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Does your ski lake have a truck stuck in it?


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  • Baller

I once had a party when I was in high school and one of my friends had a mudder truck with a big lift and 40”ish tires. He was out on the lake wheeling and broke through. The depth of the lake there was about 75’ but luckily only the tires went in and the ice held on the frame.


We tried for a couple hours to pull it out, but it was about 1/4mile from shore so the only way to tow was with another vehicle, which couldn’t get any traction because it was on ice!


Finally he had to rent a helicopter to have it lifted out. It cost him a ton of $$$


I thought it was hilarious

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  • Baller
We have a similar problem with people mudding at our lake. Lucking they generally keep it on shore. Have seen a couple in the lake itself. Always makes me mad. The guys in the story state they thought it was a frozen field. So trespassing and tearing out a farmers crop which is how he makes a living is so much better than being stuck in a lake.... I hope it is a big tow bill and the owner presses charges.
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  • Baller

Yes, that is my other lake, I am one of the owners. I need to get out to see if the knuckleheads got into any of the slalom course anchors or the ropes connecting them. I really like the comment "I didn't know it was a lake", pretty funny since he had to drive down the boat launch ramp to get where he was. If they did they will be on the hook for a new survey and course installation. I caught some idiots out there stuck a few years ago, about ten feet from getting into one of the ropes connecting the slalom course anchors.

A tow truck pulled up that he had called to get him out and I told the driver that the guy who was stuck was going to jail as soon as the sheriff showed up and that he would as well if he traveled onto our property. That lake is the borrow pit from when they ran Interstate 270 across Choteau Island. If you are ever driving west on I 270 into Missouri, you can see the end of the lake on your right as you top the canal bridge. It is a really nice lake that skis well, but since there in no one living on the island we have all kinds of trashy people coming out at night leaving their disgusting stuff and also lots of problems with trespassing. They will burn anything nice you try to put out there including docks. They even burned a porta-potty one year! The idiot who is the subject of all of this attention is guilty of criminal damage to property, which I believe is a felony. Perhaps if an example is made of him, the trespassing may be reduced. The lake follows the water table, lagging by a couple of weeks. Since it is on an island with the Mississippi about a half mile to the west and the chain of rock canal about a half mile to the east, the water table is controlled by the river level. It has completely dried up about six times over the last 30 years and been in the middle of the river four times as flooding on the Mississippi blew the levee out. The only way they are getting the guy's truck and rented backhoe out is to call one of those giant wreckers if they can find one with about 4 or five hundred feet of cable and pull it out from the road. We had Alberichi construction company dig the lakes a little deeper many years ago. They said their mud cats would do the job, able to run in any mud and even water up to five feet deep. They were almost done when they buried the mud cat. Apparently the only way to get the mud cat out is another mud cat, which is REALLY expensive!

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  • Baller
We found a stripped mustang in the blow-hole at the bottom of the ramp one year, right where we drop at the end. Could have been bad. the roof was cut off and the very sharp A-pillars were about two feet under water. There is no shortage of trashy losers in this world!
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  • Baller

Tractors stuck like that are pretty easy, they have their own hydraulic jacks so you just need a few sheets of plywood and a few 2x12's, you lift the hydraulic lay down the plywood with the 2x12's on top, and use the hydraulics to elevate the tractor, then you have to shovel dirt back in and if real soft put plywood down and then drive back to where you weren't stuck.


The trucks are bigger problem.

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  • Baller

We sunk a big bulldozer in a bog while digging our lake. Had to bring in a bigger

excavator to dig out the dozer and finish digging the lake. Using an excavator instead of scrapers and dozers to finish up added at least a week to the dig. Luckily, we got most of the dirt moved with scrapers.



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