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outboard boat options?


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okay it's bizarre but the other night I had a dream that I walked into a boat dealer and there was the most beautiful outboard ProStar hanging from the roof like you'd see a model airplane hanging from the roof of a hobby shop. so yes I do actually dream about water skiing and ProStars :-)


Here on BallOfSpray most of the conversation is about hardcore tournament boats made by the three big manufacturers. For non-tournament skiing in saltwater what are the other options?

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@BrennanKMN as of last year you were right.


But J-Craft made a come back last year at the Toronto Boat Show ( 4 weeks away now) and sold out. Almost no real style change but some minor improvements from what i was told. They look amazing and as most of us know; are super fun to drive and be behind.


Also; It's not a prostar but MC does offer a outboard option on the NXT 20 i believe; or atleast they did/. A gentleman on our lake has one ( i think its 2017)



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There's a family on my lake up north that has this boat 17'6" Dyna Ski OB. They ski the snot out of it, the thing is always running and pulling slalom free-skiers. I've always admired how flat the boat drives and corners, zero bow rise ever. The boat attitude really stands out as just totally flat and composed, you can tell from a mile away that it's something different. Wake looks great, too.
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We skied behind a Barefoot Sanger with an outboard many moons ago in a college tourney. I thought it was good boat to ski behind for slalom and jump. IIRC, some of the driver's bitched about the stiff outboard throttle and tracking compared to an inboard but that's the boat I'd get for those 2 events if the requirement was an outboard.
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The Glastron 180 (I share a yr 2000 with my BIL) is a passable compromise, and better than a fleet of i/o’s but not as good as some of the older flat bottom ski boats.


Back 15 yrs ago when I was hot to buy an outboard, while I never skied behind them for comparison (Flighcraft, MC, Sanger, Centurion) the research and consensus seemed to be the early ‘87-90 MC Prostar 200 had the best slalom wake of all these outboard ski boats. Flat, no-deadrise hull was the key. Ton of floor space without the doghouse. The 91 and later Barefoot 200 had a narrow little V in the hull (and giant trunk for gear behind the back seat.) crisper wake for BF. A little faster, but not quite as good for slalom.


Some day a Baller in northern Wisconsin will connect with Dynaski for a demo and let us know how they ski.

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In the used market the Flightcraft (later Malibu), the Sanger, the Centurions (Barefoot Warrior and Falcon Barefoot), the MC Barefoot 200 all did well as very versatile family/ski boats.

The Warrior has a tight interior so less practical. Both the Centurions have wood so they need to have been well cared for to consider. Sanger has wood stringers. The Centurions tracked the best but wake not quite as good as the Flighty, which in turn was not quite as good as the Sanger. I never skied a 200.

All are fast/fun to drive and for rec slalom do great, even ok to dabble in the balls I've run into 35 off at 36 on one...my guess is she was a bit of a handful on the helm but the old man was good! They barefoot great, they have TONS of interior space. They DON'T like trick/wakeboard speed. It's hard to get them to decide if they want to plane or sink back in the hole so lots of throttle management unless you have a big crew to weight the boat down then she settles in.

Very practical boats for the non high-end buoy skier...and back in the early 90's I would say the better slalom wake from 15-28 off than the inboards. Smaller wake for kids learning, too.

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@RAWSki I owned one from '91(new) until 2019, now my nephew owns it. It tracked great by outboard standards. Platforms are small but that's true for most of the outboards. Pylon mount sucks we modded ours well. Barefoot wake/speed not quite as good as flighty or sanger. We pulled six, 200 lb footers at 40 with a Yamaha 225 EFI V-max.
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@Brewski love that boat! The Sangers rock, the wake doesn't look natural when you are back there it's so flat. They bank in the corners a little more than the Centurions which corner REALLY flat and with high G's given the big tracking fins. The v-up front helps a little in rough water by comparison for the Sanger, which also tracks nice. We did find that a really good slalom skier would lift the nose just a little with each pull through the wakes. The Flighty would rock a little left to right with the same skier (til he broke the dealers rope---yeah my brother). Falcon Barefoot did neither of those things.


