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2021 is my last year of USAWS


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  • Baller

"I’m not even going to take the time to watch the video they sent that explains why we need to do the training.".....Wow!

Think beyond yourself. It is a real problem, and the organizations are doing their best to develop awareness and prevent life altering events for young athletes. As a physician that has taken care of professional teams, including national teams, I take this every year, and although annoying, I don't complain. It is unfortunate that this is being discussed on this form with such controversial political comments in certain posts, as I am a new member and find it disheartening. Oh well.


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  • Baller_

I refuse to live in Wokeastan. You can’t have an organization be blackmailed into spending this kind of money. It’s not like I don’t have the time to sit down and do the training.

I have until 2022, which means that next spring I can’t take part in any events. My renewal is due in Sep of 22. I’m sure it’s a very small number but the organization will loose mine and others support. Just a drop in the bucket for them and I’m sure they won’t miss me but I will still be skiing daily and saving my money. I know I can find something else to do with my weekends and my money.


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  • Baller

I used to prosecute child abuse and child molestation cases. The notion that making skiers watch some one hour video is going to have any meaningful positive impact is ridiculous.


Now, on the other hand, education and training for children to understand what is and isn't appropriate and to know that they have many around who will support any report they make does help greatly. Most every school system in this country once had such programs. Well, until recently...now we have transvestite reading hour, the distribution of condoms to fifth graders and the general sexualization of children in school.


Another thing that it helpful to children is to have parents who watch them like hawks and who, by their actions, let all know that should harm come to their child, all hell will break loose. That is not to say that those children are 100% safe from such conduct, but it sure betters the odds.




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  • Baller

@LoopSki yes - it is very sad that we have to teach people how not to be the perv, that there is a perv in the room.


But the saddest part of all;


We now need to lecture people that the perv in the room is indeed a problem and that it is not just people getting their panties in a bunch and that people who now being awakened to the problem or are "woke" are in some way shape or form incorrect for addressing the issues?


Literally this is a whole 7 pages of people discussing how its wrong for a governing body that has had its face rubbed in the dog shit for the last 4 years about ignoring child molestation now having its face rubbed in the dog shit again for doing something about it. Dumbest talking point on earth is that somehow being aware of the world we live in and doing something about it is being "woke"


Its an hour of time and do it and move on.


I've had longer safety meetings at a go kart track for a bachelors party.

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  • Baller
@ktm300 you forgot to mention we also now have Instagram, wildly popular with both young and very young people and owned by that sanctimonious and self-righteous pig, Mark Zuckerberg. When you refer to the sexualization of school children, a quick scroll through Instagram "Reels" will confirm any decent person's worst fears. The vast majority of the content appears to be little more than porn actress auditions for underage or barely legal age girls, often gyrating in an overtly sexual manner to blatantly pornographic rap lyrics, flashing their butts, breasts, underwear, or mimicking oral sex and various sex acts. What a sorry state society has decayed into.
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  • Baller
@BraceMaker actually I believe it was a post on BOS pointing to a ski video clip on Instagram Reels that I followed, unless it was on a FB water ski forum. Either way, I had no idea what Reels was or that it even existed prior, much less the predominant content. I don’t use Instagram. It’s not my cup of tea, frankly.
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  • Baller_



A few years back a Mr. Jeff Clark warned us at many meetings and many times that unless AWSA increased its membership it would be by the Bylaws of USAWS/AWSA run by others , other then AWSA..!


One thing that got by me with his warnings was that our sport/lifestyle would be over seen by the government and its beuracrats!

Call it wokness call it what you want but bottom line we as a Sport/lifestyle have allowed the government into our world..


Right now USAWS/AWSA can not sustain financial day to day buisnes without the $300k that is granted, donated,sponsored again what ever you want to call it from government backed enities.

Want their money you have to play by their rules.


Word on the street is that a new direction for this organization is to have it run by a professional management company??


Photo? You ask..

Cost wise to participate out in the big blue is a fraction compared to participating in today's water ski sport lifestyle.




And the surf wake is incredible on the white one!





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  • Baller

I've taken the safe sport training for another sport, soccer. I'll gladly take it again in '22 to be USAWS compliant. While not every minute is groundbreaking, it is eye-opening, and I found it not be a waste of time, especially knowing that many others would be on the same page.


I've counted 2 people in this thread who have taken in and found it to be unproductive. Many more in this thread have taken in and at least report some benefit. But the plurality in this thread appear to be folks who liken this requirement to "wokeness" (even though safe sport training was created well-before that was even a term), and justification for cancelling USAWS. To my occasionally-flawed way of thinking, that reaction smacks more of a childish temper tantrum than reasoned, presumably well-intentioned adult, who is merely being asked to spend an hour to hopefully contribute to the collective goal of reducing if not (hopefully) eradicating predatorial behavior stemming from a sport you love.


