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How old is too old to ski


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  • Baller
I love seeing post on here from guys in their 50's and up. As I am almost at that number myself, I've been thinking, how realistic is it to plan to ski well into retirement (I hate golf)? Obviously you may not be as aggressive as when you were in your 20's, but anyone out there over 50, still skiing with no plans to stop and not afraid to share your age?
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  • Baller_
Will Be 58 this year. Skied today......Feel like Crap!! But it will get better and better! Just have to approach your goals a little different even more so then say 10 years ago. Be realistic of your abilities and above all make it enjoyable. Now where did I put that bottle of Advil?
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  • Baller

We had this old Pom skiing with us last year, he was 65 running well down -38. The story gets better as he did not start skiing in a course until he was in his 50's ...


Here are a couple of things that help, keep your weight down, stay light and it puts less load on your body. Work on your technique, learn to ski lighter on the line. Consider going to a slightly larger ski if you can make that work. In my case I opted up to a 67 until I got my fitness sorted, now I'm back on a 66.


Cross train to ski. Don't just ski, do other things weights, cardio, yoga, cycling, rowing, run up hills (I do this daily)


Stretch before and after and consider taking a good magnesium supplement.


Lastly your recovery is more important as you age, take your down time.



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  • Baller
Gonna be 61 this spring. Ran buoys last May for the first time in my life. Working my way up the speed ladder to 34@-15. Broke my fibula in August (stuffed the 3 ball). Bought an interest in a Malibu over the winter. Now working out hard and getting ready for Ski camp in NC in a month. STOKED!!!
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  • Baller
As we age, it becomes increasingly a case of 'use it or lose it'. Most of the older people I know who don't regularly aggressively exercise/ski experience a pretty rapid loss of gross- and fine-motor control/strength somewhere between their early 70s and early 80s (to the point that a slalom deepwater start would be out of the question). But those who stay at it regularly (and avoid injury) seem to keep the strength they need to perform their favourite sports.
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  • Baller
We have been holding a Women's Week at Coble Ski School for the last 5 years. We have had women in every decade of age from their 20's into their 70's and in one year, we had a woman of 85 who decided to ski again after 20 years. And she got up on two! Most of the regulars are in their 40's and 50's. One of my regular ski partners is a woman of 73. We call skiing the fountain of youth. Gotta keep doing it!
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  • Baller
Gene Daulton, 90, skies every day. Hooks her boat and trailer to her car, ( daily ) by herself. drives over to Okeeheelee and skies every day. with some friends. skies slalom course, however she is pissed off, right now, because she can't make the entire course. Jean is 90. Go Gene. Go Bucks. Oh, by the way, she skies all winter and doesn't wear a wet suit. Tried a new ski a couple months ago, didn't like it, ( went out the front ) went back to her old ski.
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  • Baller

When I was in my thirties, if someone would have told me that in my sixties, (66), I would still be running into 38 and getting paid to play Drums, Guitar, and Sing with more than one Rock Band, I would have said your CRAZY !!!


Just never underestimate the power of "DESIRE." Seems to be a common trait with long time Skiers.

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  • Baller
I'm 56 and 9/12ths (or 3/4 I guess). Plan to slalom, snow ski (off piste and racing), surf, swim, and fly fish in deep canyons until I can't. When my kids are gone and I retire, I only plan to do each one more. Just keep trying to get better at it and don't worry what the number of years is.
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  • Baller
When I was a teenager I was first learning to ski the course. One of the guys skied with(Dale Stahlman) was in his 80's. He would do a standing shallow water start to conserve energy he would ski 2-3 passes through the course at 30-32 MPH at 15 off and call it a day. I first learned by trial and error, reading Joel McClintock's and Tony Krupa's books. Dale also gave me some tips that helped me get started. I was 15 at the time.
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I'm 67. I ski every day 6am til 730. Work out everyday during the winter. I hope I never get too old to ski. I'll never golf. My Dad is 97 but he golfs only 18 holes, 4 days a week and dances the rest.
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  • Baller
I think it depends on your fitness, luck and avoiding injuries; as they say "your mileage may vary. I turned 60 last year and ran more 38s in practice and in tournaments than any previous year and ran my 1st practice 39 ever.
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  • Baller
I'll be 68 in June. Ran 10 or so 35's in practice last year. Like @andjules said, you lose a lot if you stop doing skiing, or whatever your chosen activity is. That may be the only thing that keeps me going, the fear of the loss of physical abilities. The answer is to keep doing something, and skiing is one of the best.
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  • Baller
56 - it keeps me young, when I take a break from sking (but still work out) I lose muscle mass. @andjules - "use it or lose it" is perfect saying. I actually starting sking 36 mph in practice, it's quicker and helps with timing. I have continued to PB each of the last 4 years 2 @ 38 and going. I figure another 10 years and I'll be into 41.
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  • Baller_

My first water ski mentor was 76 when he died around 1970. I was 14. Dripping wet on the dock with his wet suit still on. Heart attack. What a way to go. I wish I'd had the foresight to ask him if he'd been Ralph Samualson's original ski partner or something!




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  • Baller

Currently 56. Skied last week with Phil Hughes at his beautiful new site in Clermont. Hadn't skied since last October but felt great. New Yoga, aerobics routine, nightly swimming paying dividends.


Ski often 2-3 times/week in the course in MI.


Truth be told, I didn't start skiing good until I was in my late 40's. Hard to progress behind a 70hp Tri-Hull in your teenage years I guess. :wink:


Remember, you only get old when you stop doing the things that keep you young.



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My regular ski buddies are 58 and 60 respectively. They ski nearly daily during the season. I started skiing at 37 and at 41 my focus to to save as much as possible to I can ski 7 days a week during retirement. Hopefully that's at 61.
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I saw a report years ago on the national news about seniors and bone density. They had done a bunch of stuff with some senior waterskiers. Like really senior. 70-80+. They found that they all the bone density of teenagers. The forces exerted on the body during skiing force the bones to keep building themselves stronger and stronger. A true fountain of youth.


I had stopped skiing for a few years as I had really caught the wakesurfing bug. I picked it back up again a few years ago when the wife wanted to learn how to ski and I was appalled at how fat and weak I had become. We now ski every time we go out. Usually just once or twice a week in the summer but we usually have a couple boat vacations where we ski everyday. I'm 41 now and plan on skiing until I'm dead.

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