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When Your Wife Is Your Boat Driver!


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  • Baller
The other night I went out to our clubs course at Utah Lake with my wife and daughter. Its been a few years since my wife has driven me in a course. First pass, I get up and right when I pulled out for the gates I suddenly felt an increase in boat speed and just got whipped way out there. Missed the gates. Headed to ball one and suddenly I had a ton of slack. I'm guessing the wife suddenly pulled back on the throttle. Why she is even messing with the throttle is beyond me since my Stargazer works great. By now the whole pass is blown. We get down to the end and Sherry says she didn't drive very well and she will do better this time. I could have got mad but instead I just smiled and said "That's ok". Next pass, pull out for the gate and get to one ball but then things got really weird. Headed to 2 ball and suddenly I was like 10 feet outside of it! But I couldn't even reach 3 ball. It was like the rope was 10 feet short! Get to the end of the pass and wife apologizes and said the sun got in her eyes and got her way off course and then she over compensated and actually went on the wrong side of the next boat guides! Now the old me would have gotten mad, thrown my ski in the boat, and yell that I can't ski like that and how hard is it to just drive the boat straight between the boat guides!!! The results would have been Sherry would have got all upset, either get mad or start crying, and yell "I"m never driving you again!!" But the new, smarter me just said "That's ok." Realizing that I'm not going to get a good pull I decide to make a game out of it and see how many buoys I could get each pass with the boat going all over the place. It was actually kind of fun even though I about got yanked out of my bindings a few times! The end result was I had fun, Sherry had fun, the rest of the evening was fun, it was a beautiful evening on the lake, and we stopped at the taco truck afterwards for tacos! The moral of the story is if your wife is your driver, just smile and say "That's ok." 4sj6n6z6tjny.jpg
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  • Baller
It takes time and patience. My wife is an excellent short line driver, but it wasn't always that way. Twenty+ years ago she cured any complaints I had about her driving by leaving me in the lake. At the far end of lake 2 at Bennett's to be exact. I have been very tactful with any driving suggestions since....
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  • Baller
I had my best set of the year with my wife behind the wheel! Lucky guy. That's not to say that every pass is great, last night on one deep water she lengthened my arms by about a foot. Overall I have nothing to complain about, and even if I did I've been married long enough to know to keep my mouth shut!
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  • Baller
Thanks for the laugh! My wife is my primary driver now that my oldest sons have moved on and the youngest isn't old enough to drive yet. I'm just glad she'll drive most anytime I want to get out on the water.
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  • Baller_

1. I gotta think that "the old you" u speak of is what you think you would have said or something you used to say in your head but never out loud.

2. If it's been a while, drive without a skier till path and speed are correct with feedback from an observer.

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  • Baller

My girlfriend is my primary driver and ski partner. One time out, 1st pass, I was running a great pass then mysteriously was way narrow mid course. Get to the end to find that we had left the mirror folded down after trailering and she tried to adjust it in the middle of the course. After replacing a couple boat guide buoys, I think she'll wait till the end of the pass to adjust next time.


But, its all good. I wouldn't have near as many ski sets in if she didn't like spending time on the lake and skiing as much as I do.

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  • Baller
It is never a good idea to criticize your wife. If you can find someone else to ride in the boat and coach her that is perfect. People need feedback to improve but it doesn’t resonate when it comes from your spouse.
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  • Baller

I think most of us learned this the hard way.

By keeping cool and being supportive they will drive another pass, and another, and another. Just like skiing the more passes the better they will get. And like skiing everyone has their level, not all will be a Nate or Regina, a Chad or Becky. But almost all will become competent and wives/husbands/children really do want to give you the best ride they can. Gotta appreciate that even if it's not the best ride you ever get, ski ride that is...

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  • Baller
Working with mine, wish we could use our course again, she is pretty solid with the general aspects of it but when it comes to setting up an open water set we have problems. Have to learn your level of enlightenment. I also need to get my spotter trained on two or three new hand signals, the "speed control is set properly but you need to give it more throttle" being the first one. The second probably the "move the boat laterally 30 feet"
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  • Baller

I taught my wife to drive last summer. After a failed experiment a few years ago where I tried to teach her to drive stick shift she wisely suggested that I write out the instructions and she could read them as that's how she learns best. I spent the next couple of weeks drafting a probably 8+ page document that tackled everything from launching/trailering, docking, pulling skiers in and out of the course (with specifics pertaining to our course set up), dealing with other boaters and *shutter* seadoo-ers and more.

This worked very well and now she is my primary and one of my best drivers!


A dream come true to be able to walk down to the water with my wife and ski!

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  • Baller
I am super thankful that my wife is willing to drive as much as she does. I am not the most perceptive skier when I am behind the boat but I have no complaints about her driving. Does a very good job and is super patient when I get into one of my long sets. She has driven more shortline than I have and does a very good job at it. Happy that she enjoys skiing and driving!
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  • Baller

I found that women driver tend to be better than men for a given amount of experience as they tend not to overdrive the boat. A great driver is the skiers dance partner and need anticipate your moves, not after or before. My wife has pulled more passes at 35,38 and 39 than most Tournament drivers. Practice for drivers is as important as for the skiers.



