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Water Ski School/Coaching Recommendations


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  • Baller

I am interested in going to a ski school or to get some coaching this January. I am not a tournament skier, I am self taught, I can run 22 off at 31 MPH easily, but I am looking to get into tournaments in the next year or so. (I am a 21 year old college student)


I am looking for a place that is in the south east. I live in MN and go to school in NY. So I would be going to ski school on the way back to college after winter break. So Florida or somewhere in that region would be awesome. There is also the possibly that it would be a 'vacation' for several others as well. So a location or school that caters to having a family would be ideal even tough I would be the only one skiing.


I'd like to go for 4-5 days with several sets a day. I would also prefer a more 1-1 coaching style over a group of 5-6. I have only ever done one other clinic with Wade Cox and that was just a day deal. I'd prefer a place where I can demo some equipment and have someone around that can help set it up properly. I have never been able to try many other skies or know how to set them up best.


Anyway, please let me know what you think and let me know if I can answer any more questions.

Thanks all!

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  • Baller


Lucky Lowe in Lake Alfred (central Florida) could be a change of pace. He has usually hosted a

lot of college kidz in the Winter season. See: www.luckylowe.com.

About 1/2 way between Orlando and Tampa. Just a few miles away: the water ski Hall of Fame,

which is a pilgrimage that all water skiers need to make.


A bit outside of Tampa is McCormicks. One of the early lakes built for skiing. Now with a

cable-ski operation that you may find entertaining, along with a traditional 3-event lake.

See: www.skimccormick.com


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  • Baller

http://www.jodisskischool.com/ is another good one, Jodi has probably helped me the most in all the coaching I've had in the last 3-4 years.


I am also looking at heading to FLA in mid December or mid January for a few days. I've never skied in Florida in the winter, latest was November last year and it was perfect weather, albeit a bit windy.


I'd assume anywhere north of West Palm, where the gulf stream starts heading out to sea, things get cooler.


There is also Chet Raley in west palm, Arturo Nelson in Miami and McGinnis in Lauderdale (more for pulls than lessons).

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  • Supporting Member

I suggest a little effort to try to match personality and learning style. It would feel wrong to single him/her out, but at least one of the very-well-liked coaches mentioned above never makes sense to me.


Are you more of a "feel" guy? One of those annoying guys who can't do anything until you can understand the underlying physics of why? (you guessed it; that's me.) Do you like some motivation from an animated or even aggressive coach or prefer a calm technical discussion?


If you're willing to describe your learning style a bit, I bet some folks here can do an even better matching job.

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  • Baller

Yeah, I was hoping for some more 'specialized' recommendations. There is such I large list here I would have no idea where to begin.


@ Than_Bogan:

I honestly don't know too much about my learning style. I would bet I would be along the same lines, where I need to know why I need to do something. I am not too great a blindly believing something. I know a huge thing is having someone tell me visually what position I need to be in. You can describe a stack to me all day long and I can go out there and do what I think is right; but when I look at video I look nothing like what I felt. (If that makes any scene)


I am not looking to get to that next line length or add one more ball. I am looking to get better fundamentals and up my skiing speed. I want to be skiing at 36 MPH as soon as I can (skiing 31 MPH now).


Are any of these coaches too good for me? I don't want to go to a place that is super specialized for the 38' off skier. What other questions can I answer to help you guys out?


Thanks much.

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  • Baller

Training with Lucky can be a little like going to boot camp. Not for everyone, but the guy

really cares and speaks his mind. I sure would recommend going there if you go to Florida,

at least for a couple of days. The guy does a lot more than just drive the boat to pull you.

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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan you are spot on, who is the coach who is going to work for you, the worst scenario is when you turn up somewhere and they want to re-invent the wheel or coach the latest techniques, I understand that in some cases, including mine, re-inventing the wheel maybe good, but I am no spring chicken.

Personally, I need tips to improve position and ideas to improve 2 and 4 ball, my good side turn, I had good gates and 1 ball very consistent, until I was told to make changes, now I am unsettled and inconsistent, I seemed to have lost time and space.

One very good bit of advice I was given, do not chase bouys or speed, work on technique and bouy,s and speed will follow.

