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2018 Vapor

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  • Baller

Hey Ballers!

It was right at 2 years ago almost to the day that we announced the debut of our 2016 Vapor and I believe we had a record number of views and an extraordinary amount of excitement for the announced release at the Nationals for the latest brainchild from master ski designer, Chris Rossi. Roscoe has not been kickin' back and relaxing on his laurels since that time. In fact once we had all sizes scaled and the flex and rocker set in stone and production for all sizes under way, the ever fertile mind of the Man was devising ways to make his creation even better. Here we are! It is always with a bit of trepidation that we would discontinue one of the most well received skis to hit the market, but after many, many prototypes and testing sessions with an expanded group of enthusiastic slalomers we have no misgivings whatsoever about this decision. We are very excited to be releasing this new Vapor on August 1st and we'll have 2018 Vapor Probuild models in sizes 65, 66, 67 and 68" for sale and for testing on Lake 4 during Nationals. You don't have to take it just from us, there are several ballers that have had a chance to try out Rossi's latest and maybe you know a few of them or they might even chime in here on Ball of Spray. To say we are excited about our new ski would be a huge understatement!



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Seen it at the factory on July 12. Looks awesome. Didn't get a chance to ski it. Did however get a chance, from the boat, to watch @brooks slam dunk 38 off on it though.

Can't post pics or they may not let me buy a Radar product ever again.

Actually saw a few other 2018 products and they are all very cool.

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My first impression: WOW! I usually start smiling half way down 38 because it feels like 35! The ski moves out bound easier than any ski I have been on. It creates more space resulting in the ability to turn when I want! If I'm late, early fast etc coming into the bouy this ski turns without thought or hesitation exactly when it's suppose to. This results in being on time for the next bouy. I really don't have the word to do it justice, it feels brainless and automatic! Rossi is an evil super genius who is now the intergalactic supreme leader. I think he should take @Horton place as El Presidente of BOS. #Amazeballs x's 10


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@Horton had previously said that he was going to do the vapor pro build review first thing in the spring. Guess he held off knowing that this new bad boy was coming.


When do we get the unboxing of the new one? Any schedule for reviewing it?



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I have had a chance to ski on a few of the prototypes and agree with @skidawg on space generation. The ski just carries you wide and early.


Not only is there more space and time before the ball, the ski provides a stability into the ball I have never felt before. It makes it easy to get tall and up on the front - waiting to reach. I think my comment to @eddie_roberts_jr was "you know those pictures of the pros being tall coming into the ball after the ball? This ski makes it easy to get there."

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I keep setting practice and tournament PB's this year on my 68" PRO. Can't wait to try the 2018.


One of my biggest complaints with the 2017 PRO/Vapor is it's width creation. I'm constantly feeling a little narrow at the ball. This news of more outward direction is like music to my ears!

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I've been lucky enough to ride one for the last week. It's awesome. It's quick and creates tons of space.


Today I left the lake with a big ass smile on my face. I actually look forward to my next set.


On a side note. The team at Radar is top notch. They really are like family.


Thx Radar. This ski is a game changer.




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  • Baller
@brooks and @eddie_roberts_jr put my bindings on this ski a few weeks back. From the first pass it felt great. It turns so smooth and takes so much angle, and like the other guys are saying, puts you so early and wide it's just ridiculous. Such a fun, lively ski. I wanted to take it home with me then, but I'm beyond excited to get one in August. Radar really hit a Home Run with the 18' Vapor. Thanks to the guys for the sneak peak.
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  • Baller
Thanks @eddie_roberts_jr for the kind words. The entire team at Radar is top notch and gives me the tools and resources to be able to do what I do. I could not be more excited for the release of this entirely new designed Vapor to you Ballers and the rest of the skiing world. This new Vapor blends the angle and edge hold Radar is known for with a new found effortless turn style that lets the ski ride level through the turn and finishes into a ton of angle. Very little load is transmitted to the body and the ski is super efficient running through the water. I've never had to think less while skiing which, I think we can all agree, is the name of the game. More info and pics dropping soon through RadarSkis social Media. Check out my instagram feed for more videos @rossiski
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  • Baller
@ColeGiacopuzzi So when is the Ski West demo day for the new Radar for all of the lake three Radar skiers? Just when I thought my 2017 Vapor would be around for awhile Radar does it to me again. I have had every year Vapor since 2013! Don't tell Charly's wife a new ski in coming.
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  • Baller

" I've never had to think less while skiing"---This sums up exactly how I feel. Haven't missed a 39 since my first set on it.

"I left the lake with a big ass smile on my face"--This is how i feel towards the end of 38 (cause it feels like 35). This ski made me sign up for Regionals and Nationals and BOS tourney.

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  • Baller
@ColeGiacopuzzi thought you were teasing us with an old Strada video. Looking forward to trying the new ski. This ski is actually making me think more.....Think I'll get one , think I'll get one , think I'll get one .
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I had the opportunity to ski a few sets on 2 different prototypes. Not sure if I have skied the final product yet. Less effort equals more space on this ski. Ski definitely smears easy creating more angle as the line comes tight out of the turn. Turns are automatic with less load on your body. Once again Rossi and his team have taken perfection in the 16 Vapor and topped it! The top sheet is really cool #designedtoflexbetter #lessenergymorebouys
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