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  • Baller

My wife has been my primary drive since 1974 and slalom course driver since I got my first ski boat (A brand new 1978 Mastercraft) in 1978.

She is the primary driver for me and my main ski partner Dr. Bob Drake who is a former nationals winner and record holder.

The other guys in the club are envious due to they cannot even get their wife’s to come to the lake. I am very thankful for a wife that likes to ski and does not mind driving for me and others in the club.

She even drove me one time with Chet setting in the boat. She was very nervous but Chet said she did an ok job of driving.



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  • Baller
Trying to teach my wife now starting with getting a feel for the boat and towing our 3yo at 5mph. Next step driving me on combis! Already I feel she will be a better driver than my main ski partner who I think has just spent too long driving Wally's and tubes and can't break some bad old habits.
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  • Baller
My wife is learning now. The course doesn't scare her a bit so that's good. With a little more work at the ends of the course she'll be a top notch driver. Well, maybe a little improvement on the docking/slow speed stuff as well. BUT, she is in the boat and wants to learn to drive so I count myself VERY lucky!
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  • Baller

For a lot of years my wife has been my primary or only driver. Does an excellent job. Followed the path noted above when she got started. Had her drive course with no skier, and no pressure. Didn't take her long to get comfortable.

Later, added PP and that gave her one less thing to worry about. Then, just steerng and dodging gators.

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  • Baller
My wife has been my driver for over 24 years. It was in the wedding vows, both she and I tell people. I run the same amount of buoys behind her driving as anyone else. No complaints, Just appreciation. Oh and my daughter has been my long time spotter to keep us legal in Massachusetts.
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  • Baller

50% of the time my boat crew is my wife driving, 10 year old running the camera with 6 and 8 year olds observing. Ammy actually takes feedback better then some of the male drivers I ski with.

Learned early on to use feedback and not criticism.

Ammy learned that most often its my performance not hers that gets "that look" on my face. Also very important to recognize specifics of good performance especially when its something we are working to improve.


I'm learning to ski the course and there's lots that I figure out each pass. Ammy does not ski the course so things like speed, boat path, set up and turnarounds are even more foreign to her.

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  • Baller
My wife, now my primary training partner, has become one confident driver. Love it when we get to the end of the course on a pass I missed and I ask, "was that me or you?". She will certainly own up to being off at a buoy, but 99% of the time her response is, "was not me, I was dead on!" Guess I should quit asking and just realize if I miss a pass....it is due to poor skiing...not poor driving! She will ski with me at 6:30 A.M.....as long as I make a her a "sippy cup" of coffee. She can drive 38 or 39 and what she does at the drop zone is perfect as well and knows how to change ZO settings! No wonder I say "gear" then "love you"..........
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  • Baller
My wife was an excellent boat mate and excellent driver. Heck, more than once I’ve had her take the wheel because my dad who taught me all about boats and taught me to ski etc isn’t up to par with her skills. Then Kids came along and she decided she hates boats.
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My wife too is my fav driver...has been for 28 years. My daughter a close 2nd. I’ll never forget the first time she pulled me through a course. I pointed and said....just drive as strait as you can right down through there (pointing to the boat path). Her response... “why do you want to ski through all that floating trash.??” oi6ns7tl60se.jpeg


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  • Baller

I'm one of the lucky ones. My wife is a great course driver and she loves to ski. I'm not a shortline guy, but I can run -32 when things are going well, and I've done so many times with her at the helm. Best of all, she's starting to run 26 mph consistently and she's totally hooked. Heck, it was her idea to get a boat in the first place, and she went off and found a really nice one for us!


Unlike @Zman, my wife doesn't have to worry about gators. She did bump into a sea lion once, however.

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  • Baller

I found an amazing driver and ski partner who has made me ski more and better this year.....so in 30 days I am going to marry @Shell ------ @"Pat M" we just may have to include "I will drive straight as possible for you and never complain about a bad pull" in our vows now thanks for the idea! It's great sharing your passion with your life partner . Love ya Michelle


Now get those arms straight and down to your hips, get stacked Babe!



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  • Baller
@DW she has both sisters and friends, but none of them can ski, drive, wrench-on or detail a boat like her---- she is one in a million! Come ski with us before the season ends my friend I promise better water than the whitecaps you experienced last time! ;-)
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  • Baller

I need to also tell my dream come true story! Alana and I re met 7 years ago and she had never skied in her life. She tried the morning after we re met (much wine involved and failed), after a few dates, she tried again on the last weekend of the season in 55 degree water and got up on 2 skis. Her Christmas present that winter was a P6 SL ski (quote: where is the other one?) and the rest is history!

Alana now runs the course, will ski and drive in all weather, has run 22/30 and 15/32 and is the best driver and WIFE a man could dream of!

Some of us are way beyond lucky9mtd8vqhtdew.jpg



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