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C class turn and burn rule change


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Having to return to the orignal starting point does not save time---due to setting at each end.

purposed: Start your turn burn pass at end you finish. Yes you could get head wind pass but you still are in jeopardy. Nothing different than opting up for any wind/glare advantage.

This would speed things up.


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Sure, why not? I don't love Turn & Burn in general, but tournaments simply have to run faster to remain attractive in this era. I can't think of any major negative consequences of allowing this.


The only issue I can think of is that it may be a little unclear what end you "finished" on. In this case does the skier get a choice? I can't seem to come up with any major problem with that either. Heck, now that I think about it, if it were logistically possible, I think it would be great to allow the skier to select starting end in any round.

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  • Baller

Typically, people do this in the Turn and Burn rounds I've witnessed:


Round 2 score

Opener - Pass 1

Pass 2

Pass 3

Pass 4 - miss, round over score determined.


Typically Rd 3 Turn and Burn starts at

Pass 3

Pass 4 - and so on until miss


Thus, skiers typically back up and repeat their last successful spend/line length.

In some rare situations where that last successful line length was unexpectedly good score for the skier (i.e. normally not run); then, the skier might back up one more pass to start turn and burn.


Thus, sometimes Rd 3 Turn and Burn starts at

Pass 2

Pass 3

Pass 4 - and so on until miss


So, if a rule is going to be proposed to limit starting the whole set over, I would recommend this text:

"In a Turn and Burn round, the skier may only go back a max of 2 speeds/line lengths from the prior round's score. (i.e. if the prior round score was some # of buoys at -35 off, then the skier must start the T&B round at -28.)"




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@ToddL I think you're talking about something totally different. @walleye is just proposing to save 30ish seconds by starting the next round from the nearest end. The skier could start at any pass as usual.
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  • Baller

Ah. @Than_Bogan you are correct. @walleye is merely suggesting the option to continue without having to change lake ends. Got it.


Still, if there was a problem with people starting completely over that needed a solution, the text above would address it. But hey... Let's not solve problems that do not exist.

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Problem is: Setting at opposite end of starting point. Figure in boat wait timer, going back thru course then setting again - wait timer again, somebody falls down going back thru or misses second up. Turn and burn is to speed things up not slow them down.


I am not a fan of turn and burn and very rarely see it help a skier. Purpose is to save time. Having to go back in forth does not save time when rules state you have to start at the same point.


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  • Baller
Used to be a 4 round novice slalom in Marlboro MA practice Friday tourney Saturday. Rounds 1/2 and 3/4 were each back to back. Went to two of them, each had 30 - 40 skiers. Hotel overlooking the pond, camping for some on the beach/starting spot. Was awesome! Would like to see that and the Iron Man Slalom at Johns and Twin both come back.
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Thanks @skiinxs finally someone that has hosted tournaments and spent time in the boat that knows how to run an efficient tourney.


@ ToddL dude I have read your lengthy post about cameras and all this technical crap to host a class c tourney, Remember volunteers make all this happen. Low budget clubs cannot play your high dollar games.


Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you were the one crying about B-3 having to ski 36 mph, Now that rule change along with no gate is what @Bry would be talking about (stupid rule changes).

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