing a higher buoy count. It won't be the first, or last, time I make a donation.
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  • Baller

i started skiing the course last year and I have never had any professional instruction or guidance of any kind and i would love to give it a shot. also i am 17 years old.


i only get to ski 2 times a week, so all the help and guidance i can get would be awesome. for a suggestion to @mapple maybe for days that people cant ski you supply them with a good dry land work out. i would love that!



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  • Baller

@horton I'm interested in this opportunity. Why? 15 OFF to 39.5 OFF in 3 summers, I have PASSION, DEDICATION, ADDICTION, ACCESS, GOAL SETTING, and a little TALENT.


I ski 90% of my time on a public course on a public river basically from May 1 - November 1. I joined the Fraser Valley Waterski Club this past summer, but it is 5 hours away and I only get to ski there about 2 weeks a year when we are visiting family. I joined a local semi-public/private puddle with a course on it this summer (40 minutes from my house).


I owe my advancements to a couple things:


1. One guy (FVWSC) who has helped me work on technique and also helped me dial in my ski. Could not be skiing at a higher level without his support and contributions.

2. Veterans in this sport that I have met on the water that have encouraged me to reach my goals. One in particular who helped me find my ZO numbers!

3. My family for towing me every day and skiing with me. My wife and kids are on the water with me every day!


I have only skied in INT tournaments for the past 2 summers. Going to do as many AWSA and INT this coming summer with a goal to atleast qualify for AWSA Nationals in Mens 3...........


I fit the bill for the guy that is going to jump on board with a program like this. Decent access to skiing the course, some additional coaching from a top shelf skier and eager to advance to my full potential. I also have tech skills to video and post here on ballofspray.


Hoping to have an opportunity to work with Mapple and share the experience online and with as many skiers as I can.

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I would like the Mapple Training System because I am very interested not only for the online Coaching but also for the workouts when i am not on the water. I live in Zürich and we don't have a Slalomcourse so I Drive 4 1/2 hrs to Italy on weekends. My goal is to improve my Skiing no matter which level, but when i Run the Course i try to Run it in a good position.
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  • Baller

Since breaking my ankle and switching to reflex, I have missed a deep water start or my opener or both, every set for the last few weeks.

Nowhere to go but up. I need help and can't get my ankle back in rubber yet.

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  • Baller
I have been stuck at about the same point now for several years and need a breakthrough moment. I need improved consistency at -38 and to start running -39 before I get any older (50 now!). I've skied with Andy twice this year on my new Mapple 6.0 and am convinced with more input I make the next breakthrough and turn into the guy who not only outscores @Horton and @MS, but skis a Big Dawg or two. Please pick me, pick me!
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I'm the most challenging "Baller Project". In 2009, two things happened, my tournament PB was 3@32 (best year ever) and I became a PM for a power pant that had just started construction.


Here's my case:

- Last year I skied about 15 sets.

- Average off the dock was 2 or 3 at 28.

- 2009 skiing weight was 175. Today I'm 203 lbs in the buff.

- I travel about 100 days a year.

- I've got a wife and two daughters who ski. (Boat hogs/potential customers)

- I'm the average Baller on the survey. In other words, there are lots of folks in my demographic. 1 of the 3 should be "average".

- I'm the proud owner of a Mapple 6.0

- I willing to do the work, just need direction. My old techniques are not ideal for this 41 year old body.

- I live in Tx and will be at Nationals next year. MTS could take me from spectator to competitor...


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Why me?


- Most of the ballers are too good, it must get old working with all those short liners. Think how much fun it would be to see progress from 34 mph, 15 off to ????

- I am turning 50 in March, need to make progress toward my goal of hitting 28 off at 34 mph, before I get really old.

- I don't have the advantage of skiing with other skiers that are better than myself, so I need some long distance coaching.

- I have never had any coaching, so no time like the present.



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  • Baller
I am the absolute biggest fan and supporter of Andy and his company. He (and the rest of Team Mapple) have treated me with more respect than I ever would have imagined. He has treated me as if I was a Big Dawg skier, when the reality is I'm just a guy that skis mostly on a public lake with a dream of running 38 in a tournament one day. As long as Andy is involved in making skis in any way, and I'm still skiing, I will ride his ski.
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