Thanks @Chef23

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  • Baller

Gotta throw Chet Raley (Palm Beach Training Center) in there. I believe it is only him and one other guy so you will likely get "The Man" more often than not. I am not sure how more beginner type skiers would rate his coaching, but he is a super stand up guy and will motivate you. Not only in skiing technique, but life overall as well.


A bit more close to home, Cobles's in NC is a great place. Chris and April are awesome and their staff is exceptionally nice. It will not be as warm as Fla, but if proximity matters check them out.

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  • Baller

Never skied with them but if I was going to FL in January I would check out the Wilson Brothers. They are such nice guys . I have talked to Brooks about stuff and I would love to take a few sets with him he knows his craft. Plus he is team Radar if you need any help on your ski.


Jeff Lindsey


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  • Baller

One more that you should really consider. @Wade Cox has opened his school again. I don't think there's a better coach out there. And there is no one that is more fun to be around than Wade. Definitely check him out at skiwithwade@gmail. com. Also check out Ball of Sprays article on him. http://www.ballofspray.com/35-ballofspray-water-ski-news/2045-the-return-of-wade-cox



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  • Baller_

There are no "wrong choice" ski schools. There are only unfulfilled expectations.


Some coaches are like the local tennis pro. They hit the ball to you. They keep the ball in play, or they use lots of balls so you are always hitting. They give you some pointers and tell you you are doing great. They focus on making sure you have a positive experience ever time you are in the water. They want you to always be smiling.


Other coaches have a different approach. The guy I ski with is definitely not the most popular. He is not the local tennis pro. He plays with one ball, and if you hit it out, he makes you go get it. He has a method, and you will follow his method, or maybe you'll be invited to ski somewhere else. Once you get on his wavelength, you realize he is brilliant; until then, you may wonder what he is talking about. He wants you to succeed, just like Coach Sabin wants to win football games. If Bama loses a game, I doubt that Coach Sabin tells his guys that it is okay, loosing is all part of life. Heck no, practice the next week is brutal, miserable, no fun at all. But Bama wins the following week.


I ski with my coach because I believe in his method and I have seen it produce results time and time again, even though on the surface it may make little sense. Who would think making 1000 turns in the slalom course at the start of the year on your jump skis would really help your slalom. Not me... but guess what, it does. Twelve buoy course at 26 mph on a fat ski, spinning at the ends, 1000 turns before moving on to the next level. Works. Drills, turn before the buoys, start on right side instead of the left, only turn around 2-4-6, skip the buoys but split the boat guides. The tennis pro usually doesn't have you do that kind of stuff because it it isn't necessarily fun and doesn't lead to an immediate positive experience each set in the water. If you show up at ski school to run passes and someone wants you to do drills, your expectations will not be fulfilled. If you show up wanting to bring home some drills that you can repeat throughout the summer to get better and the coach just keeps hitting easy balls your way, again your expectations will not be fulfilled.


So, if you want to stop at ski school, hang out with skiers and have some fun lessons with a coach that keeps the ball in play, pick that type of ski school. If you want to start a process that leads to long term success, pick the Coach Sabin ski school. If you ask around, it is pretty easy to figure out who provides what. My coach isn't the only practitioner of the SEC approach to water ski improvement. Spurrier, Malzahn, they run ski schools, too.


To be clear, there is nothing at all wrong with either type program, and there are coaches that fall in the middle, a combination of tennis pro and football hardass.. You can get better with coaches using either style. Both types are usually worth every penny of what they charge. Even though I ski with Coach Sabin, there are tennis pros that I love to go ski with, and I go out of my way to ski with them. Tennis pros will help you get better, too, and often have more precise advice on specific technique. The question for you to answer is what do I want out of your experience. After answering that question, pick the coach that fulfills the expectation.


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  • Baller
I like a ski school where the boat goes down the middle, I also like a ski school where the boat, doesn't make a lot of beeping noises before you set off for your next pass, I am not looking for a PB, I want my skiing to be controlled and consistent, prefably through an improvement in technique.
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  • Baller

Lucky does get results, I know a young lad went to him and in the first couple of days he had him in tears, made him run round the lake before he skied, then went into various drills on the lake, wouldn't stop until he got it right, but I can tell you now, when that lad came home, his skiing had improved, so much he went from running 32 mph to 36mph and half way down 32 off.

Tough Love indeed.

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