Those opinions would have far more weight if they they took the course, and concluded it was as misguided and pointless as they allege. Seems a strange hill to die on, even if folks are right that they've given more than received from USAWS. Personally, I'm willing to accept that USAWS does a lot more than provide a site and ranking list, and trust that the decision-makers make decisions to the best of their ability. If they have determined that safe sport compliance is integral to USAWS relationships, and, much more importantly, can help membership be (more) aware of the potential for problems that can arise from or at events that are very unique in terms of attire and age diversity, then I'm willing to trust them, send my money in, and comply.


Maybe I'm a sheep, but maybe some opinions expressed herein are deserving of some more reflection?

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  • Baller


"reaction smacks more of a childish temper tantrum than reasoned, presumably well-intentioned adult"


"help membership be (more) aware of the potential for problems that can arise from or at events that are very unique in terms of attire and age diversity, then I'm willing to trust them, send my money in, and comply."


Yes, and yes!!!! Thank you for a clear head in all this.... I'll add ....sex diversity, along with age diversity and attire.

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  • Baller

I think what you all are missing is that the safe-sport training is really not the issue, it is merely another addition to the myriad of issues or concerns which ultimately culminates into the main issue which is




Ease, adaptation, and progressive behaviour does not exist in a bureaucracy


It's just stifling



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  • Baller

I did my "safety" training to be a safety official despite being a physician who is the director of hospital emergency services and the trauma program. That wasn't for me, it was so tournaments could run if they didn't have someone "trained" as a safety official.


I guess it comes down to how badly anyone still wants to ski tourneys and objection on principle not time.

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  • Baller

jayski, with all due respect, a one hour video to educate on the subject issue is the definition of "ease" of "adaptation", and, like it or not, "progress" was demonstrably needed in sports. The request and implementation from USAWS was as anti-bureaucratic as it could be. The video is simple, yet worthy of everyone's time, USAWS member or not, in my opinion. I griped when I got told I had to take it, and justified my position the same way many in this thread do (I already do enough, I already spend enough, this doesn't apply to me or my team, I'll recognize the signs if I see it, I don't need to be told how to be perceptive, I don't need this organization, they should be glad they even have my time and money, etc. etc.). After I did it, I was glad I did it. And even more importantly, was glad our entire soccer club's coaching staff did too, as there were times I couldn't hover with just my kids and team.


There is not a better, more self-less group of people than those involved in organized waterskiing. I've been around a lot of competitive sports and I firmly believe that. That was the case 25 years ago, and I've been reminded of that during my re-entry into competitive skiing through my kids recently. But, it is unexpected that people who have done so much (and gotten much) for decades, choose this as a reason to quit an organization that through thick and thin continues to strive to do its best, arguably now more than ever. It's not the 1980s anymore. Issues are different. People with decision-making authority, who were voted upon, have decided that it's important that USAWS members be aware that these situations are not kidnappings, and there are things to look out for. Of ALL the issues that I would have thought we can ALL agree is that prevention of an inappropriate relationship deriving from a waterski related event should be paramount to all of us. I find it sad that that's not the case.


Y'all with contrary opinions can quit, gripe, whatever makes you feel better. Maybe you're even right that this is the last straw for bureaucracy run amok in USAWS. I have no beef with a one hour sacrifice to be on the right side of awareness on this issue, and don't mind saying publicly that it's deserving of your time, whether you're fed up with sanctioning, insurance, rules, or not.

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  • Baller_



Yea you are spot on. I remember the level 10 mandate and in the national meeting the ones that wanted to ramrod it through and discount the petition were the loudest and most angry and demeaning. Many are the same ones right on this page telling those that have reservations or discontent against the latest safe sport mandate as childish. That's all they have is calling folks names for their rebuttal.

Then again these are the same elitist that really only want their kind in the sport.

My wife won't subscribe to the latest mandate, she runs a large county library system and continues with her CE training that includes many social programs and education through HR.

My Daughter a DPT at a critical care facility also has reservations her husband a ortho trauma surgical PA also not really interested. Stephen says he's been run over to many times by the powers to be at USAWS/AWSA over the years this mandate just something else to run off a 15 time national champion.


If nearly 40% of current AWSA membership do not return for 2022 that would bring the membership number well down close to 4000.



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  • Baller_
@Jody_Seal agree. They can create the world that they want to live in and I can choose weather I want to support it. Not sure why that is childish. My support and time will be spent in the world I choose to live in not one created by outside influence that I don’t agree with. They made the bad decisions and can deal with it
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  • Baller


This thread isn't about any other past proposal, bureaucracy, or frustrations. It's about a one hour video to help recognize and prevent situations that "could" help protect our most vulnerable. I'm surprised that it's endured 8 pages, let alone 2.

