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Chuck Norris strikes again


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  • Baller_
Ok the reality is what is such a mystery. We watched it happen from the bleachers. We ALL instantly thought the rope broke but one look at it being drug behind the boat and it looked perfectly intact. Freddy looked confused just looking at his hands and I think had no idea what happened. Over heard someone tell him when he got up on the pavilion that it looked like the rubber on the handle separated. Maybe Freddy can enlighten us. Great vid.
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  • Baller
So, I guess the boat crew survived the Chuck Norris ricochet (a.k.a. handle pop) with no injuries? Back of the tow boat still in 1 piece? I would think with that much energy, getting hit by the handle pop would have to smart a bit.
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  • Elite Skier

Ha very ha @Horton. If we were in my motherland I'd call you a wanker but we're not so I won't. Isn't it wonderful to have a shockingly bad tournament and get ridiculed on social media. So thank you to @brooks and @Horton for making me feel like a real professional athlete. Now if you could just arrange a footballers paycheck that'd be awesome...

As for what happened, beats me. I've never let go, intentionally or not, so it was a very, very odd one. Won't happen again.

Hamilton for President.

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