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How often does your summer skiing get interrupted?


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  • Baller

I'm going to miss 2-3 of my regular skiing days in a 7 day period.


I the last time I skied was Thursday. I missed Friday and Saturday when I took my daughter to MWR over the weekend. I leave for a business trip tomorrow so I will miss Tuesday as well. I return until Wednesday evening and will ski Thursday. My ski buddy recently went 14 days b/c of a long vacation.


What the most your skiing gets interrupted by trips away from home (business or pleasure)?

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  • Baller
At my Job we have a plant shutdown for 2 weeks right in the middle of the summer. Usually loose 2 to 3 weeks of skiing from it. This year it cost me the rest of the season due to cutting the tip of my finger off.
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Summer is fire season and, right now, I'm on an engine heading to some fire near the Oregon/CA border. I'm told we will be up there for anywhere from 7-21 days. If it lasts 21 days, I will miss two multi-day ski trips and several day-trips to the local public lake.
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  • Baller

Usually end up with 2-3 international business trips every summer that span at least a week and usually 2 weekends. Throw a short vacation in there every now and then and I probably don't even touch a ski for 5-6 weeks throughout the summer... I don't notice a week off so much but 2 weeks off takes time to come back to normal.


Could be worse... My job could suck and I could have injury related time off instead of vacations and work-cations.

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  • Baller
3-4 tournaments per year interrupt my ski time. I just came home from the Midwest Regionals. That will be the last one for a while. I am thinking of taking a season off from tournaments just to train. In Men 4 you have to get into 35off to make Regionals, and I have yet to get to it in a tournament. Ski time has been curtailed due to illness in June, and the lousy weather in this area. It is reflected in my scores. I also have to get some of the extra weight off.
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  • Baller
I had no idea that when my company promoted me, that they'd expect me to actually work! WTH!!! I went 8 years living the life of a playboy with no responsibilities because no one at my company knew what I did. Now, I'm somewhere every week. Case in point......planned on skiing this evening and then in the morning. But instead, I'm jumping on a 2:30 flight to Dallas and won't get back til late Wednesday. Being a grown up sucks!
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