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  • Baller

Went thru SS when I coached hockey. There were some things that were eye opening and while it wasn't the most fun thing to do in the world I understood why they were doing it.


Perhaps the problem isn't that people are required to do SS training. It's that when someone breaks those SS rules and does something very bad they aren't enforced to the extent that they should be. Seems like as much of a CYA thing as anything else.

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  • Baller
Here is a thought how about safe sport putting out a video the kids have to watch that shows them what is appropriate and what is not. How about the parents actually doing there job of parenting and protecting there kids. Why does SS have to train the membership that either don’t have kids in the sport or have adult kids skiing?
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  • Baller
So where's the training video for young girls and women and their parents about hanging their ass out in t-backs for all to see at a water ski function. Women call it empowerment. I call it sexual teasing. Our culture is upside down.
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  • Baller

@The_MS would you do a WDU course, so that you could continue to Drive your car.


The Safe Sport course, is no different if you want to continue to do what you love to do.

Or are you looking for a excuse to no longer do what you love to do ?


As we get older, Nobody likes change.

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  • Baller

I did mine while sitting at the beach. It seemed like it may have taken 90 minutes or more, not sure. Basically it was all common sense. I do agree that the group we are trying to protect should take some sort of course for protection and education.

On another topic. Don’t get my wife started on what these girls are wearing as bathing suits! This year it seems like it’s a competition to see how little they can wear. Kind of funny that the 3 top skiers ( Regina, Jamie, Erica ) all wear some sort of board shorts.

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  • Baller

As some have mentioned, this isn't really AWSA making this mandate. It's USOC and our desire to be a part of that organization. This goes WAY back to when "we" wanted to be included as an Olympic event. Now, however it's $$$.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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  • Baller

@ETskier sometimes it helps to take a point to its logical ends to determine what the problems are with the arguement.


@Than_Bogan did a good job - if they were naked they still are not meat.


So lets take your point to its conclusion. Should they wear Burqas to discourage people from behaving inappropriately? Where on the clothing spectrum should they be to not sexually frustrate you at a waterski tournament?


Many of the referenced volleyball players have complained, indeed the Norwegian handball team got fined for wearing shorts.


whats culturally screwed up is that for some reason people here agree with your comment? 15 year old you wants to kick your butt.

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  • Baller_

It’s pretty obvious that most here don’t get my point.

You want to take the course, fine. I don’t need to be told how to spot some perv making his next move. It’s common sense. But I guess people younger then me were taught different growing up.

I have time to take the course but what’s next? DNA samples from everyone? What’s next after that? I commend the leaders of safe sport for a great money making idea and the ability to lobby organizations into sending money their way. Lobbying is a skill. If a lobbyist has their mouth open, they are lying.


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  • Baller

@The_MS You're right, all common sense. But few who have actually taken the course have said "nothing new, I know all that". Most have said they learned something or it put it in a different perspective. No harm education really.


Here's another perspective, do you know what do to do if you spot something that causes you concern? Any idea of what the "safesport" process or recommended procedure is? You might not agree with it but it might be good to know.


@LeonL and others, it is a layer of protection that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether we want to be part of the USOC (or if it's financially beneficial) or whatever, the world we live in will REQUIRE USAWSWS (or AWSA or any other organization) to have insurance to protect that organization against a very real threat. That insurance is IMPOSSIBLE to get without various processes and systems in place to mitigate the risks. Even if it's not impossible, it would be far FAR more expensive.


So we can ditch the USOC system and develop our own. A group can split off USAWSWS and organize separately but eventually it will be part of a business decision on how to properly manage the risks associated with operating. SafeSport is complete, simple and free. It completely satisfies the requirements and recommendations our or insurance carriers. The way it operates, any investigation is handled outside USAWSWS and completely independent further protecting the organization. So lots of positives.


As an officer of the organization we have a duty to make business decisions that protect that organization as well. I believe it would be bad decision to try and 1) manage it ourselves (no SafeSport or other program); 2) reasonably expect our insurance carriers to accept a "not a problem here, we don't need it" approach; or 3) recommend we go it alone without insurance.


So, CYA? Perhaps. Options? Not many and few that make as much sense.

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  • Baller

@Jody_Seal Man its just not.


If you've met any absolutely any of these kids who got SODOMIZED by their coaching staff you wouldn't dare say this to their fathers faces.


I'm sorry but this isn't sheeple being led down some financial ruse and trying to pass it off as that is just frankly just crap.


Does it cost money sure. Waterski is an elite expensive sport. My neighbors kid shoots air pistol and the dad sends them to colorado springs to shoot. And they need to do it too. And his kid is wearing 30 pounds of leather probably because people complained about her bikini.

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