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Does your Husband/Wife or Boyfriend/Girlfriend drive the boat?


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  • Baller

My wife used to drive for me back in the 80's before she lost interest, I must have p****d her of about something as she just stopped.

Even though she has started skiing again and running the course she has absolutely no interest in getting back behind the wheel again.

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  • Baller_

Many years ago, my wife drove me free skiing with our original I/O. She hasn't driven any of the tournament boats, not even to idle them away from the trailer or assist in launching.


I also haven't asked her while we still have young kids. We've spaced them apart enough that we've always had some young ones over the last 25+ years. She would be way too nervous to drive and not be able to concentrate her full attention on them. Maybe when the last ones get older we'll revisit this.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
My wife is an excellent driver, and we have a deal that she drives me whenever I ask her to, and I drive for her whenever she wants to ski. It helps that our dock is 300' from our house, so driving for a set can be a quick event if need be, no time spent driving to the lake, launching the boat, etc...
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  • Baller_
I am very lucky to have her drive for me just about whenever. She is one of the best drivers on my lake and with short set ups and a spin in, it is no easy task. Before PP she would throttle, and time as I mounted a stop watch where the throttle hand ended up at 36mph. Reached over with her finger and..tap. Hand never left the throttle.
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  • Baller
It has been a long journey, but my wife has become one excellent driver; not only in the course, but on the ends...perfect. I was a senior driver and she has pulled more 38's and 39's than I have!! She is my favorite ski partner. MWN
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  • Baller
Wife is a very good driver. Drivers don't feel any better in tournaments, more than a few not as good. She learned back in the hand throttle days so thinks it's way easier now with a 200 and ZO. And she skies too.
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  • Baller_
OK, we need something for these great female drivers. Hat, probably not, t-shirt..maybe, coffee thermos..perhaps. Something to makes their driving experience better (new boat does not count) or get them to smile and realize just how appreciated they are. Any ideas?.
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  • Baller_
My wife is an excellent boat driver, which is a good thing as you can only get to our summer hoe by boat and consequently we have several of them. She will drive just about anyone anytime, but she prefers not to drive me in the course. On the other hand, my daughter is an excellent three event driver.


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  • Baller

And she is an excellent driver. Like with @Marco‌ she is very good about driving as much as I wanna ski (about 4-5 days per week) because we only have to walk about 100 feet to the dock. If we had to hook up the trailer and drive somewhere, it would def be less. She doesn't even ski that much herself, though she can run a few buoys when she does.

She will occasionally remind me that she is my ONLY driver (when I'm not being nice).

Agree with @Wish we need something to recognize our dedicated wives. Really like @ToddL‌ idea for the t-shirt.

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  • Baller
I wouldn't say that she is happy to pull me, but she does it without gripe. Is she the best driver? No, but she is very good for practice. Rarely I have to get her head back in the game for me. And like @twhisper‌ she was taught from scratch. Never lived on a lake or drove a boat before. I tell people her driving the boat was in our wedding vows.
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  • Baller
I just got the boat this year. My GF was LOCKED UP about even idling around/driving it at first. Now, she drives frequently, drives for me whenever asked and got up on two skis. She's wanting to slalom this year and I'm going to run the course so looks like she's not totally broken in yet. A few "dry" passes through the course and I bet she does a great job pulling me. She's very coachable so if I do my part...
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  • Baller
My wife is the best driver and my favorite! And I will go to my grave with that as my answer....... She drives me EVERYTIME I want to ski, regardless of the weather. We are lucky to have quick access to the course. I ALSO LOVE skiing with all my ski friends! I am too LUCKY!
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