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Centurion BallOfSpray Cash Prize at Aquaplex October - 1st & 2nd


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Bell Acqua was a HUGE success and now it is time to move our attention to Aquaplex.


Keith Albritton sent in his entry last week. Where is yours? The event is only a few weeks away. If you want to play in the game you have to enter.


If you entered online but did not pay online you need to get ahold of me ASAP. It looks like the event could fill and I will take the first 40 PAID entries.

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@luzz ? Where are you man?


@TFin I know you are in but darn it get me an entry


@MrJones :(


@jdarwin I know your excuse and do not like it one bit


@usaski1 I know you will be there where is your entry?


Anyone coming from Baton Rouge?


@Chris Rossi I think I owe you a few beers. There is no better place for you collect.


@Brooks You have nothing else to do. Wait no never mind. You have plenty to do.


@teammalibu come on down


@ToddL If you do not enter this week I will ban you for life


@Rico just tell Fiona it is a business trip - tell work it is a trip with your wife. What could go wrong.


@Colebrah I swear you will run 2 @ 47 off if you come to Austin


@bishop8950 Don't tell me you are going to West Palm that weekend.


@savaiusini an HO employee should see this


@skidawg call Greenwood!


@DumbAss Call the Houston boys and tell them to get down there

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I'm entered. Had a blast last year. I'm planning a few days off work to ski in Austin before the event, see Austin possibly some ACL and see some of my local friends. Should be another awesome event!


@DumbAss are you bringing the BEER?

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  • Baller
FYI - @MattL will not be competing this year, so that's one more prize money spot open to the rest of the field. Matt tweaked his knee at the last tournament going for a new tourny PB (out the front in a major way). Also, his rock band booked a gig that Saturday.
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Two rounds of prelim Saturday. Best 16 skiers will go to a head to head and the remaining skiers will get a one round handicap final on Sunday.


On Sunday the Handicap will go first and if you need to be first off the dock so you can get to work I am sure we can make that happen. (no one else wants to be first anyway)

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My advice to all the competitors who think they will make the head 2 head is to bring lots of beer for Saturday night. You gotta get @skidawg and @Tfin destroyed if you're going to beat them on Sunday. It is tricky with @tfin because he's Canadian but @skidawg is a lightweight and cannot say no to a good IPA.
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Dawg Mclain

Griffin Stange

Chad Hunter

Bruce Butterfield

Joe Shea

Stephen Raphael

Mitch Ross

Jim Ross

Marc Austin

David Panneton

Mike Brey

Chris Springs

Lori Krueger

Dylan Melnar

Richard Hall

Stephanie Stange

Keith Albritton

Gary Forni

Zachary Butterfield

Matt Page

Krista Butterfield

Taylor Grathwohl

Doug Abbott

Todd Leach

Donald Butcher

Dave island

marilyn larson

Landrie Mclain

Greg Youens

Bill Sebesta



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1/3 of the field as an average somewhere at 38 off and then 5 skiers with an average at 39 or 41. This is going to be a show
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All, we've had a bit of a cool front come through Central Texas. Highs will be in the mid/lower 80's, and lows will be near 60. Our lakes' water temps were in the 90's but will likely drop to upper 70's to low 80's. Wind forecasts are not always reliable, but suggest winds under 10 mph out of the north on Fri/Sat, moving back to the preferred SE winds sometime on Saturday and continuing so on Sunday.



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