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seeing the neurosurgeon


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  • Baller

Long story short...bizarre symptoms. Investigation finds severe spinal stenosis C4-5 and C5-6 due to disc/osteophyte complex and severe bilateral neuroforaminal stenosis both levels. For those not in the biz this means my spinal cord is being squished in the spinal canal and the nerve roots coming off the spinal cord are also being squished by their canals at two vertebral levels in my neck. Had a discectomy at C6-7 sixteen years ago and no new injury...just bad spine degenerating with time.


Seeing neurosurgeon Wednesday. Can't stop taking prednisone without serious return of symptoms...when taking it very manageable but the side effects adding up over time. Bummer given ice finally off...most likley will be skiing vicariously though all of you for a bit.

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  • Baller
6. If you get a fusion this year, you should be fine for skiing next summer. Much less loading of the cervical spine than lumbar spine with what we do. (and life in general) Of course every situation is different, but in general I would rather have a cervical surgery than lumbar. Look to the positive on this and good luck.
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  • Baller

@mrjones I'm guessing bilateral two level foraminotomy and two level laminectomy with fusion. I'm no neurosurgeon but seems that would be combo of anterior and posterior approaches....ugg.


With a well healed fusion you should be correct and I think that will need to be done to ski safely...I've got a lot of cord compromise on MRI at present and the wrong hard fall could turn out poorly.


If it were done soon, you think any chance of late season skiing? Lastly...yes much better cervical than lumbar. I will be driving everyone nuts during recuperation; I'm not good at sitting around doing nothing.

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  • Baller
6. I would just be guessing. You would have to see what procedure is actually done, see how the surgeon feels about the fixation, the see what the follow up x rays look like as healing progresses. My thought would be to plan for next season and if it works out for later this year all the better!. Good luck with it.
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  • Baller
@andy will do if anything sounds out of line. I'm a family doc who refers many spine patients and have my favorites...which is why I'm seeing this specific physician. Having said that I will move on if the approach does not seem reasonable and/or he doesn't understand my unique circumstance; a 41 year old competitive in multiple sports that create significant strain yet define a large part of me; I need to get back to all of them safely at least for now. Someday there will be another chapter(s) in life but not yet if I can avoid it.
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  • Baller
@6balls you have it covered. I injured my back L5S1 years ago, then my neck. I manage pain with exercise and it works for the most part in day to day stuff. However, a skiing fall I took yrs ago now slows me down pretty good, so I don't push the way I used to, but I still go several times a week. Injury does put a strain on the competitive side to be sure.
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  • Baller

Wow! I'm going to the neuro surgeon in 1 hour for almost the exact same thing.

This is my first visit with him.

MRI shows stenosis in c5,c6. I have loss of strength in my left bicep and deltoid. I hope my season isn't lost.

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  • Baller
@markm keep us posted and good luck. I had C6-7 micro discectomy 16 yrs ago with strength loss in tricep, wrist extensor and pectoralis. Recovery there is quick. Question is whether you need laminectomy and fusion which means the longer recovery. Pretty sure my season is roasted, hopefully yours not. I'll work on my driving skills pulling around @razorskier1
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  • Baller
I'm really sorry to hear about the injury and pray for a speedy recovery. Question for you guys with the back problems: What exactly happened to cause the injuries? Where these OTF's or something less dramatic than that?
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  • Baller

@texas6 not sure. Bad spine heredity here and also significant over use on my part. No regrets for me. Very appreciative of all the kind comments...will know more soon with initial consult on Wed. Ballers rock.



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  • Baller

Ok so...I saw the neurosurgeon yesterday and here's the deal.

I have c4/c5, c5/c6 issues. Slight bulging disk, spinal stenosis, pinched nerves, blah blah.

He thinks a steroid shot could help. If not, then it's surgery time and I'll be out for 6-9 months.

I've started Physical Therapy yesterday, and I'm going for a second MRI today that will be on some special machine that will give the neuro guy a clearer picture.


I've never had a neck injury or big crash. However, in my younger days (like a dumbass) I would do flips on a wakeboard. I'm sure I had several whiplashes when I would miss a flip. So, given that, age, and skiing 4 days a week my body is now angry with me.


