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Anna Gay sets world record


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@Drago - Goes to show the state of our sport. She tricked 10,620 points at Fluid Sports Record Tournament at Lake Grew behind USAWS last Tuesday. They had an invitational tournament during the week leading up to the US Open. If ratified after review, it will surpass the old mark of 10,460 set by Erika Lang. She worked really hard for it and it has been a goal for many years. I thought it would take more to get there. Funny how kids can surprise you. Luckily she loves to ski.
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In the case of trick world record the videos are usually not public until the judges have approved it or not. This is to keep the peanut gallery from influencing the judges.
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  • Baller
Anna is an awesome skier and person! Everyone in our house is super excited for her and really proud. Congrats to her, @Russell and the entire family. This was a team effort for sure. Can't wait to see her go over 11000 points!
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@thompjs think you mean at SMRR. Let's not get @Moskier3ev all worked up correcting you on this one giving the plex credit for a big score. Congrats to everyone down there. Sounded like a great event and sorry I missed it while flying back to a 3rd world destination again.


Hey @Edbrazil whats your definition of awhile? I give her til spring and the old man's PB is going down.

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12k tricks is a BIG number. Best I know, only Nick, Ace, Pierre, Jimmy, and ?Russell

have done it.

Although, I can see the Womens record eventually surpassing the Mens. Just look at

women gymnastic floor exercises.

Maybe the next goal should be 11k. Several men are in the 11 range.

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Hey @mad11 we got T$ around 5@41. If @thompjs would have gotten that wrong...might have riled the feathers... It might not have happened if Jim wasn't here we lost a judge on Friday. Having Terry D Thompson here made a dumb end of the tape guys job pretty easy!! Thanks for loaning us your camera worked flawless and saved us putting a judge on the berm.



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@mad11, Yes thanks for the camera loan. SMRR is working building same rig for next year. Worked flawlessly


Jeffy-- I has just read Aquaplex thread when came here to post. After all the beers at your place, wasn't sure where I was.

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@dchristman All good!You won't see better. I gave you dislikes because the sport needs stoke, not excessive and unjustified nit picking. And I just saw a bunch of high level runs for comparison at College Nationals.


Anna rocks! Congratulations.



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This record run was denied but Anna has at least one more pending record under review. Please note that only one trick was not credited in the above video. Anna will have the record soon.
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W7B looks OK in real time, but she may have landed a bit short of fully back. Today's

skis are sure forgiving. On the toe pass: TWLO nc, TS not slid 2m. Current World Record

procedure involves sending the video out to the World Tournament Council (16.08g), so it

is not a swift process, and involves many people reviewing the runs.

She does have a score of 10610 in multiple tournaments.

Interesting Rule is that an inadvertent tip tick on the water during the rotation no longer

NCs a wake trick in AWSA, but I can't find that in IWWF.

For the YouTube video, which can be played full-screen, this is the URL:




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@EdBrazil, @dchristman The problem with tricks as a sport is the scrutiny. Everyone thinks they are an expert and nit picks away at an incredible performance, unlike slalom and jump. Every old timer comes out to put their negativity on an amazing performance. How about some kind worlds instead of your criticism.


@edbrazil - here is the rule for TS before you mumble about NC. I'd like to know why and how you would measure 2m.


AWSA Rule book:

"A Side Slide includes a 90-degree turn from skiing position and a return to

skiing position in the original direction. In order for a Side Slide to be a

creditable trick, the skier must hesitate before commencing the trick, turn 90

degrees to either side, stop, return to the starting position, and stop. To

perform the reverse, the skier must turn 90 degrees in the opposite direction,

stop, return to the starting position, and hesitate again."


You had a comment on her Mobe5f in a past video. Instead of praising her for being the first women to do a RMobe5F you comment about it landing short a few degrees short. How about keeping it to yourself if you can't say something positive. As far as W7, you are incorrect.


