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Swiss Pro Slalom - Sunday, May 5th, 2024

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Sitting in the ER...


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  • Baller
I guess it’s bound to happen at some point. I was skiing this morning, probably pass #5. -22@32 with a slight head wind. Pass was going good and I was really giving it my all. Came out of 5 Ball good, CL was good. Then something happened coming off 2nd wake and I went down. Felt like the tail came out, I definitely didn’t go OTF. I’m RFF skiing double Wiley bindings. I felt my rear foot come out but front foot never did and I helicoptered. My ski partner said I was looking good then I was down. When I came up I knew something was badly broke just above my ankle. Now my ski partner, Ted Wolf, is one of the most generous genuine caring person I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky to have him as a friend and wished everyone has a friend like him. Ted is an anesthesia nurse (I can’t spell the correct title). Trained in trauma he knew what to do and how to help me. My Leg was completely broke and totally immobile. He had to cut the binding off and he knew it was a spiral fracture with still a great chance of the bone breaking through. He knew the surgeon on call, called him as we were idling back to give him a heads up. I was taken by ambulance to the local hospital. Ted came to the hospital on his day off, scrubbed up and is overseeing everything. Waiting on surgery now. Ted has already been helping me unload stress given my son state of health. I am very thankful to have a friend like Ted and I owe him more than I can say.
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  • Baller

Evidently I shattered the big bone right at the top of where my binding would be. Broke the other bone, and cracked the top ankle plate. Obviously I don’t know the bone terminology yet but I’m sure I will. Surgery has been postponed until Sunday morning due to the amount of swelling they’re expecting. I’m gonna have to research a releaseable double hard shell setup, assuming that’ll be my safest bet.


And a new rule, always keep scissors capable of cutting through rubber bindings. Luckily Teds boat had them as I know for a fact mine does not.


Thanks for the thoughts.

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  • Baller

Tibia is the big one, Fibula is the smaller one...I had a double compound fracture of both- Tib came out above the ankle,Fib below the knee. I’m sporting a 16 inch titanium rod, 2 plates and 8 screws. 6 months to recover, had to learn to walk again. Therapy 3X per week, 2+ hours-I had 0 range of motion in my ankle. Hope your recovery is quicker, easier...I had an awesome sports medicine orthopedic surgeon- would suggest getting surgery/treatment options. Mine would have healed without all the hardware, but a much longer recovery time. My accident was in 2008, not a skiing or racing incident.

Best wishes for a quick recovery...

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  • Baller

Dude the post op pain on that injury is the real deal! I prescribe narcs and treat post op patients so realizing the amount of drug it was taking to control my pain I was amazed. I also needed no drugs following a number of other surgeries so there really was no comparison for that level of pain.

I hate to break it to you...but it stays that way for a while, too. Then it gets to where it's quasi ok as long as elevated but when you put it down and the blood flows in there...holy smokes! Makes you want to never put it down...but you have to go through it. Put it down a little longer or a little more frequently each day or it won't go away.

It takes a lot longer than I had appreciation for...and the soft tissue injuries suck, too. I didn't realize what my foot when thru til after the leg improved enough to bear weight and then my foot was killing me.

Everyone focuses on the bone...it's the totality of the trauma and the soft tissues take longer to heal.

Hang in there...reach out anytime. This too shall pass!

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  • Baller

Same deal with my breaks...when I was in the ER the morphine only worked for about 10-15 seconds...

Then I maxed out on allowable dosage...long story short my leg was set with no pain meds...a lot of bad words were said; I almost passed out from the pain. None of the “conventional” opioids worked for pain management on me. Tramadol did to some extent...

You have a long road to recover, but you will get thru it...one hour, one day, one week at a time-you will be able to ski again at some point. I doubt next season, but maybe...

Reach out to me as well if you like...



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  • Baller

I fractured my ankle and tore several ligaments skiing in early June and had surgery the

end of June. Skied the course for the first time since the injury this weekend, it was a long 4 months and a lot of boat driving. Backed off to 32 mph (28 off) and used a less aggressive ski with a ankle taped with duct tape. I purchased the MOB binding system

for my Vapor boots for when I return to my Vapor Pro Build and 34 mph skiing next spring.


I know my injury was not as bad as yours, but I play ice hockey with two players that

had pretty bad spiral fractures like yours and they are both back on the ice after about a year. We also had one of our lake members suffer a injury like yours skiing and she is

back skiing, tricking and jumping after a year.


So there is hope...hang in there. If there is any silver lining winter is coming. I sat out most of the summer.


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  • Baller

thanks for the thoughts gentlemen. Made it home tonight. Pain is manageable now. The 24-32 hours post surgery was just unbearable. I’ve broken bones, I have had surgery on broken bones but this one hurt. I finally got to see post surgery X-rays today.





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  • Baller

That's some serious damage. Don't let yourself get dejected, a positive mood really does help. My experience with that kid of stuff is that the initial pain sucks, it gets better, then PT hurts like hell but is so important.


I'm typing this with my foot up, one week post-op from a joint fusion in my foot. Not nearly as bad as yours though.

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@Orlando76...I think I've followed your story on Facebook as we went "out" at about the same time. However, OMG, your injuries are horrific. I am so sorry to hear of your pain just after surgery - gut wrenching. My talus is fractured and so far, I'm very lucky. For me, it was a simple edge change from keeping on edge through both wakes and transitioning to slow down the ski before ball 2...then, plop. I guess my rear foot came out and my ski anchored down into the water the rest is snap...crackle and a pop. Rest up and I pray your recovery is strong and quick. I'm heading to FL in February for a "ski-cation"...
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