All are cool boats...and that Falcon turned heads everywhere I went. One day getting gas a guy on a Harley ran square into the building while looking at my boat. My nephew has people coming up to him all the time on the river checking it out in Wisconsin.

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@Horton Great topic. There seems to be a huge outboard resurgence in outboard powered boats. But few to none outboard powered ski boats. I'm surprise by the lack of the boat manufactures to respond to the market.

One of the big problems that I faced was the size and weight of the new outboards, when repowering my boat. Back in 1992 a 200hp motor weight was 450lbs and the height of the motor was not a problem. Fastforward to 2015 when I was going to repower, 2-stroke's were 50lbs more and 2 inch's taller. 4-stroke's were over 100lbs and 4 to 5 inch's taller. I settled on 200 Merc, direct injected, smooth idle, no smoke, fuel sipping, monster. A dinosaur now, extinct, Merc does no longer make them. So here I am with a motor that barely clears the rope even with the tall pylon. The reason for the clearance is that on this motor there is a 7th piston that acts as a compressor for the fuel injection. The good news is it all worked out for me. Or I would have to rebuild the old 3 start, smoking, 3-2barrle gas sucking motor from 1992.

I think if a boat manufacture were to design a boat for today's outboards it could be a huge cost savings. And maybe the outboard manufacture's repackage the motor for the repower market. I was lucky in able to keep her going all these years and ski's great, many a inboard guy has skied behind her and could not believe a outboad could ski that good.


Ernie Schlager

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@jordan @bananaron my Dad won a Switzer in a sales competition in 1972. It was 13.5 feet and rated for 115 hp...it came with a 115 Merc. The Merc struggled on hole shot with big slalom skiers on such a short boat, so my Dad put a 140 Evinrude on there with 115 hp stickers. It would run mid 70's chine walking like crazy you had to be able to counter it to keep her mostly level and continue to run hot. Good memories.

When I was a kid, that boat seemed "big". Now I can't imagine something that tiny with a 140 on the back.

Our next Switzer was a SK 175 with a 175 hp Evinrude. More stable! A friend had a 19 footer with a 235 that ran 80 plus. He flipped it. He then got a Baker tunnel that would run 100...flipped that, too. Then he bought a 17 ft Switzer with a 115 and pleasure cruised.

Geez...all the metal flake! I have a pic of our 13 footer wide open...not much more than the motor in the water she was flying!

We eventually got a Centurion Barefoot Warrior, then a Centurion Falcon Barefoot. The only inboards I skied on my way to state titles in slalom were at the tournaments.

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@6balls We went from a 14' Forester needle nose, that was a death machine on water, to an '86 MC. I remember the MC seeming absolutely huge at the time. Now we have another '86 and it takes up basically no space in the garage it's so tiny. Times have changed indeed!


The MC Powerstar is a nice outboard boat, if you can find one. The timing of its release couldn't have been much worse, and was short lived as such.

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@6balls Great story about your dad and the boats you guys had.I know you like the big outboards for skiing however they have lost their popularity over the yrs and I know for the big tournament slalom guys they probably don't work.However for an old guy like me they are actually fantastic for slalom and barefoot.The big problem for me is how to get into the double boot slalom with that boat setup and no platform.....
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One of the cool things about the etec engines is that they have a winterize mode that enriches the gas/oil mix to coat the intake and cylinders. Since outboards drain the water out by gravity, that's all there is and you are all done in a few minutes.


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@Spineofgoo yes they have tracking fins. I have owned two, great boats. Slalom wake is at least as good or better than the new prostar at every speed. Not sure at ultra short lengths but they were used at the biggest water ski tournament in the world for many years up until about 2001. Stejcraft pro skier
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