Maybe our sport would have more participants and be successful if people try to praise and celebrate good performances instead of tearing everyone down. There are less imperfections in this run than many past world records. Judging criteria changes and makes setting new records almost impossible.


Most will never ever put the work in that it takes to achieve this level of skiing. Most will never know what it feels like to do this in a sport that gives so little back. And almost noone understands the feeling to get almost more criticism than praise for the best performance ever in a sport. Thanks for those who have sent kind words, it's much appreciated to know that some do appreciate and respect a great performance.


Congrats to Anna and Aliaksei on new pending World Records established this past Friday at Fluid. I'm sure that these videos will also be protected until reviewed by the committee. Unfortunately we can't promote the sport with them instead.

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At trick speeds, 2m takes less than a quarter second (I did the math). Just for reference, try clicking a stopwatch for a quarter second. My fingers move faster than I can see. A ski is a lot more substantial than a hovering finger. I contend that it is not physically possible to move a ski fast enough from a full 90 in less than 2m. Eric
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I was at SMRR and judged one of her rounds there. Her W7B came up a bit shorter that the vid above.

I thought the one posted above was good.

I had not ever watched her trick, her toe pass was so clean and fast. Really was glad I was there to see it.

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Interesting comments on the sideslide. In the Way Back, all sideslides had to be held for

a full 2 seconds. As skiing advanced, they were not worthwhile from a points/second

standpoint. Then, they were stopwatch-timed, and there were even teams of 5 timers at

some tournaments like the Masters.

At typical trick speeds, 1/4 second is about right for 2 meters. On video, that will be 7

or 8 frames at the nominal 30 frames/sec. Whether the IWWF reviewers do frame-

counting like it's done for the 20 second total time, I don't know. The posted video

doesn't have frame-counting, although it has a running timer. Whether or not that

timer is accurate, isn't known. The video has freeze-frame, and I get that the ski in the

video in question is sideways between 18.918 and 19.085 sec. The ski is partly airborne

in one frame. Bringing up the question as to whether that is a 'slide' or not.

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I think Anna is the same ski year as my son and we watched her trick at Nationals in their last year in B1/G1 respectively and were amazed at her skiing then. These videos are awesome to watch. I really like that they put the trick underneath because we don't see all of those tricks up here in the northeast.


I am sure she will get the record soon. It is impressive to see the young women trickers and how good they all are right now. They seem to blow away the boys in the US in B3.

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@Edbrazil Judging is supposed to happen in real time. Even for a record, you are not supposed to go frame by frame. And how you are getting .00x accuracy out of a video is beyond me - having just calibrated the Corson program at Imperial it was hard to exactly read my phone stopwatch within .1 (and how accurate is my phone?). Judgement comes into play as to when the ski hits and leaves 90 as that will be hidden between frames. Outside the wake TS is different, not wrong.



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Watching such a run on YouTube in HD at 1/4 speed is just mesmerizing and beautiful. Congrat's to Anna for an amazing performance.


If I were judging it from the boat video at actual speed or from the shore like former records, I would not be able to dissect it to the levels discussed above. It is unfortunate that the last couple of tricks were out of time. Frame by frame timing has gotten trick run timing accuracy to the next level. These skiers cram an amazing number of maneuvers into 20 seconds!

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@eleeski Reading the time numbers off Tony Lightfoot's video. Which I noted may not

be accurate. And, yes, in freeze-frame. Video is on YouTube at:



Where it can be viewed in full screen mode. Doesn't look like it can be 'frozen' in

intervals of .033 sec, (~30 fps) however.


In real time, it doesn't look like the ski 'slid' in the 90 degree position. Looks more like

a hiccup than a slide. Amazing that it was performed on the slope/crest of the wake

without catching an edge. Even without the 130 points for the TS, it would still be

a World Record.