So, Thursday is the steroid shot and let's hope that frees up the nerve and my strength returns to my bicep and deltoid. That's the goal!

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  • Baller

@markM did he think safe to ski given the stenosis even if the shot helps nerve root given the spinal stenosis?

I see the doc tomorrow will let you know the scoop for me. I don't think there is a shot to help me...I'm thinking it's surgery.

6-9 months out from surgery...ouch. What surgery did he propose in the event needed...two level laminectomy/fusion and foramenotomy?

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  • Baller
As expected at the doc today. Wants an EMG and we meet to plan extent of surgery afterward...most likely 2 level laminectomy with fusion and foraminotomy from C4-C6 on left. Out of work 2-4 weeks, 2-3 months before much activity involving neck and given the forces involved in slalom he thought should probably plan to bag this season. Once healed, he doesn't see any restrictions down the line.
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  • Baller

THX all. The CT was good, it picked out an area of neuroforaminal stenosis higher than the area of spinal stenosis which explained some unexplained symptoms...in fact the higher area is likely the primary player and the big discs squashing my cord shown on MRI are incidental. He thought fixing those areas though is also important for safety skiing in the future and even if he didn't fix 'em now cuz they may not be symptomatic they would need fixed at some point soon anyway. I'm thinking let's get it all done in one procedure, have one recovery, blow one season and get back after it. Surgeon seems to be thinking along these lines as well so nice to be on the same page. Super nice guy, too.

As a bonus, CT was an angio so got to see my carotids, circle of willis etc...no budding aneurysms and carotids are clean, too. The old brain didn't look too bad!

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  • Baller

Good luck 6balls!!

Today is my epidural. I hope it frees up this nerve and brings back my arm and shoulder strength. If it works, I think I'll be able to resume skiing in about 2 weeks (I think).

If not, I will have to have an Anterior Cervical Discectomy.

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  • Baller

Needle EMG done today...that wasn't the most fun. It appears mostly the C5 nerve root is affected.


See neurosurgeon again on Wednesday to plan approach...my guess is now C4-5 and C5-6 fusion with C5 foraminotomy. Good news is that should all be able to be done from anterior rather than anterior and posterior approaches. Hoping that's all he thinks needs done as well.

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  • Baller

@6balls‌, had C6-7 fusion with anterior approach after breaking ligament and disc in a not so nice OTF at the wake (lost all strength, mobility and feeling in right arm after the crash, but recovered most if not all in the following 20-30 mins). Lost 70% of right arm strength 1 week after surgery (which was the most demoralizing part of the whole experience...).


Got back in the water 3 months after surgery, taking it easy, and was able to get into a final season tournament 4,5 months after surgery.


Although I was going to spend my whole life with a metal plate in my neck, but one of the screws got loose last October (almost 2 years after surgery), and now all the hardware is in a case in my desk...

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  • Baller

@ral good story and glad you are back after it. I would like to make the skiwatch fall double near Pensacola...if I have to go judge and make ribs I will but would like to ski as well.


I got everything back after my c6-7 procedure, hoping same after this one. The EMG doc had great things to say about my surgeon so seems I'm in good hands. She said all the docs who work there and need neck procedures go to him...so if the locally informed med community uses him I'm in the right place. Have been very impressed so far.

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  • Baller

Well, I finally skied this weekend. The Cervical Epidural I had on May 1st is having a positive effect.

So after 5 weeks off I ran some opener passes. Holy cow, I am not in ski shape.

5 weeks ago I was on top of my game and now.....not so much. My right bicep and deltoid are still weak so it will take time. But I mostly noticed my feet and hamstrings are not ski ready.

I ski all winter so this is a foreign feeling. Time to get back in the game!

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  • Baller
Cool @markm. Final visit today and sure enough set up 2 level lammy, 3 level fusion, and C5 foraminotomy. Return to daily life fairly quick, return to serious athletic endeavor unfortunately 3-4 months. Perhaps good to go for skiwatch fall double though won't be posting any PB's...just fun.
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