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New Cypress Gardens Ski - sneak peak


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  • Baller
We drove through Cypress on spring break and started talking about skiing, ski development, the success of Denali, etc. I guess the success of the Adams was part of the reason they decided to proceed. I didn’t get to ski, but the test skier I saw looked smoooooooth.
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@VermontSkier on the prototypes I have ridden I could change the number of open tail vents. I think most skiers will use all 6 vents for maximum lift. Please note this only changes the ON SIDE turn.
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  • Baller
The Air Force is currently working on eliminating ailerons on B-2 stealth aircraft and replacing them with air ports, which vent air in a similar fashion, to get the aircraft to turn. This concept applied to a slalom ski has legs
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  • Baller
Cypress Gardens is about an hour from my home. So a couple people that I ski with have them. A right and a left similar to Hortons. Too small for me to try but it looked unreal the tail came around and the ski went back to the handle smoothly. Can’t wait.
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  • Baller
Don’t change the title. That way you might be on the start dock at a tournament some day, and as you put on your ski, you hear someone mention that they heard about a new Cypress Gardens slalom ski with wind tunnels. Then you might hear the dock starter begin a discussion about how that would change the necessary surface area. You will laugh to yourself, the tournament stress will be gone, and then you will PB.
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  • Supporting Member

Note for the future: if you post calling out the joke, you ruin it for thousands of others!!


Horton actually altered (or maybe asked folks to alter) numerous posts that tried to end the fun.


So try to remember for next year: either play along or just stay silent.

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  • Baller_

What? It was fake? Boy, was I fooled.


I haven't felt this gullible since the last time I was rickrolled.


(Imagine the above is said with a very, very believable tone of incredulity.)

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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@Than_Bogan is 100% right. So many of you knuckleheads immediately called out April Fools. I modified most of the posts, deleted others and even blocked some of the accounts because you guys were ruinning the joke.
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well to be fair, I knew exactly what was going to happen and planned for it. if I'm going to go to the trouble create an April fool's prank there's no way I'm going to let it get completely ruined 10 minutes after I publish it. so the choice is mine to let you guys ruin my joke or to modify the posts of all of you who don't have the self-control to play along.
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