Will be interesting to see what the IWWF Tournament Committee comes up with. With

that trick and the rest in the runs. They have about 15 people evaluating trick

records, and a record needs 2/3 of them to agree on a score for a new record or tie.


Actually, back in the Reg Barnes era as Executive Director of AWSA, the video had to

'prove' the run. Slow motion, stop action, and frame-by-frame review were allowed.

Not the same now, of course.


Interesting that Slalom and Jump can be evaluated in slow motion and frame-by-frame,

but not Tricks. Practically, if it was allowed, that could prolong events a LOT.

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Absolutely amazing tricking from such a young skier. And to consistently put out scores over 10,000 points is phenomenal. The hard work and dedication from her and her support crew and family deserves praise.

These young up and coming trick skiers throughout the world are changing the sport and making trick skiing cool again.

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@Mark_Matis Eh? Never heard of that one.


If the ski is in the same orientation 1/30 second apart, that would be a hesitation. That is,

if the video shows the ski clearly enough, and not lost in spray. Even an inch movement

is not a stop/hesitation. How would faster frame rates settle that question?


And, a lot of the time, although the skier's body parts appear to be in the same place,

the ski will have moved.

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Pre turn is a myth that is an artifact of slo mo judging. In reality, every heavily loaded wake trick will start with the ski riding deep in the water, as it should. Then, to execute a rotation, the ski must be unloaded. If it's not unloaded, the ski will catch and the skier will fall. If the ski is heavily loaded initially but unloaded to start the rotation, the unloaded ski might still be below the surface. Note that a rocket will continue to glide straight up after the engines have stopped. The unloading of the ski is not timed with the ski being clear in the air. Delaying the rotation leads to stilted and watered down tricks.


Additionally, heavier skiers will typically ride deeper in the water. It is completely unfair to penalize a skier by body type.


History never had slo mo - or even the quality of video we now have. Historical records are based of "how does the trick look". Applying zoomed in freeze frame makes it a completely different sport.


If the harshest interpretation of the words of a rule contradict the physics of what is possible, contradict the entire history of the sport and create unfair distinctions by body type then tricks deserve to die. But I hope there are enough reasonable judges to balance physics, history and fairness against words that imperfectly try to describe what is happening behind the boat.


Anyone EVER do a perfectly 360 degree WO? Actually I've seen a few and they are ugly - nothing like the flowing edge to edge tricks on the video.


I tried to post one of Erika Lang's approved world records here to compare it directly. I was one of the judges then and it was my camera that was used - but it's not that easy to post and @Horton has it somewhere on this site already. (Google Erika Lang and it comes up). Not sure why Anna wasn't approved but Erika had to submit it a few times as well. Politics?



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@Edbrazil I was at SR Judges clinic in San Antonio quite awhile back and we looked at lot of TWO and W5F done by trick skiers who were considered pretty clean. In slo-mo the ski gets to about SS position off the wake. These skiers were taking a solid consistent edge to the wake. Skier who don't tend to preturn almost 180 as they leave the wake and often don't get much clearance.
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@Russell I love watching tricks, skiing tricks and judging tricks. It's been amazing to watch Anna continue to improve so quickly thru hard work and determination (and great coaching too!)! Every single time she it's her turn to ski its an awesome performance! To see her push herself and the World Record will always be thrilling. I wish I had 10% of her talents and dedication!


Keep it up Anna!!

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@eleeski I wish I had some tape of my tricking back in the early 90s I could show you some pre-turn. My reverse W5F was always a sloppy nightmare.
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@eleeski Yup, no slow-motion judging back when. Nor centerline video and gate cams

for Slalom. Or video jump measuring, like today. Although, for the 1967 Worlds, they

had a 3-camera jump system with high-speed film, and quick-developing. I was there.

Accurate, but very cumbersome.

Totally agree that full 360 degrees, 540 degrees, etc. doesn't happen on wake tricks.

Unless maybe they are counterspun, like Carlos Suarez did on some tricks.

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