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Covid 19 - USA WS Membership poll


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  • Baller
Only reason I didn't reup is that I got a shoulder injury early in the year that made tournaments and coaching unlikely at best for the year. Money is tighter so it was an easy decision. I'll become a member again in the future.
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  • Baller
One of my Xmas present last year was a membership. At that time we had no idea the world would change as it did. It has been my first year competing, a little delay but have been to three so far. A little nerve-racking but fun, guess it helps to run two more balls each tournament right up to one ball shy of my practice PB
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  • Administrators
For those of you who did not renew.... If you will ski tournaments next year supporting USAWS / AWSA this year helps the organization stay healthy for the future.
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  • Baller
If tournament season were to have been fully cancelled, I would not have renewed. My membership renews in June, so I was on the fence until it was clear that tournaments were going to happen in my state. Adding to what @Drago said above... We were a family membership (family of 3 (only child)). New rates made it more affordable to register as 3 separate individuals. Now, USAWS has to send all physical mail 3x to our house. SMH.
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  • Baller
The single most effective way to support organized waterskiing is to join USA-WSWS. Membership overall is down approximately 25% but the 3-event sport division is doing much better. Either way anyone who previously was a member or was thinking about becoming a member, renewing or signing up today is a definite demonstration of your support.
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