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When A Transgender Athlete Breaks The Women's Slalom Record


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  • Baller
@eleeski you can't say there are minor differences between a 145lb male mma fighter and a 145lb female mma fighter. Weight class means jack. bone structure, muscular development along with several other factors would let a shaman crush a woman. this whole thread is just silly.
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@skidawg you have done some dumb things in your life and trying to talk sense into @eleeskis is one of them. In the end we are both guilty of this mistake. I am super happy that I do not share your other big mistake.


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  • Baller
just saying-high school wrestling with teens who aren't fully developed and aren't punching and kicking is not synonymous with full grown shims beating up women. Pretty sure we are both guilty of other BIG mistakes @Horton
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  • Baller

Some George Orwell quotes,


During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.


There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.


Myths which are believed in tend to become true.


Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.

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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan Women have been pole vaulting since 1992. It took them a couple decades to set a 5m world record. It took men 50 years to break 5m - both starting from similar 4m records. Your girl has little competition so she's doing enough to win. Given time (that the men have had) and real competitive experience, things could be very different. (Note that the women's only marathon record is a couple minutes slower than the record where women run with men.) In a generation or two, many of the "women are athletically inferior" predictions might appear quite mistaken.


@matthewbrown I've competed in a division of one or two too many times. It does not foster the competitive comradery that make amateur athletics fun. Something that a transgender or "odd" person would need in a world that barely accepts them.


Most people commenting here have never met a transgender person, much less know one well. Too many of the posts might be felt as misogynistic and insensitive. There are real issues that need to address certain sports, professional divisions and records. These are easily dealt with for a sport like waterskiing where big money and world renown are not driving forces for participation.


To answer the thread title, put an asterisk next to the transgender female record and list both records?



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@eleeski That data is in, and it doesn't show that. The rate of gap-closing in track records has flatlined. As I've noted many times, it ain't easy to predict the future, and maybe there is some giant anomaly coming that I haven't thought of. But if things stay anywhere remotely close to the trend, the gap between men and women in certain sports is real and permanent.


But what's maybe more important is not the gap between the top 0.0001% of each gender. It's the gap between those around the median of athletic ability. If our conference did co-ed high jump, then it's true that the athletically gifted Evil Twins* from Wellesley would still be in the picture: Not competitive at the all-Conference level or beyond, but they would win some dual-meets.


Every other girl in the conference would be out of the event. This is not an exaggeration because none of them can clear the opening height for boys high jump. THAT is what is worth fighting for: the opportunity for good female athletes to participate and be just as dedicated to their sport as good male athletes.


*Actually they are SUPER-nice kids and I love watching them jump. But I also won't be that sad when they graduate this spring and give my kids a chance :).

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  • Baller
But, unfortunately LIFE ISN'T FAIR! I'm not loaded with money like trump, T Whisper isn't 6'2" (lucky for all the pro men) and @horton isn't good looking. People need to stop trying to make a level playing field for everyone. This is a major problem with what has been happening to our country for the last 10 years
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  • Baller
Let’s not have any winners anymore...participation trophies and medals for everyone! We don’t want to permanently scar or offend those who don’t put the effort into training or trying to be their best...this is what sport is becoming in America and it’s F’ed up...
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@eleeski your pole vault comparison is flawed horribly,

I have been coaching women vaulters since they were allowed to compete.

right from the beginning they have been coached with the same technique and training methods that the men have been using, meaning there was no learning curve only athletic ability. Nobody male or female knows how to vault from birth, I can promise you that. But they all have the same coaching and opportunity


from the 50's through the 80's there was a steep learning curve for the men, that is why you have seen such a large rise in heights, every time they switched pole types they had to adapt to a new technique.


The gap between men and women in the vault has been about the same and has remained the same "four feet" for college and elite vaulters three feet for high schoolers, meaning, men continue to mature and increase the gender gap.


Every year across the world there at at least 500 men that can vault over sixteen feet, which is where the top female usually sits +- a couple inches

and there are more female pole vaulters than men pole vaulters, which is a great thing for the sport.

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@skidawg that is CRAP! I am darn good looking! My biggest disadvantage is my goofy friends and the fact that I'm even shorter than @twhisper. To make things worse Terry's Knuckles drag on the ground and I have T-Rex arms.
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  • Baller

Equality of opportunity whereby someone is not denied a chance at participation in anything do to the color of their skin, sex, religion, etc..is something worthwhile to strive for. Equality of outcome on the other hand, which i think a lot of you are rightfully railing against, promotes that regardless of how much you do, everyone gets the same piece of pie.

A biological male who has converted to female still has a clear opportunity advantage if competing against true females. It would be akin to me going for a job interview only to find they hired the boss’ daughter instead. This has nothing to do with the merits or compassion or understanding of the transgender person, but everything to do with logic and reasoning.

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@skidawg Twhisper is awsome just imagine if he was 6*2, I don,t know if you could compare but Jason Paredes could have gone a lot further if he was taller I am sure.

Tennis, if you are not a Giant then forget it.

So are competition Categories going to include Genda / Height / Age , where would it end, in the future, turning up at a competition could be similar to walking into a Star Wars Bar, Imagine bumping into someone with long curly hair who says he water skis.

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  • Baller

Mental acuity let's play equal...but with some male/female tendencies that don't ALWAYS play to stereotype.

Physically in the sporting world not even close for many sports. This doesn't mean pinpoint accuracy stuff like shooting where it's all apples. Watch mens and womens basketball sometime. It's not a fair comparison.

I think we can say Serena is the greatest of all time in the women's tennis game(if not then very close so humor me)...if she played mens tennis she gets smoked daily by the male pro's (not just the highly ranked players) and probably the male collegiate players.

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  • Baller
When a transgender guy has his first period, then he/she can compete as a woman. c'mon, we were born male or female, plumbing works one way. Just because medical science can whack stuff off or sew it on, doesn't change the facts. Society has gone brain dead!
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