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Mr Horton, check out enlyten.com, energy, e-lyte, and sleep strips. E-lyre strips work great for football players in the Georgia heat, ends cramps almost immediately. Sublingual absorption.

Just another option to try.

  • Baller_
@Horton, you mention quinine in the video. Don't they have that in tonic water? In fact, I have several vodka tonics each day to combat my muscle cramps.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

  • Administrators
As I understand the urban legend of gin and tonic - the British were drinking tonic (seltzer water with quinine and other Botanicals) because of malaria in India. Being British they decided to add gin.
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@eyepeeler @Wayne @WaterSkier12 @thager @jipster43 @Mike Gile


I'll be sending all of you invoices since you are all going out of your way to make sure that I don't bring on new advertisers. A basic package is $400 and there are 6 of you so you will all need to send me $67 per month to use the site from now on.



I will say there are 3 things that I can take to relieve cramps. Pickle Juice and I have not tried this stuff but just plain ole liquid from a jar of pickles, Mustard, and Hotshot. I don't "suffer" from cramps I get cramps from suffering. Most IM races I used to carry a packet of mustard during the run and that worked but it is slow to act. Had a competitor give some pickle juice out of a flask one race and that worked pretty fast so I carried that for a couple of races but it is kind of pain to carry. Last year I tried a new product "hotshot" and so far it is the best product I have tried.
  • Baller

Pickle Juice appears to work well for me. To make a short story long read details below.


I have been doing hard labor down at the ski lake the last four Saturdays Cutting trees, clearing/stacking brush trimming bushes etc.

I would work about 4 hours solid sweating a lot but drinking lots of water.

The first Saturday I got home and started having bad cramps all over.


The second Saturday same thing with bad cramps.


The third Saturday after working I went and found Pickle juice product at a sports store. They only had one six pack of the 8 oz left on the shelf. I grabbed it quick and headed to checkout. I could feel the cramps coming on while standing in line to pay for pickle juice. I got to truck and killed an 8oz bottle of Pickle Juice. In about 3 to 5 minutes I could feel my muscles start to relax. They were sore but not cramping. That night I had a minor cramp or two but nothing major like the previous weeks.


Yesterday after working another Four hours of brush clearing I drank an 8 oz. bottle of Pickle Juice. No cramps until about 2 hours later I had a bad leg cramp. I limped over to counter moaning in pain and drank another 8 oz. Pickle Juice. The cramp subsided in about two minutes. When I have had a cramp of that type in the past they could last 20 minutes or more.


In my opinion this stuff works. Or at least it works for a 63 year old fat guy like me.

Pickle Juice can be hard to find in my area. I have just ordered online a 12 pack 8 oz. and a 12 pack of I believe 2.5 oz. of the Pickle Juice product.

Thanks to Horton for giving the information about Pickle Juice product on his web site.



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